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David Leeder Middle School. Secondary School Information . Where should YOU go ?.
David Leeder Middle School Secondary SchoolInformation
Where should YOU go ? Most of our students will be heading to their home school for this area; Mississauga Secondary School. Peel has recognized that in order to address multiple intelligences, some students need different stimuli and experiences to ensure that they are successful. Subsequently, programs have been developed for students in the following areas: Arts, Truck and Coach, Flexography, Business and Technology, International Baccalaureate, Mississauga Secondary Schools High Skills Specialist Major ( Health Sciences) Gifted, Sci-Tech Inquiry, ISSP of varying needs, ASD, Vocational/Life skills, and DC programs. For more info, go to www.peelschools.org
Features of O.S.S. • OSS diploma • 30 credits (18 compulsory, 12 optional) • 40 hours Community Involvement • Successful completion of the Grade 10 Test of Reading and Writing
After Secondary School33% will go to university24% will complete their degree19% will go to college11% will leave before completing their program19% will go to work or begin an apprenticeship29% will leave before earning their OSSD
4 English (1 per grade) 3 Math (1 in Gr. 11/12) 2 Science 1 Arts 1 Canadian Geography 1 Canadian History 1/2 Career Studies 1/2 Civics 1 F.S.L. (French) 1 Health and Phys. Ed. 1 credit in one of Arts, Business or H.&P.E. 1 credit in one of Canadian & World Studies, English, Social Science, Third Language 1 credit in Science (Gr. 11/12), or Technological Education, (Gr. 9-12) Compulsory Credit Requirements
40 Hours Community Involvement • Student responsibility, over 4 years • Students encouraged to complete this diploma requirement early • School provides information regarding requirements and procedures • Parental support and monitoring required • More information available at www.peel.edu.on.ca - go to “Student Stuff”
Grade 10 Test of Reading and Writing • Administered in May of Grade 10 • Evaluates reading and writing skills in all subject areas up to end of Gr. 9 • Designed and marked by EQAO • Student result reported as “complete” or “incomplete” • Test may be re-tried or successfully complete Gr. 12 Literacy Course
Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics • Written by students in Grade 9 in Applied and Academic Math courses • Administered towards the end of the course.
Grade 9 and 10 courses • 4 types • Applied • Academic • Open • Locally Developed • Applied and Academic courses in English, Canadian Geography and History, F.S.L., Mathematics, Science
Applied and Academic courses in Grade 9 • set high expectations for all students • both focus on essential concepts of the discipline • prepare students for the Grade 10 Test of Reading and Writing • can lead to either Applied or Academic stream in Grade 10 • Crossover work required
Applied or Academic? • Focus should be on student success in Grade 9 courses! • Consider student learning style, learning strengths and areas for growth. • Differences between courses include emphasis and pace. • Consider the recommendation of elementary school.
Success in Gr. 9 Leads to further success • 98% of students with 16 credits after Gr. 10 will earn an OSSD • success rate drops by 8% for every credit less than 16
Applied or Academic? • Students may take Applied courses in some subjects and Academic courses in other subject areas
Moving from one stream to another in Grade 10 • is possible upon successful completion of the Grade 9 course in one stream • may be recommended by the school • is supported by student completion of crossover materials
Open Courses • offered in all subjects other than those offered as academic or applied • based on expectations suitable for all students • combine theory and application • prepare students for further study in Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses
Students withSpecial Needs Special Education A student who participates in special education programs and services in Grade 8 can continue to do so in high school. As in elementary school, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed and maintained, based on a thorough assessment of the student’s strengths, needs, and interests. A credit granting learning strategies course is usually recommended. (GLE) Remedial Help Students in Grade 8 who are not receiving special education services but need additional help to meet curriculum expectations will continue to receive remedial help in high school. Students in this group should talk to their teacher-adviser about the programs and services offered in the school. Peer tutoring services or a mentoring program may be available, and some schools may offer a course in learning strategies. (GLS)
For more information • Consult the following web-sites • Peel District School Board • www.peelschools.org • www.makingmyway.ca • www.myblueprint.ca • Ministry of Education • www.edu.gov.on.ca • Secondary and post-secondary institutions • Contact Ms. Godlington (ext. 404) or Ms. Trotter (ext.405) or the homeroom teacher.
Why choose Mississauga S. S.? • Achievements • 92% of all students achieved Level 3 or 4 on Gr. 9 EQAO test • 86% of eligible students successful with OSSLT (4% higher than board and provincial results) • 311 students in Gr. 9,10,11 (1 in 4) earned honours standing (80% or higher in 8 courses) • 108 students in Gr. 9.10,11 received special subject awards based on marks above 90% • 92 % of students accepted post-secondary program offers • Range of athletic, leadership, community service opportunities
You now have some very important decisions to make about your future. These decisions should be based on your strengths, weaknesses, your interests and your future goals to lead you along your pathway to success.