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Going Places with Languages in Europe Practical language skills and civic education – teaching language through debates Katarzyna Urban, PhD Wolverhampton, 11.06.2013. Project Number: UK/11/LLP-LdV/TOI-423.
Going Places with Languages in EuropePracticallanguageskills and civiceducation – teachinglanguagethroughdebatesKatarzyna Urban, PhDWolverhampton, 11.06.2013 Project Number: UK/11/LLP-LdV/TOI-423
Practicallanguageskills – enablestudents to communicateinthe target language, thatisexpressthemselvesinspeaking and writing and beingable to understand a textorspokenlanguage
Practicallanguageskillsrelated to thecontent • Why not useciviccontents as materials thatcanstimulatelanguage learning
Whyciviceducationinlanguage learning? • We want young people to leave school or college with an understanding of the complexfunctions of adult society, and with the social and moral awareness to thrive in it. • Citizenship education is about enabling people to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and their communities.
Citizenship issues are: • real: actually affect people's lives; • topical: current today; • sometimes sensitive: can affect people at a personal level, especially when family or friends are involved; • often controversial: people disagree and hold strong opinions about them; • ultimately moral: relate to what people think is right or wrong, good or bad, important or unimportant in society.
Whyciviceducationinlanguage learning? • Itis not a separateschoolsubject, somecontentisintegratedintoPolish, history, socialstudies • Givesopportunity to reflect back on one’sown country and get to know and understandothersocieties • Prepare for futuremobility • Motivatesstudents, especially on higherlevels on L2 • Givesopportunities for individualised learning • Canserve as problem-solvingtool
Citizenshipeducation and language learning have a lot incommon: • active: emphasises learning by doing; • interactive: uses discussion and debate; • relevant: focuses on real-life issues facing young people and society; • critical: encourages young people to think for themselves; • collaborative: employs group work and co-operative learning; • participative: gives young people a say in their own learning.
FLL and citizenshipteachingideas • Useinterestingfacts and figures, e.g. nearly half the world's population lives on less than $2 a day and 0.5% of the world's population holds more than a third of the world wealth. • Usecurrent news as a trigger to discusskeyissues, e.g. recentfloodsin Polandand Germany to discussclimatechanges • Useissueslearnerscanconnecteasily, e.g. wearing a helmetwhenbiking as a discussion on roadsafety
Teachingideas • Classroom Rules (Use as a discussion starter and a writing/drawing prompt.)Start a discussion about the rules that should be followed in your classroom. Write each rule as it is discussed on the board or a chart. Talk about why each rule is important. If students don't suggest anything like the following rules, which relate to the five themes, you can add them: • Tell thetruth. • Be caring. • Respectothers. • Be responsible for what you do and say. • Be brave enough to do the right thing and to ask for help when you need it.
Teachingideas • Sharing Stories (Use as a discussion starter.)One way of exploring the five themes is simply to ask students to tell about their experiences. Youmaywish to usethefollowingprompts: • Tell a story about a time you told the truth, even though that was a difficult thing to do. • Tell a story about a time you felt happy or sad for somebody or something. • Tell a story about someone you respect. • Tell a story about a time you took responsibility for something you had done or said. • Tell a story about being brave?
Teachingideas • What Could Happen Next? (Use as a prompt for discussion, drawing, or writing.)Ask students to discuss, draw, or write in response to the following questions: • You find a watch on the playground. Whatcouldhappennext? • Everybody is in a hurry. A childnear you trips and falls down. Whatcouldhappennext? • Your teacher asks the class to be quiet after somebody said something really funny. Whatcouldhappennext? • You borrowed a pencil from the teacher's desk and lost it. Whatcouldhappennext? • You think somebody is being cruel by making fun of a kid on the playground. Whatcouldhappennext?
And now for… Civiceducation and practical L2 skillsin action Let’smove to Nałęczów, ZS im. Chmielewskiego