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Astrophysics and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes. INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna IASF – CNR sezione di Bologna Dipartimento di Astronomia – Universita’ Bologna. STRATEGY : HIGH ENERGY OBSERVATIONS and MULTIWAVELENGTH FOLLOW-UP. WHY
Astrophysics and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna IASF – CNR sezione di Bologna Dipartimento di Astronomia – Universita’ Bologna
STRATEGY: HIGH ENERGY OBSERVATIONS and MULTIWAVELENGTH FOLLOW-UP • WHY Probe the inner regions strong field limit of GR Unbiased (Unobscured) view of accretion history • AIMS Mapping physics and geometry of central BH Space density and evolution of obscured accreting BH • WHEN since early 2000 (launch of XMM and Chandra) based on the BeppoSAX heritage up to the foreseen life of NASA and ESA cornerstones (2008-2010)
OAB P. Ciliegi (RA) A. Comastri (AA) C. Gruppioni (RA) M. Mignoli (RA) G.M. Stirpe (AA) V. Zitelli (AA) C. Vignali (Post-Doc) M. Brusa (PhD 3+ yr.) P. Ranalli (PhD 3+ yr.) F. Civano (PhD 1 yr.) IASF M. Cappi (Ric.) G. Di Cocco (Dir.) P. Grandi (Ric.) G. Malaguti (Ric.) M. Dadina (art. 23) L. Foschini (art. 23) F. Panessa (PhD 3+ yr.) G. Ponti (PhD 1 yr.) N. Cappelluti (student) UNIBO G. G. C. Palumbo (PO)
SMBH ASTROPHYSICS • Deep high energy observations of bright Seyfert galaxies and quasars • Direct (unabsorbed) probe of the disc/BH system inner regions • High quality spectroscopy (continuum + emission/absorption line parameters) • High throughput (variability, reverberation mapping) • High-quality imaging of high z QSO • Reverberation mapping in Opt/UV
Broad-band (0.1-100 keV) X-ray Observations of AGNs Cappi et al., ‘99, Malaguti et al. ‘98, ‘01, etc. (single objects) Dadina et al., in preparation ( all the AGNs (z<0.1) in BeppoSAX archive) BeppoSAX spectra up to 100 keV for about 100 AGNs R and Ec for about 20 AGNs Importance of high-energy coverage for the astrophysics of AGNs N. of sources N. of sources Gamma R N. of sources Ec
X-ray mapping of the Inner regions of AGNs Ponti et al. 2003, Dadina& Cappi 2003, Longinotti et al. 2003, etc First model-independent confirmationofthe existenceof a broad FeK linein MCG-6-30-15 First reverberation mappingof the FeK line (r<100 rs) continuum FeK line
Diffuse emission from AGN : e.g. NGC 5252 with Chandra (Joint XMM and Chandra observation)
Primi spettri • Monitoraggio di QSO a Loiano • Zitelli e Stirpe + Trevese (Univ. Roma) • Avviato nel 2003 • 2 PG QSO con z > 1, V 15 • Osservazioni fotometriche e spettroscopiche a Loiano (1.5m) con cadenza mensile • Finalizzato a misurare il ritardo delle variazioni delle righe rispetto a quelle del continuo ottenere dimensioni della Broad Line Region e, combinando con la larghezza delle righe, la massa del buco nero centrale • Non ancora fatto per alte luminosità
Vista variabilità, misura preliminare di ritardo (ca. 60 d) in UM 87 • Monitoraggio di QSO ad alto z al VLT con ISAAC • Stirpe + Marconi e Salvati (Arcetri), Capetti (Torino), Axon e Robinson (Rochester, NY), Horne (St. Andrews) • Finalità simili al programma di Loiano, ma per z più alti e righe di ionizzazione più bassa • Avviato nel 2001, cadenze mensili in service mode (6 h/semestre) • 2 QSO con z=2.3, K=15
X-ray Lighthouses at the Dawn of the Modern Universe (C. Vignali) >500 QSOs at z>4 ~90 detected by Chandra/XMM X-ray emission is a universal property of QSOs Spectral shape constant up to z=6 UV to X-ray ratio higher for brighter quasars
X-RAY COSMOLOGY • HARD X-RAY SURVEYS • Insensitive to absorption up to large column densities (log NH < 24, Compton-thin) • Most direct probe of the super-massive black holes (SMBH) accretion activity recorded in the XRB spectral energy density • Test of XRB models test of AGN unified schemes physics and geometry of obscuring gas and dust • MULTIWAVELENGTH FOLLOW-UP • Optical Identifications • Redshift, Luminosity and Absorption distributions • X-ray properties (individual and stacked) of other classes non-AGN objects (Starburst, galaxies, EROs, etc..)
