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Priority areas for FAO assistance in Kyrgyzstan. Development of CPF. Kyrgyz Republic. Dinara Rakhmanova Assistant FAO Representative. CPF Development Process – key messages to counterparts.
Priority areas for FAO assistance in Kyrgyzstan Development of CPF Kyrgyz Republic Dinara Rakhmanova Assistant FAO Representative ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process – key messages to counterparts • The Country Programming Framework (CPF) is a tool used by FAO to define the medium-term response to the assistance needs of member countries in accordance with the principles of FAO and in pursuit of national development objectives, MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals. • The Country Programme Framework is co-owned by the Government and FAO and it aims at improving effectiveness of FAO intervention at the country level. It prioritizes FAO activities over the next four years to better support the achievement of the development objectives set by the government. ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • Early 2009 – request from the Government (Ministry of Agriculture) • March-April 2009 - 1st FAO inception mission: • To inform stakeholders about the beginning of the formulation of the CPF and to consult with them on priority areas in the agriculture and rural development sectors. • To identify potential priority areas for possible support in Kyrgyzstan by FAO in close collaboration with stakeholders. • To identify potential partners for a review of the various sub-sectors based on initial indications of priority areas. ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • Priority areas for possible FAO assistance and support to Government efforts identified based on the following consultations and policy documents: • extensive consultations with in-country stakeholders, including the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant Ministries; • the Kyrgyz Republic Country Development Strategy 2007-2011 (and its revised version); • the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2005-2010; • the draft updated Joint Country Support Strategy (JCSS) for 2007-2011; • an assessment of FAO past cooperation; • sub-sector situation analysis studies. ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • The following list of five selected areas is based on an initial list from the Ministry of Agriculture and revised in accordance with extensive stakeholder consultations: • Agricultural and agrarian reform, including development of cooperatives; • Integrated water resource management • Crop diversification, crop yields and land fertility • Livestock development and pasture management • Natural resource (forestry, land) management ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • 2010 - Based on the priorities, local experts developed background analytical papers in all areas of agriculture • December 2010 – Prioritization workshop: • Background papers presented and discussed • Recommendations on which priority areas FAO should focus • Based on new developments, Fishery sector included as an additional new priority ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • 2011 – upon consultations with MoA, international and local stakeholders and partners, based on the Government's request, Food safety included as an additional priority • December 2011 – Validation Workshop. Priority areas: • Agricultural policy assistance; • Development of land markets and cooperatives; • Livestock health and production; • Pest control services and crop diversification; • Forest resource management; • Fisheries management; • Integrated management of land and water resources; and • Food safety. ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • March 2012 – Country Programme Framework for Kyrgyzstan signed between the Government (Ministry of Agriculture) and FAO. ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • Major challenges: • Frequent changes in the Cabinet and top management of the Ministry of Agriculture (8 Ministries since 2009) • Frequent reorganizations in the Ministry (Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing; Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration; Separation of Veterinary services, etc) • CPF not a shopping list (Government priority vs FAO mandate and real capacity) • TOs imposing their plans ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Development Process • Lessons learned: • Ownership of CPF by the Government • Wide involvement of all stakeholders, including various Government Ministries/agencies (especially due to frequents changes and reorganizations), Members Parliament, and non-governmental and civil society sector • Close consultation process with all stakeholders and awareness raising • FAOR leadership (joint efforts with Tos) ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012
CPF Signed. What’s Next? • Implementation • Review and Monitoring • Resources Mobilization ECP Workshop, Ankara , September 2012