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Building Research Methods Capacity in WHO EMRO Countries: Improving research productivity

Building Research Methods Capacity in WHO EMRO Countries: Improving research productivity. WHO EMRO Countries. Impact factor for PH journals 84. Impact Factor for PH journals 8. What is the Supercourse?. www.pitt.edu/~super1.

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Building Research Methods Capacity in WHO EMRO Countries: Improving research productivity

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  1. Building Research Methods Capacity in WHO EMRO Countries:Improving research productivity

  2. WHO EMRO Countries

  3. Impact factor for PH journals 84 Impact Factor for PH journals 8

  4. What is the Supercourse? www.pitt.edu/~super1 SUPERCOURSE-global library of 5500 PowerPoint lectures on prevention and public health, shared for free by over 50,000 faculty members in 174 countries.

  5. Teacher in Alexandria Teacher in Tunisia Teacher in Egypt Teacher in Pittsburgh Teacher in Havana Teacher in San Francisco Supercourse Model: lecture sharing

  6. Open Source PowerPoint Lecture Library Continuous Quality Improvement Distribution System to Educators Supercourse Model Large Multidisciplinary Network

  7. If you would like a free copy of the supercourse to put on your server write to Super1@pitt.edu 9

  8. Gil Omenn, Former President, AAAS Ismail Serageldin, Director, Library of Alexandria Advisory Board Francois Sauer, CEO, Trans Am Group Vint Cerf, Father of Internet Ron LaPorte, Professor, Supercourse Founder

  9. Building Research Capacity in Developing Countries Library of Alexandria SuperHelp Desk

  10. Why are articles turned down? Stataphobia

  11. Doubling Articles from Developing countries in Lancet Old Model 2000 articles from developing countries submitted Review 15 published New Model 2000 articles from developing countries submitted Review 15 published, 100 identified as great questions, poor methods 100 triaged by help desk and methods polished Reviewed as a new paper Potentially another 15 published

  12. For every Biostatician there are 800 Clinicians

  13. Problem: Very little statistical capacity in developing countries Result 1: Poor research design and analysis Result 2: Limited scientific publication Solution A: Train people in the US Difficulty: 100,000 to train Ph.D. > 50% stay in US Result: Impossible to build research capacity for budding scientists in Developing countries

  14. Solution 2: Library of Alexandria help research design Help Desk

  15. Help Desk A Service the provides information and assistance concerning research methods Academic Statistical Help Desk: Typically local, helping students in the University Industrial strength Help Desk/Customer Service All major industries, 1000s of queries per hour, global

  16. Brilliant scientific Idea from EMRO investigator How do I test it? WHO EMRO BA Supercourse Help Desk for Research methods

  17. Help Desk Model Client has a research methods question BEFORE beginning work Russian Moderator reviews each question and refers people to the Help Desk door which has background methods material Those questions needing more in-depth help sent to Senior Distinguished professors Help Desk aids in form design and research design When Data are collected aids in guiding the analysis

  18. Countries interested in establishing a National Help Desk Egypt India Iran Kazakhstan Kenya Lebanon Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Sudan Tanzania Uganda

  19. Iranian Help Desk In Persian In English

  20. Cost Effective Solution Research methods help Desk

  21. Future directions mHelp Desk? Help Apps!!

  22. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela Improving access to research methods is a cost effective means to improve science in EMRO countries

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