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The Proof

The Proof. Newspapers reveal their unrivalled ability to increase the numbers of buyers who would ‘definitely consider’ a ford. Ford. The client’s view.

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The Proof

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  1. The Proof Newspapers reveal their unrivalled ability to increase the numbers of buyers who would ‘definitely consider’ a ford

  2. Ford The client’s view Our integrated multi-media campaign was carefully planned to ensure that each channel’s performance was optimised, and the whole campaign delivered successful results for the Ford brand. With highly effective creative executions and newspapers’ ability to affect consumer opinions, we were able to maximise the power of the campaign. Lyn West Advertising and Sponsorship Manager Ford of Britain CrossMedia™ research helped us identify the specific role of newspapers in our communications planning and confirmed their value in ensuring Ford is high on the shortlists of our car purchasers. Brian BissetPrimary Brand Research Manager Ford of Europe

  3. Ford Headline results Ford’s successful multi-media campaign increased all brand measures, with clearly defined benefits from each medium used. The test revealed compelling insight into the impact of newspapers: • Newspapers are the most cost-effective medium for driving consideration • Newspapers had the strongest effect on ‘definitely consider’ Ford, driving 62% of the uplift, although accounting for only 16% of media spend • Newspapers are highly cost efficient at moving the needle on brand measures • Newspapers also contributed strongly to higher levels of recommendation and shifting brand perceptions. Overall, newspapers delivered the biggest effects on core brand measures, at the lowest cost • Newspapers are brilliant for getting information across • Brand campaigns which provide the evidence and benefits that trigger people to purchase work particularly well in newspapers • Multiple executions deliver a multiplier response • The more newspaper executions people saw, the more deeply the campaign communicated. Re-appraisal and call to action also increased • Newspaper digital advertising drives deeper involvement with the brand • Extending the newspaper campaign into digital formats boosted Ford website visits and engagement

  4. Ford Test detail Objective Encourage as many people as possible to put Ford on their shortlist when buying a new car Communications strategy Bring to life Ford’s core principles of offering exceptional technologies & value for money pricing, both as standard.  TV – emotional engagement, high reach and visibility Radio – engagement and information Newspapers – depth of information and call to action Outdoor – impact and on street presence Digital newspapers – drive website traffic (added later, low spend)

  5. Ford Test detail Media Plan 781 GRPs 929 TVRs Pre During/Post During Source: NMR/BARB/NRS

  6. Ford Test detail Research method & sample 2000 adults aged 18-65 who currently hold or applying for a UK driving licence. Open to buying a brand new car Millward Brown’s CrossMedia™ modellinganalysed effectiveness of multi-media campaign, and determined the contribution of each element Detailed media consumption data frequency of exposure to each medium for each respondent compare differing responses when exposed to different media and different OTS how much each medium affects changes in brand measures Digital newspapers excluded from main model as too few cookies in sample, so special digital newspaper analysis using Nielsen UKOM data

  7. Ford The creative work Newspaper creative

  8. Ford The creative work TV creative Outdoor/transport creative Digital newspaper creative

  9. The Findings Brand response

  10. Ford National newspapers are the most powerful medium for driving definite consideration of Ford Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor Share of spend* Share of uplift in “definitely consider” Ford % % *Digital newspapers excluded as reach too low

  11. Ford Newspapers are the lowest cost medium for driving Ford consideration Cost of 1% uplift in Ford consideration £m £4.98 £4.41 £1.33 £0.35 Newspapers Radio Outdoor TV

  12. Ford Newspapers’ impact could not be achieved other media in the campaign What would happen to definite consideration of Ford if newspapers were excluded? Increase in definite consideration of Ford % spend

  13. Ford Newspapers also encourage increased recommendation Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor Share of spend* Share of uplift in “definitely recommend” Ford % % *Digital newspapers excluded as reach too low

  14. Ford Newspapers deliver big effects at low cost TV Newspapers Radio Outdoor Cost efficiency versus uplift Average across Ford awareness, consideration, recommendation and opinion metrics 200 150 Cost of 1% uplift (indexed) 100 50 200 0 50 150 100 Size of uplift (indexed)

  15. Ford Newspapers contribute to improvements in Ford brand perceptions Newspapers TV Radio Outdoor % % Share or uplift Share or spend Brand perception statements – overall effect across 37 image, personality and feelings statements

  16. The Findings Communication response

  17. Ford Newspaper ads are actively engaging Newspaper involvement diagnostics MB UK Norm “Ford Standard”newspaper ads

  18. Ford Newsworthy, strongly-branded newspaper campaign achieves high recognition Any ‘Ford Standard’ newspaper ad Millward Brown print norm (326 ads) Newspaper ad recognition % recognising 41 20

  19. Ford Newspaper ads prompt higher levels of re-appraisal Radio Newspapers TV Advertising measures – Re-appraisal Surprising and gets me to think differently about Ford Top 2 Box %* 63 51 46 *Agree strongly/slightly

  20. Ford Newspaper ads create stronger call to action Radio Newspapers TV Advertising measures – Call to action Gives me a reason to go out and buy a Ford Top 2 Box % 58 42 34

  21. Ford Newspaper ad communication strengthened by multiple executions Communication of newspaper ads % answering strongly suggests 1-2 ads 3-5 ads All 6 ads

  22. Ford Re-appraisal and call to action boosted by multiple newspaper executions 3-5 ads All 6 ads 1-2 ads

  23. The Findings Digital newspapers

  24. Ford Ford website visits and engagement boosted by digital newspapers Increases among exposed versus control (unexposed) matched sample +22.3% +17.4% +12.5% Ford website unique visitors Time spent on Ford website Pages visited on Ford website

  25. The Findings Media learning

  26. Ford Ford’s multi-media campaign builds reach and improves brand metrics TV • Strongest impact on emotional measures • Impact on consideration and recommendation lower than newspapers, and at much higher cost Radio • Highly cost-efficient for building emotionalmeasures • Impact on consideration andrecommendation lower than newspapers,and at higher cost Outdoor • Primarily boosted recommendation Newspapers • Drove majority (62%) of consideration, at lowest cost • Best payback on investment for increasingkey Ford measures % reach Incremental Non TV Reach: 14.2%

  27. Ford Multiple newspaper executions built consideration through the campaign Frequency curve for “definite” consideration

  28. Ford Ford study builds further evidence of newspapers’ effect on consideration Pre-post studies for 18 brands show average increase in consideration more than tripled when people see newspaper advertising as well as TV Pre-post % point increase in consideration Average across 18 brand tests Source: Millward Brown

  29. Ford Ford study build further evidence of newspapers’ effect on consideration Millward Brown CrossMedia™ modelling for E.ON and NESCAFÉ campaigns demonstrate how newspapers are both powerful and cost-effective at raising consideration NESCAFÉ Newspapers accounted for 18% of spend but delivered 31% of increase in considerationE.ON Newspapers accounted for 15% of spend but delivered 32% of increase in customer consideration Cost of 1% uplift in NESCAFÉ consideration £m £5.92 £0.98 £0.37 No effect Newspapers TV Online Outdoor

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