The deepest X-ray sky Chandra Surveys, 1-2 Ms exposures CDF-S (Giacconi et al. 2002) CDF-N (Alexander et al. 2003)
The HELLAS2XMM survey Collaborators: A. Baldi (Harvard-CFA), N. Carangelo, S. Molendi (IASF-Mi) F. Fiore, F. Cocchia, V. D’Elia, S. Puccetti (INAF-OAR), F. La Franca, G. Matt, G.C. Perola (Uni Roma3), R. Maiolino (INAF-OAA), Beginning: Early 2001 Main goal: to trace the history of accretion in the Universe Strategy: public XMM-Newton fields large area (4 deg2) To date: 122 sources in ~1 deg2 (5 fields) Optical Photometry (R band): ESO 3.6m (complete to R=24) Spectroscopy: ESO 3.6m + VLT/FORS2 (96/122) Near-Infrared photometry: VLT/ISAAC (11 targets with R>24) Radio: ATCA + VLA (complete) AdditionalX: Chandra (2 fields)
Selected Results • Starburst • (P. Ranalli) • XBONGs • (A.Comastri) • EROs • (M. Brusa) • High X/O • (M. Mignoli)
High X/O sources HELLAS2XMM R-band image K-band image • ISAAC observations: 11 sources with R > 24 F(2-10) > 1.2 x 10-14 • K-band morphology: Most (7/10) are ellipticals • Redshift range: z=0.8-2.4 (from colour-morphology redshift tracks) • X-ray analysis:(Perola et al. in prep.) Highly obscured L(2-10 keV)=1044-1045 erg/s • ALL: R-K>5 EROs • 3 near-IR counterparts are unique Mignoli, Pozzetti et al. 2004, A&A, in press
High quality imaging • Surface brightness and effective radius • 2 pointlike • 1 disky • 7 ellipticals Fit with a de Vaucouleurs profile
Piercing obscured AGN among EROs with XMM-Newton M. BRUSA Comastri, Mignoli, Vignali, Pozzetti, Zamorani + Daddi (ESO) + Cimatti (INAF-Arcetri) Complementary program on EROs R band K band Included in the XMM-Newton Image Gallery (section: Cosmology/Deep Fields)
The 2-10 keV luminosity as a Star Formation Rate indicator Blue: Local starburst Red: HDFN high-z galaxies SFR=2x10-40L2-10 (from Ranalli, Comastri & Setti, 2003, A&A 399, 39)
X-ray bright optically normal galaxies PROTOTYPE: Source P3 in the PKS0312 field (Comastri et al. 2002, ApJ, 571, 771) XBONGs: Featureless optical spectra LX>1042 erg/s Relatively hard X-ray spectra Discovered both in shallow and deep surveys (e.g. Barger et al. 2002)
Ks (VLT/ISAAC) imaging of XBONGs ________________________ 30 arcsec ________________________ 30 arcsec ________________________ 30 arcsec ________________________ 30 arcsec
AGN surveys in the Marano Field(Mignoli, Zamorani, Marano + MPE) XMM-Newton ESO-WFI • WFI composite (BVR) image. • ~55000 objects, ~300 color-selected AGN candidates down to B=23.5 (>100 spect. observed) • Corrected quasar density at B=23.5 ~340/sq. deg ~500 X-ray sources
ContestoNazionalee Internazionale • 13 staff a BO (wrt ~ 100 in Italia) • Hellas2XMM e’ una collaborazione INAF-Universita’-CNR • Cambridge e IC (UK) e UCLA (USA) per studi di timing e LLAGN • MPE (D) e CfA (USA) per le surveys • Partner di COSMOS (2 gradi quadri con HST PI: Scoville - Caltech) official commitment for XMM e Chandra follow-up (Co-PI) • Partner of european RTN FP6
2000200120022003+ • Refereed Journals + Invited Talks 20+1 17+1 20+1 30+4 • International Review Committees Chandra/XMM TAC + XMM User Group XEUS Astrophysics WG • Telescopes Time (X-rays) --- kiloseconds 420 320 770 600 • Telescope Time (other lambda, mostly ESO) --- nights 6 6 12 9+ • Several hundreds of kiloseconds in large international programs (COSMOS/ELAIS etc..)
FINANZIAMENTI 2000200120022003+ (k€) • Personale 30 35 30 13 (ASI+CNR+Cofin) • Ricerca 11 16 40 17 (ASI) • Ricerca - 20 25 10 Inaf (COFIN + INAF) 52 approved
Problemi • PROGRAMMAZIONE: necessita’ all’interno del budget assegnato/disponibile, di un piano organico a medio/lungo termine • VALUTAZIONE: Interna (comitati esterni internazionali) delle attivita’/proposte/strategie scientifiche • OUTREACH: necessita’ di un’ Interfaccia- struttura INAF dedicata alla diffusione dell’attivita’ scientifica
Future developments • X-RAY COSMOLOGY : high redshift Universe / LSS of X-ray sources (X—rays + SIRTF) Hellas2xmm 4 deg2, @ 10-14 cgs ELAIS-S1 0.5 deg2 @ 2x10-15 cgs COSMOS 2 deg2 @ 2x10-15 cgs • X-RAY ASTROPHYSICS: Physical observables down to ~ Rg (within XMM-Chandra framework) Physics of accretion up to z ~ 4-5