Prairie Dog Anayomi Valdez
Physical Description The coat of a prairie dog may be red, brown, gray, or light brown. Their undersides are buff and their tails are black tipped. Their tail length is around 4 inches, but it varies from individual to individual. Prairie dogs have sharp incisors used to clip their food and strong hind legs so that the prairie dog is able to stand upright.
Habitat Food-Prairie dogs eat grasses, roots, and flowers that grow around their town. Water-Prairie dogs get their water from puddles and insects. Shelter-Prairie dogs reside in underground tunnels known as coteries or towns. Space-Prairie dogs need large open areas of grass.
Prairie Dog Babies Number of young at birth: 3to 8, 4 on average Size at birth : 2 ounces Gestation: 28 to 32 days Baby name: pup
The Future The prairie dog is endangered. Endangered means it is facing a very high risk of extinction in thewild. To help the prairie dog we could stop taking their land. Where are prairie dogs found?
Resources www.sandiegozoo.com www.whozoo.org Google images Fort Worth Zoo