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Using molecular approaches to identify biodiversity attributes in the North American aridlands. Brett R. Riddle University of Nevada Las Vegas. Biodiversity why Molecular ?. Conference on Molecular Biodiversity March 2004 DanBIF Danish Biodiversity Information Facility. Molecular (genes)
Using molecular approachesto identify biodiversity attributesin theNorth American aridlands Brett R. Riddle University of Nevada Las Vegas
Conference onMolecular BiodiversityMarch 2004 DanBIFDanish Biodiversity Information Facility
Molecular (genes) • DNA • RNA • proteins • Organismal (species) • distribution • phylogeny • identification Biodiversity • Ecological (ecosystem) • composition • structure • function
molecular biodiversity: several objectives • Intrinsic interest in biodiversity at the molecular level • genomics • proteomics • etc.
molecular biodiversity: several objectives • Intraspecific population structure • genetic diversity • gene flow
molecular biodiversity: several objectives • Molecular identification of ESUs and species • DNA taxonomy • DNA bar-coding
molecular biodiversity: several objectives • Molecular phylogeny • ESUs • species • higher taxa
molecular biodiversity: several objectives • Molecular phylogeography and biogeography • geography of speciation • evolution of biotas • historical responses of species and biotas to • ecological changes
Most definitions of biodiversity • have at least these 3 components: • genetic diversity • species diversity • ecosystem diversity
More complex and realistic concepts of biodiversity integrate patterns and processes across hierarchies: STRUCTURAL COMPOSITIONAL landscapes landscapes genes landscapes FUNCTIONAL e.g., Noss’s conceptual framework
Biodiversity issues at smaller (local) scales: • characterizing population genetic structures • characterizing and mapping evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) and species • prioritizing and managing populations, ESUs, species, and habitats with high value
Biodiversity issues at larger (regional) scales: • assessing distribution and evolution of • ESUs and species • biotas • prioritizing hot spots of • endemism • rarity • complementarity • phylogenetic diversity (PD) • predicting responses to • habitat fragmentation and loss • global climate change
Biodiversity at smaller (local) scales • DNA sequencing • mitochondrial DNA • nuclear DNA • microsatellites • SNPs molecular approaches Biodiversity at larger (regional) scales
Population, species, and biotic histories and futures at regional and larger scales—why does it matter? *
Links between biodiversity management at smaller local scales and understanding biodiversitypatterns and processes at: Spatially large scales regional to continental Temporally broad scales millions to thousands of years
Comparative phylogeography, biogeography, and biodiversity in the warm deserts of northwestern Mexico and the southwestern USA
The geography of speciation and assembly of biotas in the warm deserts of North America Chaetodipus coarse-haired pocket mice Dipodomys merriami species group Merriam’s kangaroo rat and related species Peromyscus eremicus species group cactus mouse and related species Ammospermophilus antelope ground squirrels Bufo punctatus red spotted toad
Chaetodipus baileyi Bailey’s pocket mouse Dr. L.G. Ingles
Chaetodipus arenarius Little desert pocket mouse Dr. L.G. Ingles
merriami margaritae insularis Dipdomys merriami group Merriam’s kangaroo rat group Dr. L.G. Ingles
Peromyscus eremicus group Cactus, Eva’s, Merriam’s mice eremicus eva merriami W.W. Goodpaster
Ammospermophilus spp. Antelope ground squirrels leucurus group harrisii intrepres G and B Corsi
Bufo punctatus Red-spotted toad J. V. Vindum
Historical biogeographic approaches(Crisci 2000) • Center of origin and dispersal • Panbiogeography • Phylogenetic biogeography • Ancestral areas • Cladistic biogeography • Event-based methods (DIVA) • Phylogeography • Parsimony analysis of endemicity • Experimental biogeography
Why phylogeography? “…the geographic distributions of genealogical lineages, especially those within and among closely relatedspecies” (Avise, 2000)
Why phylogeography? • Microevolutionary disciplines • demography • population genetics Phylogeography • Macroevolutionary disciplines • phylogenetic biology • historical biogeography redrawn from Avise 2000
Earth history in western North America • mountain building, rifting, etc. (many millions of years) • to • climatic oscillations • (several million to a few thousand years) 10 millions of years ago 6 2 0
Biotic responses to complex earth history are diverse and include: Several modes of Speciation Extinction Jump dispersal Geo-dispersal Range shifts
Earth history is long and complex • Many opportunities for: • dispersal • vicariance • extinction • range shifting 10 mya 6 2 0
Why phylogeography? sampling multiple individuals to delineate evolutionary lineages (phylogroups / ESUs) sampling multiple localities to delineate geographic distributions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This sampling strategy often: • Reveals cryptic (hidden)species or • evolutionary lineages • Reveals cryptic (hidden) biogeographic structure • Examples…
Chaetodipus baileyi group Bailey’s pocket mouse 70 rudinoris Peninsular North 100 99 rudinoris Peninsular South 100 96 baileyi Continental West
Chaetodipus arenarius Little desert pocket mouse 58 arenarius Peninsular North 100 arenarius Peninsular South 100 100 arenarius Cape Region
Dipdomys merriami group Merriam’s kangaroo rat group 67 merriami Peninsular North + Continental West & East 81 98 95 100 merriami + insularis+ margaritae Peninsular South
Peromyscus eremicus group Cactus mouse group 68 merriami Continental West 58 100 eremicus Continental West 100 99 eremicus Continental East 98 fraterculus Peninsular North 99 eva Peninsular South 99
Ammospermophilus spp. Antelope ground squirrels interpres Continental East 94 leucurus + harrisii Peninsular North + Continental West 98 80 leucurus + insularis Peninsular South 100
Bufo punctatus Red-spotted toad 100 punctatus Continental East punctatus Peninsular 100 100 punctatus Continental West
Traditional historical (cladistic) biogeography search for recurring patterns in co-distributed taxa summary area history + independent taxon histories = vicariant events +
2 recurring patterns suggest a history of vicariance involving the Baja California peninsular biota…
1. sister-taxa in Peninsular and Continental deserts Peromyscus eremicus group Chaetodipus baileyi Bufo punctatus
2. sister-taxa in Southern Peninsular and Northern Peninsular (+ Sonoran) deserts Ammospermophilus leucurus Peromyscus eremicus group Chaetodipus baileyi group Chaetodipus arenarius Dipodomys merriami group
Recurring patterns suggest a history of vicariance: Any evidence for vicariant events in the earth history record? YES example: evolution of Baja California peninsula
Peninsular Vicariance Model (Grismer 94; Upton & Murphy 97) SMV = Southern Miocene Vicariance ILPPV = Isthmus of La Paz Pliocene Vicariance NPV = Northern Pliocene Vicariance VzPtV = Vizcaino Pleistocene Vicariance NPV VzPtV SMV ILPPV SMV 5.5 Ma >5.5 Ma <1.6 Ma present 3 Ma 4 Ma
A partial model of Vicariance across Peninsular and Continental deserts… NPV Northern Pliocene Vicariance VzPtV Vizcaino Pleistocene Vicariance ILPPV Isthmus of La Paz Pliocene Vicariance
Does this model have predictive power? Invertebrates