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Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West

Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West. Chapter 24. SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions . b . Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England (1689), United States (1776), France (1789), Haiti (1791), and Latin America (1808-1825). .

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Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West

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  1. Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West Chapter 24

  2. SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions. b. Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England (1689), United States (1776), France (1789), Haiti (1791), and Latin America (1808-1825).

  3. SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism. b. Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.

  4. Essential Questions How did the rise of nationalism have global impact? What were some consequences of the Enlightenment writings? How did the actions of various rulers bring about change?

  5. Main Ideas Inspired by the Enlightenment, people of Latin America rebel against European rule (Spain). Rebels in Europe responded to nationalistic calls for independence. Nationalist groups create unrest. Romanticism and realism become new forms of art and expression.

  6. Colonial Society • Latin America • Class dictated place in society • Peninsulares– born in Spain • could hold office • Creoles – born in Latin America • Could not hold office • only military officers

  7. Haitian Revolution • Saint Domingue – 1791 • Enslaved africans revolt against French masters • Toussaint Louverture takes control of Island • Napoleon sent 30,000 French soldiers • Louverture captured – sent to prison in Alps • 1804 – 1st black colony to free itself from European control

  8. Creoles lead Independence • Creoles best educated – merchant • Educated in Europe – brought back Enlightenment ideas • Napoleon removes Spanish King and replaced with brother, Joseph • Had no loyalty from Creoles • If King removed – power was to shift to people consent of the governed (Locke)

  9. Creole Generals • Simon Bolivar • 1811 – Venezuelans declare independence from Spain • 1821 – Simon Bolivar finally wins • Jose San Martin • Argentinean lead army on march through Andes • Freed Chile • 1821 – Bolivar and San Martin join forces • Defeated the Spanish at Battle of Ayacucho – Peru • Columbia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina join to create Gran Columbia (Bolivar’s Dream)

  10. Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin

  11. Mexican Revolution • Padre Miguel Hidalgo • 1810 – ‘grio de Delores’ – call for rebellion • United 80,000 Indian and Metizos • Alarmed Spanish army and creoles • 1811 – defeated by Spanish • Jose Maria Morelos leads another rebellion • 1815 – Defeated by Creole officer – Iturbide • 1820 – Creoles fear loss of privileges from Spanish run colony • 1821 – Creoles unite to defeat Spain to claim Mexico’s Independence • Iturbide becomes emperor - overthrown • Central American countries win Independence

  12. Brazil’s Bloodless Revolution • 1807 • Napoleon’s army invades Spain and Portugal • To close port of Lisbon to British shipping • Portuguese King John escapes to largest colony – Brazil • ran the empire from Portugal for 6 years • 1822 • Creole Brazilians declare independence from Portugal • Signed petition asking Don Pedro to rule

  13. Section 2: Europe Faces Revolution SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism. b. Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.

  14. Europe 1830

  15. Styles of government • Conservative • Property owners and nobility • Preferred traditional monarchies • Liberal • Middle class business leaders and merchants • Give more power to parliament • Only educated and landowners vote • Radical • Extend democracy to everyone • Practice liberty, equality, fraternity like French Revolution

  16. Nationalism • Greatest loyalty should be to a nation of shared culture, beliefs and history • Independent government – nation state • Defends its territory and way of life • Tied to Enlightenment and democratic ideas of government – consent of the governed • Can be good and bad • Chart page 688 – List positive and negative results of NATIONALISM

  17. Nationalists • Nationalists: • Liberal and radicals • Led struggle for constitutional government • Teachers, lawyers, business people • Liberals: • some wanted to gather German states into single nation state • Some (Austrians) wanted to split and establish self - rule

  18. Greece • Greece • ruled by Ottoman Turks • 1821 • demanded independence from Ottomans • Greeks were admired for its history • Cause for Greek independence popular among Europe and America • British, France and Russian fleet defeat Ottomans

  19. Revolution Spreads 1830’s Belgium declared independence from Netherlands Italy declared independence from Austria Poland declared independence from Russia 1848 Czechs declared independence from Austria

  20. France • Paris rebelled against monarchy of Charles • Paris mob overturned monarchy – establish a republic – again • Radicals encourage violence in cities • 1848 • Louis Napoleon (nephew) won presidential election • Later named Emperor • Built railroads – encouraged industry – public works

  21. Emperor Napoleon III

  22. Russia • No economic development • 1853 • Czar Nicholas I tried to take Ottoman territory • Crimean War • Britain, France, Ottomans defeat Russia • Alexander II • Modernization and social change • 1861 – Freed serfs • ½ land sold to peasant – created massive debt! • ½ land given to nobles – • 1881 – Alexander II assassinated • Alexander III • Drove industrial expansion and nationalism

  23. Section 3: Nationalism Types of Nationalist Movements: page 692

  24. Rise of Nationalism – ethnic unrest • Austrian Empire • Slovenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Croats, • Austria-Hungary split • Russian Empire • Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Romanians, Estonians, Finns, Jews, Georgians, Armenians, Turks • Russification – forced Russian culture Actually strengthened ethnic nationalism! • Ottoman Empire • Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, Armenians • 1856 – pressured to grant equal citizenship to all • Angered Turks massacre Armenians

  25. Italian Unification • Discontent over foreign rulers • Nationalism destroyed empires and built nations • Cavour: Prime minister of Sardinia • largest most powerful Italian state • Liberal constitution • Napoleon assists Cavour in liberating northern provinces from Austria • Guiseppe Garibaldi united Southern Italy with North • ‘the Red One’ – red shirts • 1866 Venetia joins Italian states • 1870 All of Italy comes of Italian control (except Vatican City)

  26. Bismarck Unites Germany • Prussia • control of loose German Federation • Strongest army – liberal constitution • 1861 • Liberal parliament refused to grant Wilhelm money for reforms • Chooses conservative Junker, Otto von Bismarck as prime minister • Bismarck’s ‘realpolitik’: politics of reality • Describes tough power politics – no room for idealism

  27. Otto von Bismarck

  28. Otto von Bismarck • Declared he “would rule without consent of parliament and without a legal budget” • Direct violation of constitution • ‘the great issues of today will be decided by…blood and iron…” • Prussia Austria alliance waged war against Denmark • Increased nationalistic tendency • Won respect from Germans to have Prussia rule a unified Germany

  29. Seven Weeks War • Bismarck stirs ups border conflicts with Austria • Provoked Austria into declaring war in 1866 • Prussian wreaked devastating victory! • Took control of Northern Germany • Franco Prussian War - 1870 • Southern German states were Catholics – fearful of Protestant Prussia • Bismarck said they could be persuaded if they faced a threat from the outside…war with France would ‘rally the south’ • Manufactured ‘incident’: provoke France into declaring war • Prussian forces overwhelm France – captured Napoleon III

  30. Napoleon and Kaiser Wilhelm

  31. Impact of Nationalism 1950-1980 47 African countries overthrow colonial rulers 1990’s Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia broke away from Yugoslavia Europe has 47 countries with 50 different languages Latin America is mostly Portuguese and Spanish as well as native Indian languages

  32. The Balkans: • Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia • Congress of Vienna broke down • Revolutions of 1830-48: • Powers that decreased: • Austria and Russia • Powers that increased: • Britain and Germany

  33. Europe 1848

  34. Bismarck and Prussian Diplomats

  35. Europe 1848-1871

  36. Section 4: Revolutions in the Arts

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