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Space motion and Stellar content of GCs with GeMS. GeMS4ELT. Giuliana Fiorentino University of Bologna. PI: A. McConnachie , CoI: P.B. Stetson, P. Turri, D. Anderson(NRC, Canada), G. Bono (University of Rome, Tor Vergata), J.P. Veran (NRC, Canada). Date 26-06-2013, Florence. MAD,
Space motion and Stellar content of GCs with GeMS GeMS4ELT • Giuliana Fiorentino • University of Bologna PI: A. McConnachie, CoI: P.B. Stetson, P. Turri, D. Anderson(NRC, Canada), G. Bono (University of Rome, Tor Vergata), J.P. Veran (NRC, Canada) Date 26-06-2013, Florence
MAD, a successful experiment ≤ R=13.5 mag this limits the sky coverage Pixel scale=0.028”/pixel 2 arcmin Date 09-07-2012, Leiden
MAD in Nature: the case of Terzan 5 Date 09-07-2012, Leiden
Ter 5 host two different populations (confirmed by spectroscopic follow-up): 1)one old (12Gyr) and metal-poor trace the early stage of the bulge formation 2)one young (6Gyr) and metal-rich could contain important information about the metal-enrichment and the dynamical evolution. Terzan 5: a pristine fragment of the galactic bulge Ferraro et al. (2009, Nature) [Fe/H]=-0.2 [Fe/H]=+0.3 d~ 6 Kpc Date 09-07-2012, Leiden
Deep and accurate CMDs are a feasible but not trivial target We need to update software program that can account for a strong PSF variation when NGS do not allow a uniform correction . Normal packages do prefer to work with uniform correction even with low Strehl ratio. (updating for DAOPHOT, Stetson et al 1994, STARFINDER, Diolaiti et al. 2000). Increase the sky coverage (e.g. laser guide stars, other ideas?). Stability of the correction:reproducibility of the images to increase the S/N ratio. Conclusions from MAD
GeMS4ELT Overtaking MAD:GSAOI/GeMS ★GeMS pixel scale is 0.02”/pix --> comparable to MAD, 0.028”/pix. ★ GeMS FOV=83” --> comparable to MAD, camera=60”, FOV corrected 2x2’ ★ GeMS (NGS, R≤15.5mag) has a larger SKY coverage than MAD (NGS, R≤13.5mag) ~ NGC1851 d~12Kpc E(B-V)~0.02 Date 26-06-2013, Florence
GeMS4ELT The Project: Globular Clusters ★PROPER MOTIONS ★ STELLAR POPULATIONS ★ GeMS characterization and comparison with MAD@VLT Date 26-06-2013, Florence
Proper Motions GeMS4ELT HST (1st epoch) -- GeMS (2nd epoch?) • ★ Foreground cleaning using Proper Motions of field and cluster stars. • ★ Systemic Proper motions: measurements of the tangential velocity (~10 km/sec for distances ≤10 Kpc) PM~0.0002”/year over 5-10 years PM=1-2 mas ~ the accuracy on each star -> σ PM/√Nthousand of stars per GGC. • possibility to trace GGCs in space and in time (using cluster ages) providing • a link to their birthplace, thus constraints on the formation scenario of the • Galaxy. • ★ Internal Proper Motions: measure of the radial velocity dispersion profile and/or detection of high velocity stars very close to the center (as in our Galactic Center). • with high accuracy (σ PM~1-2 mas) we could obtain constraints on the • occurrence ofIMBH (M~104Mo) in the center of Globular Clusters. Date 26-06-2013, Florence
