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The Virtues of Tah l eel, Tahmeed ,Tasbeeh. A Hadith. Tahleel means to say لا إله إلّا الله Tahmeed means to say الحمد لله Tasbeeh means to say سبحان الله. The Glorious Prophet Muhammad صلّى الله عليه وسلّم said . " Whoever says:
The Virtues of Tahleel, Tahmeed ,Tasbeeh A Hadith www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com
Tahleel means to say لا إله إلّا الله Tahmeed means to sayالحمد لله Tasbeeh means to sayسبحان الله www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com
The GloriousProphet Muhammadصلّى الله عليه وسلّمsaid... www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com
"Whoever says: Lã 'ilãha 'illã 'allãhu wahdahu lã shareeka lahu, lahulmulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa `alã kulli shay'in qadeer لا إله إلّا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد، وهو على كلّ شيء قدير 100 times in a day … * will get the same reward as given for emancipating ten slaves, * one hundred good deeds would be written for him, * one hundred sins would be remitted from him, * it would be a shield for him from the Shaytan that day till night, * and nobody would arrive with better than what he arrived with except for one that had done more than him." (Sahih Bukhari, The Book of Invocations, Hadith No.2086) www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com
Jazakallah Khayr Muqith Mujtaba Ali For Qur’an Resources: www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com For Hadith Resources: www.islamcalling.wordpress.com www.yassarnalquran.wordpress.com