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TOPIC AFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT. Positive vs. negative reasons people come to work. Positive AEC : I come to work to further my career success. What does my org have to do to keep me? C areer mobility + internal locus of control. Negative AEC :
Positive AEC: • I come to work to further my career success. • What does my org have to do to keep me? • Career mobility + internal locus of control
Negative AEC: • I come to work because I need the money. • I have to keep this job, because I don’t know where I’ll get another one as good. • External locus of control
+ AEC: My identity = my career. Resume-building & success focused. Perhaps workaholic. - AEC: My job. Wage & hour worker. Security & probably family-focused.
Portrait of - AEC employee: • Dependable, stable, obedient • Motivated more for the status quo (routine work) than for change • Followers > leaders • Non-complainers
Require little feedback • Prefer to avoid new assignments & pro development • Low expectations for self-fulfillment via work • Cooperative & prefer to be told what to do
Portrait of + AEC employee: • Ambitious, future-focused, resume-conscious • Motivated to “score’ for the org & by career opportunities • Focused on self & networking • Positive feedback-conscious
Self-directed & want to be empowered • Competitive & often leaders • High expectations for personal success & career progress • Professionally reliable
OD #1. JENNA HAVERTY Stewardess, Meridian Airlines
Jenna is a single mother who works 4 days a week as a stewardess for Meridian Airlines while her mother cares for Jenna’s 4-year old daughter. Jenna doesn’t have to work full-time since Meridian’s insurance provides for both of them, and she wants to be home with her daughter as much as possible. She isn’t seeking a promotion (more responsibility).
OD #2. JUSTIN THOMPSON Property manager
With three successful years working for Vanguard Properties, Justin’s future looks bright. His responsibilities have continued to progress to the point that he’s in line to become property manager for the Kansas-Missouri region. His professional motto is “keep your options open.”
Who’s the more valuable employee: Jenna or Justin?