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Data acquisition and control system for HEDP experiments on FAIR and GSI.

Data acquisition and control system for HEDP experiments on FAIR and GSI. A. Kantsyrev 1 , D. Varentsov 2 , A. Hug 2 , S. Udrea 2 , L. Shestov 1 , V. Turtikov 1 FAIR Russia Research Centre ( FRRC ) 1 SSC RF Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP)

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Data acquisition and control system for HEDP experiments on FAIR and GSI.

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  1. Data acquisition and control system for HEDP experiments on FAIR and GSI. A. Kantsyrev1, D. Varentsov2, A. Hug2, S. Udrea2, L. Shestov1, V. Turtikov1 FAIR Russia Research Centre (FRRC) 1SSC RFInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) 2Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany Moscow

  2. HEDgeHOB collaboration will construct and run at FAIRtwo main HEDP experiments: HIHEX and LAPLAS LAPLASLaboratory Planetary Sciences HIHEXHeavy Ion Heating and Expansion • hollow (ring-shaped) beam heats a heavy tamper shell • cylindrical implosion and low-entropy compression • uniform quasi-isochoric heating of a large-volume dense target • quasi-isentropic expansion in 1D (plane or cylindrical) geometry • Numerous high-entropy HED states:EOS and transport properties of e.g., non-ideal plasmas, WDM and the critical point regions for various materials • Mbar pressures @ moderate temperatures:ultra-high density HED states, e.g. hydrogen metallization problem, interior of Jupiter, Saturn and Earth WOBLER prototype in ITEP+ Cryogenic target already present GSI (SIS-18) HHT experiments already present

  3. Y X Z WDM experimental setup at GSI HHT Physics package backlightinglaser fast intensifiedCCD camera Ta diaphragm alignment, beam diagnostics, self-emission ionbeam light collection optics(temperature,spectroscopy) targetfoil velocity, pressure ionbeam Package in container interferometers, VISAR pyrometer, streak-spectrometer brasscontainer sapphirewindows streak-camera for shadowgraphy and schlieren 6-axis target manipulatorand target shelves Container on the target table expansion velocity and sample volume alignment, beam diagnostics, sample volume, self-emission target table with contact pins

  4. Data acquisition and control system Data acquisition and control system, for HEDP experiments on FAIR and GSI, consists of a set of hardware–software modules (HSMs), each of which includes one measuring, diagnostic, or actuating device and the relevant program for acquisition or processing of experimental data. The HSM programs reside in several personal computers integrated into a local Ethernet network. Data communication between the HSM programs has been organized via the TCP/IP socket interface.

  5. Data acquisition and control system Basic HSM module +Synchronizing of devices.

  6. Data acquisition and control system Logic scheme of work

  7. Data acquisition and control system Principal schematic of data saving, processing and presenting

  8. Data acquisition and control system Beam shots page

  9. Data acquisition and control system PHP dynamic web pages Active parameters + Images Notes pages Active parameters + beam line elements

  10. Data acquisition and control system Hardware-Software Modules (HSM) for prototype of system for GSI HHT experiments

  11. Data acquisition and control system Connecting of devices using TekVISA/pyVISA The universal TekVISA/pyVISA driver has been selected to organize data communication between the programs and devices with unlike interfaces (RS232, GPIB, USB, and LAN). Using this driver, it is possible to organize data communication with the HSM programs with allowance for the specific command system of the device. The ActiveX component of the TekVISA driver is set up for access to the functions of the TekVISA program in the C, Delphi, Java language.

  12. Data acquisition and control system HSM programs DAQ+ beam control program CCD camera control programs Ptek (tektronix) control program Robot + Streak camera control program Digitizer control program

  13. Data acquisition and control system Main advantages • Scalability of system. The modular structure of system allows to add new elements easily • Possibility to spend processing of experimental data in a mode of real time • Carrying out of completely automated experiment with the description of the plan of experiment • All initial and processed experimental data saving on the server • Use of various programming languages for a writing of programs HSM of modules allows to reduce time of introduction of new elements of system • The system is constructed on the basis of the traditional measuring equipment (oscillographs, CCD camera …) • User friendly WEB interface • Use possibility in additional experiments and stands (Magnet Scanner, PRIOR …)

  14. Thank you for attention…

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