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Physical Education. Lacrosse Physical Education. Long Beach Go Beach. Lacrosse.
Physical Education Lacrosse Physical Education
Lacrosse • Lacrosse is a team sport of Native American origin played using a small rubber ball and a long-handled stick called a crosse or lacrosse stick. It is a contact sport which requires padding such as shoulder pads, gloves, helmets, elbow pads, and sometimes rib guards. The head of the lacrosse stick is strung with loose mesh designed to catch and hold the lacrosse ball and can also be strung with hard mesh.
Lacrosse • There are many different styles like Canadian mesh, rocket pocket and normal mesh. Offensively, the objective of the game is to score by shooting the ball into an opponent's goal, using the lacrosse stick to catch, carry, and pass the ball to do so. Defensively, the objective is to keep the opposing team from scoring and to dispossess them of the ball through the use of stick checking and body contact or positioning. The sport has four major types: men's field lacrosse, women's lacrosse, box lacrosse and intercrosse.
Rule • Rule 1 — The Game, Field & Equipment • The Game - Number of Players • RULE 1 SECTION 1. • Boys youth lacrosse is played by two teams with 10 players per side on the field. However, if a governing league or association deems it necessary or desirable, for example, due to the number of available players or skill level, or if in non-league contests both coaches agree, games can be played with as few as seven (7) per side on the field.
Rule • The Field – Dimensions • RULE 1 SECTION 2. • Play on regulation size field is preferred; however, the coaches and officials may agree to play on any size field available. If a game is played with reduced numbers (e.g. 7 per side) it is recommended that field size be reduced as well.
Rule • Unsportsmanlike Conduct • RULE 5 SECTION 10 • Unsportsmanlike conduct by coaches and/or players will not be tolerated. Obscenities need not be used for language to draw a penalty. Tone, intent, and body language can all contribute to unsportsmanlike conduct. Players and coaches will exhibit the highest level of sportsmanship at all times. This means that in addition to the unsportsmanlike examples contained in NFHS Rule 5-10, any player or coach who uses derogatory or profane language on the field or bench, whether addressing a player, coach, or official may receive: first offense, 1 to 3-minute non-releasable unsportsmanlike conduct penalty; second offense, a 3-minute non-releasable expulsion foul.
Vocabulary • Dodging The act of suddenly shifting direction in order to avoid an opponent. • Cutting A movement by a player without the ball in anticipation of a pass. • Cradle The act of moving the stick from side to side causing the ball to remain in the upper part of the pocket webbing.
Vocabulary • Passing The act of throwing the ball to a teammate with the crosse • Pick-ups The act of scooping a loose ball with a crosse • Shootings The act of throwing the ball at the goal with the crosse in an attempt to score • Feeding Passing the ball to a teammate who is in position for a shot on goal.
Vocabulary • Dodging • Shooting • Cutting • Cradle • Passing • Pick-ups • Feeding
Game • Game will consist of four 10-minute stop-time quarters. In the event of a tie, 4-minute sudden-victory overtime periods will be played until a winner is determined (provided time permits and coaches and officials are in agreement). In sudden victory overtime, each team is entitled to one timeout per period. • U13