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PHYSICAL EDUCATION. 2012-2013. GRADING POLICY: Activity days are worth 10 points Everyone must participate Students who fail to dress out for activity will not earn daily points, but will be allowed to make-up at a later time

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  2. GRADING POLICY: • Activity days are worth 10 points • Everyone must participate • Students who fail to dress out for activity will not earn daily points, but will be allowed to make-up at a later time • Students who are absent will not earn daily points, but will be allowed to make-up at a later time • Students removed from an activity due to behavior problems will receive a non-participation which results in a 10 point deduction • Electronic devices are not allowed in PE class with the exception of OUTDOOR walking for fitness. If it can be seen, it is a 10 point deduction. • Students who fail to participate in daily warm-ups will lose 5 daily points • Students who are not in their assigned area for attendance will lose 1 daily point. This includes students tardy to the locker room.

  3. PE CARD ABBREVIATIONS AB/-10 = absence ND/-10 = non-dress NP/-10 = non-participation LP/-5 = low-participation ED/-10 = electronic device T/-1 = tardy

  4. MAKE-UP POLICY: • Students will be given 1 day from their absence or non-dress to make arrangements with their instructor for all make-ups. Beyond 1 day is too late. • Students who are absent from class will be allowed to make-up their absence. Students can earn all 10 activity points. • Students who have a non-dress will be allowed to make-up their deduction, but can only earn 50% of their activity points per ND. • Students can make arrangements with their instructor to make-up their AB or ND. Arrangements can be made for early bird, after school, during study hall with instructor approval, on their own using the RunKeeperAp on a smart phone, bowling with a print-out of their game, signed log from Fitness World, Anytime Fitness, YMCA, or the Golf course. • Students making up during early bird or their study hall must dress out and join the class. A pass from their instructor is required to enter a PE. • Students making up after school must complete 1 mile for every absence and 1.5 miles for every ND. • Students using the RunKeeperAp must complete a 30 minute workout. • Non-participations may not be made up.

  5. ACTIVITY POLICY: • Students participating in an activity with a cap on the number of students allowed to participate must maintain a passing grade. • Students must participate in a minimum of 2 different activities per quarter • UNIT ASSESSMENT POLICY: • All students will receive a review sheet for their activity at the beginning of each unit. • Teachers will go over rules and procedures prior to all unit assessments. • Unit assessments will not include a review sheet. • SEMESTER EXAM POLICY: • All students are required to take a comprehensive PE final unless they chose to be exempt.


  7. LASTNAME __Smith______, FIRST NAME ______John____ GRADE _11__ HOUR__6__ U 1 Barlow U 2 LawlessU 3 Lira U4 _______ 1ST QUARTER ___B___ U 5 _______ U 6 ________ U 7 ________ U8_______ 2ND QUARTER ______ SEMESTER EXAM _______ 1STSEMESTER GRADE ________ AB = ABSENT/-10pts T = TARDY/-1pt ND = NON-DRESS/-10pts O = MAKE-UP/ NP = NON-PARTICIPATION/-10pts LP = LOW PARTICIPATION/-5pts ED= ELECTRONIC DEVISE/-10pts

  8. PARENT’S NAME ______________________________________________________ HOME PHONE # _________________________ WORK PHONE # _________________________ UNITACTIVITYUNIT GRADECOMMENT 1 WFF 90/90 100% A 2 TENNIS 120/150 80% B- 1 AB, 2 ND 3 SOCCER 99/140 71% C- 2 AB, 2 ND, 1 T 4 5 6 7 8 Do you have any health conditions that would limit your participation in P.E.? Asthma: _____ Heart Condition: _____ Joint or Bone Problems: ______ Injuries: _____ Seizures: _____ Other: _________Allergic to bees______________ STUDENT SIGNATURE:________________________________________________

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