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http://bit.ly/Z2Chzk In life we sometimes get sidetracked. We forget what why we are working so hard to a goal. In this post I take you through some quiet reflection on remembering what's important in life and what the new network marketing school is all about. For more insights on what new network marketing is and isn't, visit my blog at http://KevinKLau.com http://youtu.be/M1AKVrsPPZk
My Challenge - Day 12 New Network Marketing Advice: Always Remember Your WHY
Today is about how new network marketing is structured and how we come across to our audiences.
What I’d really like to emphasize is the fact that being transparent as a leader, and with your team, shows that you’re not a perfect person, but you’re always evolving and changing.
This is something that I have struggled with, and still do. I’ll give you a good example. Today, we tend to think that we always have to come across as a perfect person to our team, and they should never see us at our worst point.
I had a family event going on with my aunt who turned 62 on her birthday. Initially I thought that I didn’t really want to go because I kind of just wanted to relax on a Saturday afternoon.
My Mom really got me thinking - My Aunt is someone that has supported me and all of my business ventures, and has been there for me as long as I can remember. I felt at that moment a bit of shame due to the fact that I was being a bit selfish and not really wanting to celebrate someone who has helped me out through all of my obstacles.
I started to think on how I should come across as a leader, and how I should be grateful for everything I’ve been through and all the support I get. Everyone has really been there for me. It really was a lot of fun at the event. I had some cake, lunch and the chance to connect and see how she’s doing.
Always keep in mind that we’re really doing this to support the ones we care about. We’re not doing this just for the lifestyle, but the chance to have more time for them, and flexibility.
The ability to have better relationships with those that are close to us is really important. This really shows how having a superficial vision of what money can do to you.
You need to focus instead on how you can become a better person. This is what I’m always driving to do. It’s not an easy process; I’m constantly learning. That’s one of the things I really believe is important; read good books, and listen to great audios.
The point of all of this is that as you grow and become more successful in life, whether you decide to have a job, or do it online or in some type of home business, you always want to be a better leader.
How can you develop yourself and grow so that the money you make is congruent with your outside perspective and who you are as a person? Everything should be congruent because when it’s not, you become disconnected.
Have you thought about the people that make millions in the lottery, and are broke a few years later? Their mentality and their thoughts were not congruent with the money they’re making. Maybe this is going a little bit over your head at this point, but really stop and think about it. Maybe read this post a couple times. This is something I’ve had to struggle with and learn myself.
Money is great, but it really comes down to what will that money do for you? What is it that you want to accomplish as your future vision?
At first for me it was always about paying off my college tuition. Once that was done, it was how can I give back to my friends and family, the people who supported me. And I always have to remind myself of it every day, to see if I’m following those core philosophies and my true vision.
Today was kind of a wakeup call because I really had to look inside myself. It’s good that I had this gut check to re-establish who I am and what I want to accomplish.
So hopefully that provides some insights into my own life. I try to be as transparent as possible in order to share these insights with you.