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Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. GENERAL INFORMATION 10 500 undergraduate students 500 postgraduate students 600 lecturers (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistances) 8 Faculties: Optical Information Systems and Technologies
Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
GENERAL INFORMATION 10 500 undergraduate students 500 postgraduate students 600 lecturers (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistances) 8 Faculties: Optical Information Systems and Technologies Photonics and Optoinformatics Physical Engineering Computer Technologies and Control Systems Computer Science and Software Engineering Fine Mechanics and Technology Natural Sciences Humanities 52 Departments
Participation in World Finals of International Collegiate Contest Every year our university programming team takes part in ACM Programming Contest and wins prize places Meeting of winners with President Putin V. V.
Faculty of Photonics & Optoinformatics Dean of the faculty Scientific advisor of SPIE student chapter Dr. of Phys.-Math. Science Professor Sergei A. Kozlov
Directions of Education • Optical Telecommunication • Holographic Recording • Optical Computing & Information Processing • Computational Intelligence Students work with optical processor “vector-matrix multiplier” of commercialized state-of-the-art complex “Optoinformatics”
University ITMO SPIE Student Chapter was established by the students interested in the deep study of optics, that got results in science, publish their works in international magazines, and participate in international conferences worldwide. We plan to make our chapter as a structure that would provide the study assistance, widen the relations of our students with scientists worldwide. On our site: http://ysa.ifmo.ru/spie presents following information about University ITMO SPIE student chapter : Annual reports Photo stories Conferences Our results Our personal web-pages Useful links
Chapter President: Paul Petroshenko Chapter Adviser: Sergei A. Kozlov, Chapter Treasurer: Natalya Yastrebova Vice President: Ravil Zakirov
Directions of Research analytical study and numerical modeling of the femtosecond supercontinuum generation; analytical study and numerical modeling of a few-cycle pulses propagation and reflection; investigation of few-cycle pulses collision in waveguides and possibilities of received effects' use in ultrafast optoinformatics; propagation of light along rows of nanospheres and nanocylinders; investigation of structures of permitted and forbidden zones in periodical system of intensifying an isotropic layers; modeling of nanotubes growth; holographic technologies for artificial intelligence creation.
In 2004 our members received some grants and awards: SPIE grants: • P.A. Belov: SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering 2004; • Yu.A. Shpolyansky: SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering 2004; • P.A. Petroshenko: SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering 2004; • N.V. Yastrebova: SPIE travel grant for SPIE Annual Meeting, Denver, USA (02.08-06.08.2004). • Yastrebova N.: SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering 2005; • Yankovskaya E.: SPIE Travel Grant 2005.
N.S. Makarov: Grant of Saint-Petersburg City Administration for students, aspirants and young specialists-2004,Grant of fund for noncommercial researches "Dynasty"; P.A. Belov: Denis Gabor medal for the best work on theoretical optics; A.S. Zakharov: Travel grant for NATO ASI in Biophotonics, Ottawa, Canada (29.09-09.10.2004); N.V. Yastrebova: Grant of fund for noncommercial researches "Dynasty", Scholarship of President of Russian Federation. Petroshenko P.: Soros student - 2005. Shpolyansky Yu.: Grant of fund for noncommercial researches "Dynasty" 2005 Others:
Scientific researches of laboratory colleagues and their graduate and postgraduate students are supported by: • Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), • Russian education Ministry funds ("Natural science",Instrument-making", "Radiophysics"), • Program "Universities of Russia- fundamental researches", • International programs US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), • International Association INTAS, • International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), • Optical Society of America (OSA), • International Soros Science Educational Program (ISSEP).
2001 President of the International Society for Optical Engineering – SPIE – Richard B. Hoover, Head of the astrobiological group at cosmos-research laboratory of NASA Marshall Space Center and executive director of SPIE – Eugene Arthurs came at our University at June 2001 First row from the right to the left: Rector SPb SU ITMO Vladimir Nikolaevich Vasilyev, SPIE President Richard B. Hoover, Mrs. Arthurs, SPIE Executive Director Eugene Arthurs, Head of the SPIE Chapter at Russia Edmund Ivanovich Akopov.
President of the Optical Society of America – OSA – professor of the Arizona University – Richard C. Powell – came at the University at the end of August First row from the left to the right: Professor S.A. Kozlov, OSA President Richard C. Powell, students of SPb SU ITMO
2002Meeting of SPIE Student Chapters of University ITMO and M.V. LomonosovMoscow State University (MSU)within the frameworks of the Scientific School for Young Scientists"Optics-2002" (Russia, Saint-Petersburg, October 14 –17), which was part of the International Optical Congress "Optics-XXI"
Tea-drinking From left to right:: Sergey Kozlov, Olga Kosareva (MSU Chapter Advisor), Victor Bespalov Reports: Ilya Lacko (MSU) – left; Oleg Bogumirsky (ITMO) – right.
2003Meeting of SPIE Student Chapters from the Eastern EuropeatUniversity ITMOwithin the frameworksof III International Conference or Students, Young Scientists and Engineers Optics’2003”
2004Meeting of SPIE Student Chapters from University ITMO, M.V. LomonosovMoscow State University and Saratov State University within the frameworks of International Conference “Fundamental Problems of Optics”
Scientific advisors of SPIE Student Chapters: prof. S.A. Kozlov (ITMO), prof. Kandidov (MSU) Presidents of SPIE Student Chapters: V. Militsin (MSU), P. Petroshenko (ITMO)
2005 We invite you on IV SPIE Student Chapters Meeting 17-20 October, Saint-Petersburg, Russia Saint-Petersburg State University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (University ITMO), Meeting is sponsored and supported by: • Ministry of Education of Russia; • Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR); • The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Chairs: P.A. Petroshenko (University ITMO), V.O.Militsin (MSU); Scientific Secretary: N.V.Yastrebova (University ITMO). Information about past SPIE Student Chapters Meetings is available at:http://www.ifmo.ru/meetings If you will have any questions, please contact us: Paul Petroshenko chloory@mail.ru; Natalya Yastrebova nat_yastrebova@mail.ru
The program of the SPIE Student Chapters Meeting: • Getting acquainted with each other; • Making presentations and reports on the activities of the SPIE Student Chapters; • Making scientific oral or poster reports at the seminar. All the accepted papers will be published. • Meeting with the most active SPIE student Chapters representatives and discussion of futureevents provided by SPIE and the Chapters; • Establishing the cooperation with the other SPIE Student Chapters; • Having a wonderfull time at Saint-Petersburg ;) English will be the official language of the Meeting.
You are always welcome!