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The Set of Secondary Schools no 2 in Ruda Śląska. KeyComps Key Competences for School Sustainability. The old town in cracow. The unesco world heritage. The unesco world heritage list.
The Set of Secondary Schools no 2 in Ruda Śląska KeyComps Key Competences for School Sustainability The oldtown in cracow The unescoworldheritage
The unescoworldheritage list • The UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List is the record of the most valuablesites, presenting the multitude of culture and the richness of nature of all the world regions. • Currentlythereare 1052 sites in 165 countries on the List: 814 culturalsites, 203 naturalsites and 35 of mixed – cultural and naturalcharacter. (the situation for 23.01.2017, source: http://www.unesco.pl/kultura/dziedzictwo-kulturowe/swiatowe-dziedzictwo/) • Amongthosethereare14 uniqueplaces in Poland.
The leading role of the Polishsites from the List belongs to The Old Town in Cracow, which was included to the UNESCO List in 1978 as one of the first 12 sites in the world. The areatakenintoconsiderationcomprises : The Old Town surrounded by the formercitywalls, The Wawel Hill and the districts of Kazimierz and Stradom. The bron thicklineshows the borders of the areaput on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The market of the oldtown It is the monument of the Polishnationculture – a small piece of contemporaryCracowwhere the most superbpieces of culture and art createdduring one – thousand - longhistory of this place arelocated. In Cracow Starówka (The Old Town Market) thereare331 ancientbuildings and 2 millions of movablepieces of art.
The Church of Saint Wojciech Sukiennice The mainmonuments of the cracowOld Town located in the Market are: The Mariacki Church, The Church of Saint Wojciech, Sukiennice and the town hall tower. The characteristicfeatures of the market arealso: the bugle-callplayedeveryhoureachday, cabs and flower girls. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wawel
The mariacki church It is one of the most beautifulGothicbuildings in Poland – famous for itstwotowers of differentheights – the buglertower and the belfry. The temple was built in 14th century and extended in 15th century. The interior of the churchisdecorated with grand masterpieces of differenthistoricalperiods, amongwhichthereis the multi-wingmainaltarsculptured by Wit Stwosz in 15th century. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%C5%82tarz_Wita_Stwosza_w_Krakowie
The church of Saint Wojciech It is a stonebuildingraised in 12th century and being the result of the reconstruction of anolderchurchcoming from 10th and 11th centures in the siteconnected with the visit of Saint Wojciech. It was rebuilt in 17th and 18th century in the Baroque style. Romanesquewindows and portal havesurvivedtilltoday. The interior of the churchrepresentsBaroque and Rococo styles.
sukiennice The first Sukiennice werecreated in 13th century, whenCracowobtained the urbanrights. The nameconcernstworows of stonestallscreating a street in the middle of the Market. Brick, covered Sukiennice appeared in 14th century. Trade taking place in Sukiennice was animportantsource of the cityincome – accordingto the royal law visitingmerchantscouldselltheir products only in this place. Therearestillstalls in Sukiennice, whereyoucanbuytraditionalCracowsouvenirs. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukiennice_w_Krakowie
The town hall tower It is a Gothictowerdating from the 14th century, whoseheightis 70 m. It survived in 1820 when the town hall – the mainadministrativebuilding of thosetimes in Cracow - was demolished. Souvenirsreminding the history of the cityareexhibited in the tower, whichis the branch of the HistoricMuseum of Cracow. In the basement of the towerthereis the „Stageunder the Town Hall” of the CracowFolkTheatre.
The Old Town issurrounded with greenerycalled Planty (Public Gardens). Theywerecreated in 19th century in the place formerlyoccupied by Medievalfortifications. Contemporarily the place consists of 8 gardensoccupying the area of 21 hectares, whichmakesthem the biggestcity park in Cracow. Youmayadmire 40 species of trees and bushesthere, amongwhichtherearesuchnaturalmonuments as 130-year-old planetree. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planty_krakowskie
Thisis the line of citywallstogether with defensivebuildings, such as gates and keepswhichoncesurrounded the wholeareaof Cracow. • A small part of the wallshasbeenpreserveduntiltoday – youmayadmireitwhilewalkingaround the Old Town. The remains of citywalls from the 14th century https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mury_miejskie_w_Krakowie
The hill on the left bank of the Vistula River. It is the fount of knowledgeabout the Polishhistory. • The hill was inhabitedalready 100 000 year B.C., and sinceearly Middle Agesithasbecome the centre of secular and church authority. • In Wawel thereislocated a verypreciousGothicCathedral and the RoyalCastle. WAWEL
The place datesback to year 1000, whenCracowbishopric was established and the building of the firstcathedralstarted. The presentconstruction was raised on the initiative of Władysław Łokietek in about 1320. The church was consecrated in 1364. The Cathedralissurrounded with 19 chapels. • The place of specialimportanceis the tower with the bellcalled „Zygmunt”, whichsoundsonly on days of religious and nationalfestivals. • The basement of the cathedralhouses the RoyalTombs open to public. Thisis the place of rest for kings, princes and nationalheroes. The cathedralchurch of Saint Wacław and Stanisław https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wawel
The oldest seat of the sovereign was established in Wawel in the first half of the 11th century. It was the seat of Polishkings for centuries, duringwhichit was extanded and decorated. The building in itspresent version is the result of reconstructionwhichtook place in years 1506 -1534. • The castlemakesimpression with its open arcadecourtyard with wonderfulcloisters. • Nowadays we canvisit the Royal Chambers with famoustapestries of King Zygmunt August. The interior of the Castleplaces the RoyalTreasury and Armoury. The royalcastle https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wawel
The University was established in 1364 by king Kazimierz the Great. It is the oldestPolishuniversitywhich was and stillisanimportantcentre of science in Europe. • The sound of the historicmusicclock in the Collegium MaiusCourtyardmakestouristsengrossed in meditation. The jagiellonianuniversity
Visiting Kazimierz is a mustwhiledoingsightseeing in Cracow. • Cosycafes and restaurants in thisdistrict, galleries, second-handbookshops, cobbledstreets and the monuments of Jewishculturecreatespecialatmosphere, difficult to resist. The kazimierzdistrict
Therehavesurvivedsomemonuments, of which the OldSynagoguemay be visited. • Kazimierz isalsobusy with cultural life. The Festival of JewishCulture – an event of internationalreputationtakes place here.
On 8th December, 2015 a group of the students of the Set of Secondary School no 2 in Ruda Śląska took part in the trip to Cracow. „YoumayvisitCracowmanytimes and eachtimeyouwillseesomethingnew” Thistime – for many of us – suchplaceswere the interior of the „Under a Pear” tenementor the courtyard of Collegium Maius with the musicclock.
Cracowis the best-known and the most frequentlyvisitedcity in Poland. It obtained the urbanrights 760 years ago. • It is one of the most magicalcities in Europe. • The authors of the guidebookLonely Planet acclaimed the Market in Cracow the most beautifulsquare in the world in 2013.
The oldtown in cracowunescoworldheritage Ruda Śląska, 2017 KeyComps