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Field research: Sampling Data gathering Questionnaires Presentations. Primary data sources. Qualitative data sources In depth interviews Focus group interviews Observations Quantitative data sources
Field research: Sampling Data gathering Questionnaires Presentations
Primary data sources Qualitative data sources • In depth interviews • Focus group interviews • Observations Quantitative data sources • Postal interviews • Personal interviews • Telephone interviews • Experiment
Quantatative data and choice of method • Use of quantitative data: • Knowledge about a product or service • Attitude towards a product • Buying Behavior • Choice of Methods: • Sampling • Types of questions • Costs and time • Number of responses
The sampling process Define the population Search for sampling frame Specify sampling method Determine Sample size Select the sample
Sampling methods Probability selection: • Simple random sample • Stratified random sample • Cluster sample • Conscious selection: • Convenience sample • Quota sample • Expert sample • Snow-ball
Sampling errors • Systematical errors • Non systematical/random errors • Non answers • Incorrect answers: • Overreporting • underreporting
A comparison of different contact methods Face to face Phone Mail Internet Questionnaire Face to Face Phone Mail Use of open ended questions High Medium Low Low Ability to probe High Medium Low Low Use of visual aids High Poor High High Sensitive questions Medium Low High Low Resources Cost High Medium Low Low Sampling Widely dispersed populations Low Medium High High Response rates High Medium Low Low Experimental control High Medium Low Low Interviewing Control of who completes questionnaires High High Low Low/High Interviewer bias Possible Possible Low Low
Planning Stage Planning Pilot Stage Stages in the development of a questionnaire Definition of the research problem Exploratory research Information required Definition of population Target groups Survey method Ordering of topics Type of question Wording and instructions Layout Scaling Probes and prompts Coding Pilot testing Redesign Final questionnaire
Questionnaire design Preliminary considerations: - Which kind of information is required - The respondents who are to be surveyed - Which method is appropriate Structure of the questionnaire: Introduction: be persuasive qualify the respondents as belonging to the sample The content knowledge, opinions, attitudes, motives and possible future behaviour Basic data: information about the individual and the household
Design of questionnairequestion content Question content: - Is the question necessary? - Does the respondent understand the question? - Will the question suffice to elicit the required data? - Does the respondent have the necessary information to answer the question? The ability depends on: - The extent to which the respondent is informed - How good is the respondent's memory? - How articulate is the respondent
Design of questionnaireQuestion phrasing Question phrasing - Clarity and simplicity - Length of questions - Ambiguity and vagueness - Biased words and leading or loaded questions - Negative questions - Questions asking for estimates or generalisations - Hypothetical questions - Implicit assumptions - Response choices should not overlap - Double-barrelled questions - Reliability and validity of questions
Design of questionnaireTypes of questions Types of response format Closed-ended: - Dichotomous question - Multiple choice question - Scale question Open-ended: - Unstructured question Projective techniques: - Word association - Sentence completion - Story completion - Picture completion
Design of questionnaireSequence of questions Question sequence Initial questions Embarrassing questions General to specific questions Logical flow Funnelling
Design of questionnaireThe layout of the questionnaire Questionnaire layout Paper Body as trim as possible Break up the text Different typefaces Colouring if possible Instructions to guide the respondent Easy to answer
Data analysis and control • Data analysis and control: • Reliability: you are testing and are getting the same results every time • Internal validity: you are not asking the proper question; “you are not solving the problem stated in the problem formulation” • External validity: possibility of transferring the results to other universes