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A High-level Language for Military Fusion Problems

A High-level Language for Military Fusion Problems. Richard Scherl Computer Science Department Monmouth University. Cognitive Robotics/GoLog. Integrating reasoning, perception and action within a uniform theoretical and implementation framework. Logic-based. High-level language.

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A High-level Language for Military Fusion Problems

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  1. A High-level Language for Military Fusion Problems Richard Scherl Computer Science Department Monmouth University October 20 - 22 2004

  2. Cognitive Robotics/GoLog • Integrating reasoning, perception and action within a uniform theoretical and implementation framework. • Logic-based. • High-level language. October 20 - 22 2004

  3. The Situation Calculus • McCarthy and Hayes 1969. • A predicate calculus formalization of states, actions, and effects. • Reiter 1991,2001. October 20 - 22 2004

  4. GOLOG • GOLOG -- AlGol in logic. • Sequences. • Nondeterministic choice of actions. • Nondeterministic choice of arguments. • Conditions, • While loops. • Recursion. October 20 - 22 2004

  5. Plans Vs Computer Programs • There is a long tradition of viewing plans as computer programs. (Green, manna and Waldinger). • There are many problems with this view of plans. • An agent may not know whether a test is true. • Agents may not know enough to execute the action. October 20 - 22 2004

  6. Incomplete Knowledge • Generally, agents do not have complete knowledge of the world. • Formalism must distinguish between what is true in the world and what the agent knows. October 20 - 22 2004

  7. Incomplete Knowledge (Cont) • Agents must reason about: • Actions that produce knowledge --- perception, reading, comunicative acts. • The knowledge prerequisites of actions. October 20 - 22 2004

  8. References • Levesque, Reiter, Lesperance,Lin, Scherl. GOLOG. JLP, 1997. • Reiter. Knowledge in action: logical foundations for specifying and implementing dynamical systems. MIT press, 2001. • Scherl and Levesque. Knowledge, action, and the frame problem. AIJ, 2003. October 20 - 22 2004

  9. Goal • Can a similar sort of language be used for the specification of high-level and flexible plans useful in domains relevant to the military and also homeland security? October 20 - 22 2004

  10. Example Scenarios • Silent prairie: agricultural bio-terrorism exercise developed by the national strategic gaming center at the national defense university • Battlespace challenge problem: road to war developed by signal solutions for ARL October 20 - 22 2004

  11. Silent Prairie • Foot and mouth disease suspected in north Carolina and Kansas • Bio-terrorism considered a possibility October 20 - 22 2004

  12. Steps • FBI notified – but the 82nd airborne recently returned to north Carolina from Iraq. • Need to notify state officials and farm companies. All leaders of states to which N. Carolina cattle are shipped must be notified. • Send sample to plum island facility for analysis. October 20 - 22 2004

  13. Steps (Cont) • Start initial containment strategy (quarantine zones). • Notify governor and other state officials. • Notify USDA, FDA. • Enact regional containment strategy. • Notify DHS and DOD. • Check to see if there was “chatter” about FMD. October 20 - 22 2004

  14. Sample Plan While¬knows(x State(x)Considered(x)) ( X).state(x)?; If ¬Kwhether(Shipto(f,a,x)) then sense_ship(f,a,x) endIf; If knows(Shipto(f,a,x) then notify(f,a,x) endIf; assert(Considered(x)); endWhile; October 20 - 22 2004

  15. Battlespace Challenge Problem • Signal Solutions • 2015 North Korea • Kim Jung-Il dies • Civil War October 20 - 22 2004

  16. Forces Involved • U.S. • ROK. • DPRK Hardliners. • DPRK Reformers. October 20 - 22 2004

  17. Determining Friend from Foe • Sensors(ELINT, SIGINT) • HUMINT • COP needs to indicate which forces are friends and which are foes (DPRK Hardliners) based upon both intelligence information and inferences. October 20 - 22 2004

  18. Rules in Knowledge-Base x ,y hardliner(x) engages(x,y)  ¬ hardliner(y) y,z x supplies(x,y)  hardliner(y)  supplies(x,z)  hardliner(z) October 20 - 22 2004

  19. Identify Threats to Inchon Airport • Sensors and human intelligence are utilized to identify threats. • Which U.S. Units can deal with the threats? How long would it take them to arrive at location of threat given current conditions? October 20 - 22 2004

  20. October 20 - 22 2004

  21. Implementation • GoLog interpreter written in Prolog • Integration into Jade agent platform • Http://jade.tilab.com October 20 - 22 2004

  22. Further Topics • Concurrency (ConGolog, IndiGolog) • Exogenous actions • Probabilistic action occurrences and effects • Ability • Time • Integrating semantic web ontology languages October 20 - 22 2004

  23. Theory of Actions (Cont) • Real time, resource bounded behavior • Belief revision • Execution monitoring and failure recovery • Automated plan construction October 20 - 22 2004

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