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SPIE Student Chapter of Saint-Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University). My oral presentation at SPIE 45 th Annual Meeting. Our Association of Young Scientists “Optics – XXI century” arrived in Minsk, Belarus, to take part in conference ICONO-2001.
SPIE Student Chapter of Saint-Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)
Our Association of Young Scientists “Optics – XXI century” arrived in Minsk, Belarus, to take part in conference ICONO-2001
Alex O. Ukrainsky (left) receives 2001 OSA New Focus Student Award from Dr. Murray Reed (of New Focus Inc.) at a special section of OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2001, Long Beach, CA, USA, 14 – 18 October 2001
Yuri A. Shpolyanskiy (right) receives 2001 OSA New Focus Student Award from Dr. Murray Reed (of New Focus Inc.) at a special section of OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2001, Long Beach, CA, USA, 14 – 18 October 2001
Dmitry Smirnov and Satoshi Kawata at Photonics Prague 2002
SPIE delegation visited our University and listened reports of out students
The visit of 2001 SPIE President Dr. Richard Hoover (fourth from the left) and SPIE Executive Director Dr. Eugene Arthurs (seventh from the left) to IFMO, June 2001. IFMO President Prof. Vladimir N. Vasiliev is the first from the left. The President of SPIE Russian Chapter Dr. Edmund I. Akopov is the second from the left. Prof Sergei A. Kozlov (the third from the right), Dr. Victor G. Bespalov (the first from the right) and students of SPIE Student Chapter.
Our scientific advisers Dr. Bespalov and Prof. Kozlov in San-Jose, Photonics West - 2002
The Second Young Scientists' School «Optics-2002» Saint Petersburg, Russia, 14 - 17 October, 2002.Abstract and summary submission deadline - 15 September 2002. The Second Young Scientists School for Optics'2002 continues the tradition of regular meetings of opticians under 35 which commenced in Leningrad in 1956 and were renewed in St.-Petersburg in 1999. The program of the Scientific School includes lectures of leading scientists on basic and applied optical science. The main topic of the School in 2002 is «Optical technologies in computing». Lectures will be given on physical fundamentals, technical aspects and development perspectives of optical technologies in information transmission systems, systems of processing and storing and of optical calculation. Participants of the School will be able to carry out some experiments in laboratory on modern femtosecond laser complex.