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The Discovery Center brings together international LHC organizations for groundbreaking research in particle physics and cosmology. This presentation highlights the center's themes, progress, and future plans.

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  1. FIRST YEAR OF DISCOVERY Peter Hansen DG presentation

  2. Discovery – firstyear The Discovery center for particle physics is a unique union of groups from two international LHC organizations, ATLAS and ALICE, with a particle theory group and a cosmology group from the PLANCK organization. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  3. Threethemes • New physics Understand the electro-weaksymmetry breakdown. Find ”new physics” , including the source of ”dark matter”. • Quantum Chromo Dynamics Understand precisely the consequences of QCD. Both as background for new physics and in itsown right, including the quark-gluon plasma state of the earlyuniverse. • The earliest of structures Obtain information about the universe at the largest of scales. In all three themes, theory is essential! Peter Hansen DG presentation

  4. Standard Model Proton Almindeligtstof Elektron, e ukvark Foton, γ dkvark Ikke set! Gluon, g Ikkekorrektskala! G h Stofpartikler Kvarker Leptoner μ τ e u c t νe νμ ντ d s b Kraftbærendepartikler γ g W Z A hydrogen atom • This theory is underlying all natural phenomena • Almost all elements are tested with high precision! Still, there are fundamental problems that call for a more comprehensive theory for matter and forces

  5. LHC progress in 2010 • We are now only a factor 3 from the goal for 2011. • The ultimate LHC goal is yet a factor of 1000 in luminosity and a doubling of the energy. • An exiting physics program is offered up to 2030. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  6. New Physics searches • Three 2010 publications lead by Discovery members and many conference notes. • An example: Is the quark itself a composite particle? ? Close collaboration between theory and experiment was essential! The answer is no, not below an energy scale of 3.5 TeV. ( “Search for Quark Contact Interactions in Dijet Angular Distributions in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV Measured with the ATLAS Detector” accepted by Physics Letters B) Peter Hansen DG presentation

  7. Electro-weak physics • First publications on W,Z and top quark production at 7 TeV. Agrees with Standard Model. • Witnesses the great performance of the detector. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  8. Attacking QCD from all sides What we need to calculate: In order to reproduce what we measure: • hard process amplitudes, • incoming parton densities, • underlying event, • transport in quark-gluon matter • hadronization • luminosity Peter Hansen DG presentation

  9. Strong pp interactions @ 7 TeV We have published in 2010 • many experimental surprises in the area of soft QCD: Unexpected number of particles and new phenomena. • remarkable results on new string theory techniques for QCD amplitudes. • The first Neural Net determination of parton densities (based on HERA data. Next year we will add information from the LHC). Peter Hansen DG presentation

  10. The “little big bang” • Successful Pb+Pb run in November/December. • We published observed particle multiplicities weeding out in the forest of predictions: Peter Hansen DG presentation

  11. The “little big bang” • We saw evidence for jet quenching , confirming the existence of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. Example: Peter Hansen DG presentation

  12. PLANCK surveyed the micro-wave sky More than 550 days of observation with unprecedented precision. The angular precision will be even better than anticipated. A very wide band of frequencies, 30-857 GHz, is explored. First analysis will focus on large-scale point sources (galaxy clusters). From 2012 the cosmic contribution to the micro-waves will be released. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  13. Discovery CMB plans for 2011 • Next year we will participate vigorously in the analysis of the sources such as this new super galaxy cluster. Planck will produce a map of 40000 such clusters which contain very interesting information on dark matter. • We have seen a hint of an exiting parity asymmetry in the previous WMAP data. This will be pursued with the cosmological Planck data. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  14. Discovery population Includes non-salaried long term members, and a realistic extrapolation of master students. Assumes only currently approved funding. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  15. Discovery Funding • Primary funding: Danish Foundation for Basic Research • Thanks! • Danish Research Councils: Grant for experiments at CERN • Danish Research Councils: 5 year “Women head of research” to StefaniaXella • Danish Research Councils: Personal grant to Simon Badger • Danish Research Councils: Personal grant to EsbenKlinkby • Lundbeck: 5 year center grant to Troels Petersen • NBIA: 5 year grant to Niels Emil J. Bjerrum-Bohr • KU: Salaries to all the professors + 3 PhD students++ Peter Hansen DG presentation

  16. Hosting guests • The center enables inviting guest researchers. This is extremely beneficial! • In 2010, 29 visitors spent from 6 months to a day at the center. (The most-well-known: Tim Berners-Lee!). • In 2011, a similar number of visitors are planned. • All guests have brought their own salary. Peter Hansen DG presentation

  17. Events • Inauguration and international workshop, January • LHC 7 TeV press event, March • MC4BSM workshop, April • Discovery Spring Meeting, May • Cosmology & astroparticle workshop, June • Copenhagen ATLAS Week, July • Cosmology theory vs exp workshop, August • Big Bang Exhibition, Sept 2010-Jan 2011 • PhD Course on Advanced Simulation Techniques, November • Igor Novikov 75, November. Dines Hansen 70, December. • Discovery internat in Vedbæk, December. Planning for next year. • COMING UP NEXT: Workshop on hadron production in pp and PbPb in March Any many more (see home page) Peter Hansen DG presentation

  18. Outreach and communication • Nice Web page • 4 press releases, all giving television spots etc • Hands-on-CERN, both the international and local events. • Many (like 20) talks at public courses. • Big Bang Exhibition, Experimentarium Sept-Jan • Preceeded by PLANCK exhibition at Frederiksbergs City Hall. • Kulturnat in October at NBI with common Discovery exhibition • Cosmic ray detectors for high-schools advancing. • LATEST: Discovery Annual Report available! Peter Hansen DG presentation

  19. Discovery organization DG Scientific advisory board Board Center leader Guests Research Seminars Outreach Computing Teaching

  20. Open Access GREAT subject, since it waspioneered by particlephysics! • SLAC introducedSPIRES, a database of all (particlephysics) papers. In 1991 thisbecame the first WWW site in the US (due to connectionswith Tim Berners-Lee of CERN). • Also in 1991 Paul GinspargintroducedarXiv.org (sponsored by Cornell). Everybodyuploadtheirpaperthere for anyone to see. With SPIRESyoucanthenseewhere it is published, howmany citations etc. • Finally CERN has a deal withpublishing houses aboutOpen Access to all CERN-relatedlitterature.

  21. Conclusions • The firstyear of the Discovery center has beengreat in terms of scientific output and visibility. • Weforesee an order of magnitude more publicationsnextyear. • Weareseing real effect of synergybetweenourvery diverse approaches to ourcommongoal: A more comprehensivetheory for the physical matter and forces of ouruniverse.

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