Stellar Populations and ages GeMS4ELT NGC3201 as seen by MAD NGC3201 d~5Kpc E(B-V)~0.25-0.30 NGC3201 MAD+SOFI data Independent of Reddening, differential-Reddening and Distance σ(MSK)~σ(MSTO)/2 K (mag) 1) “ad hoc” for NIR-filters 2)Based on a different physics: in low mass star (≤0.4Mo), due to collision-induced absorption of hydrogen molecules classical MSTO new MSK J-K (mag) NIR CMD of NGC3201 as provided by the combination of MAD (red dots) and SOFI (black dots). The blue and purple points highlight the Main Sequence Turn Off (MSTO) and the Main Sequence Knee (MSK) locations. Bono et al. 2010, ApJL Date 26-06-2013, Florence
GeMS4ELT The First Targets They all have exquisite HST (WFPC2-ACS) photometry ID D(Kpc)[Fe/H] E(B-V) σv(km/s) CC AGE(Gyr) ABS_PMs(mas/year) NGC1851 12.1 -1.18 0.02 10.4±0.5 N 10.0 1.28±0.68 2.39±0.65 NGC5904(M5) 7.5 -1.29 0.03 5.5±0.4 N 10.6 5.20±1.70 14.20±1.30 NGC6652 10.0 -0.81 0.09 n.d. N 12.9 n.d. NGC6681(M70) 9.0 -1.62 0.07 5.2±0.5 Y 12.8 n.d. NGC6723 8.7 -1.10 0.05 n.d. Y 13.1 n.d. NGC7078(M15) 10.4 -2.37 0.10 13.5±0.9 Y 12.9 2.40±1.00 8.30±1.00 Systemic Proper motions≤15mas/year with errors ≤ 1mas/year core collapse d≤12Kpc Low reddening Large Metallicity range Velocity Dispersion σv ≤ 13 km/s Date 26-06-2013, Florence
FIRST GSAOI/GeMS results GeMS4ELT NGC1851 effective pixel scale = 0.03”/pixel GeMS DL(K)=0.07” K-band ACS@HST DL(V)=0.05” V-band (a) GeMS/GSAOI Ks image of NGC1851 (one of the four arrays) showing the high quality data obtained during the Science Verification; (b) Magnification of the region highlighted in red; (c) Same region as seen by HST/ACS in F814W filter (Sarajedini et al. 2007). The GSAOI Ks data has a very similar FWHM to the HST optical data and is very uniform across the entire field. Date 26-06-2013, Florence
VERY PRELIMINARY CMD GeMS4ELT ISOCHRONES from Dotter et al. 2007 WEBsite Z=0.001 age=10Gyrs VERY PRELIMINARY: DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR/ALLFRAME for 1 chip (P. Turri, PhD Thesis) Date 26-06-2013, Florence
ACS@HST + GeMS GeMS4ELT chip 3 chip 4 83” chip 1 chip 2 83” 202” 202” V~25 mag ISOCHRONES from Dotter et al. 2007 WEBsite Z=0.001 age=10Gyrs VERY PRELIMINARY: DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR/ALLFRAME for 1 chip (P. Turri, PhD Thesis) Date 26-06-2013, Florence
ACS@HST + GeMS GeMS4ELT Ks~22 mag ISOCHRONES from Dotter et al. 2007 WEBsite Z=0.001 age=10Gyrs VERY PRELIMINARY: DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR/ALLFRAME for 1 chip (P. Turri, PhD Thesis) Date 26-06-2013, Florence
Luminosity Functions GeMS4ELT Texp= 2720s S/N~10 J~ 22.5 mag Texp=1920s S/N~7 K~ 22.5 mag VERY PRELIMINARY: DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR/ALLFRAME for 1 chip (P. Turri, PhD Thesis) Date 26-06-2013, Florence
FWHM maps GeMS4ELT Ks-band DL(Ks)~0.07” J-band DL(J)~0.05” 14 14 12 12 12 12 seeing~0.7-0.8” seeing~1.0” Date 26-06-2013, Florence
SR maps GeMS4ELT 40 K-band <SR>~27% J-band <SR>~10% 35 14 14 30 25 20 12 12 12 12 15 10 5 seeing~0.7-0.8” seeing~1.0” Date 26-06-2013, Florence 0
GeMS4ELT Conclusions GeMS has obtaining very interesting performances!! If the photometric (Ks~22.5 mag with S/N~7) and astrometric (≤1 mas/year) accuracies are exactly what we guess: in the near future you will read a lot about GeMS!! Date 26-06-2013, Florence
Looking for the near and next future....THANKS! Metropolitan Museum of art, NY city Date 26-06-2013, Florence