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Top 12 SEO Tips 2012 Q1

Top 12 SEO Tips 2012 Q1. Link Acquisition – Avenues, Penalties, Alternative options RSS Feeds for Building Free Links Freshness Update – Fiverr, Odesk, Etc. International SEO (Geotargeting and Subdomains) Canonicalisation (Who, What, Where???) Important, But Often Forgotten SEO Tactics

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Top 12 SEO Tips 2012 Q1

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  1. Top 12 SEO Tips 2012 Q1

  2. Link Acquisition – Avenues, Penalties, Alternative options RSS Feeds for Building Free Links Freshness Update – Fiverr, Odesk, Etc. International SEO (Geotargeting and Subdomains) Canonicalisation (Who, What, Where???) Important, But Often Forgotten SEO Tactics Social Bookmarking and SEO If we have time - Question & Answer Session What you will learn

  3. Could I or Should I Buy Links? Apart from the obvious Social and Viral Tip #1 - Links

  4. Could I or Should I Buy Websites? Tip #1 - Links PDF and PPT downloads available at www.VanguardSEO.com

  5. Where do I buy websites? Tip #1 - Links PDF and PPT downloads available at www.VanguardSEO.com

  6. What to look for when buying a site? Tip #1 - Links There are a few other factors to look at before buying a site; • Domain Age – 2 years minimum unless other factors outweigh this • Page Rank – yes it does matter when buying a site because it represents G-Trust • Number of existing back links • Quality of those back links and are they to any deep pages? • How many pages are indexed with Google? • Install McAfee Site Inspector on your computer. It will flag any issues to do with bad history, malware or any one of many other problems • Will the BL’s stay in place once bought? • Other pluses are host location vs. target location, the number of registrants of the domain, DMOZ listing and rankings. If it’s a forum, the number of active members and recent posts are important. • Check Wayback.org for historical content & DomainTools • Check ValidRank.com for fake Page Rank

  7. Any questions on any of the link building techniques?

  8. Tip #2 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Additionally manually submit through these RSS directories http://www.feedmil.com/addfeed.jsphttp://www.feedest.comhttp://www.feedlisting.com/submit.phphttp://www.feedgy.com/Submit.aspxhttp://www.feedlisting.com/submit.phphttp://www.feedbees.com/add.phphttp://rssmountain.com/submit_anonym.phphttp://www.feedsee.com/submit.htmlhttp://feedfury.com/submithttp://www.rssmicro.com/FeedRank/?Fe...com%2frss.aspxhttp://www.millionrss.com/add-my-feed.phphttp://www.rss-network.comhttp://www.goldenfeed.com/AddFeed.aspxhttp://www.rssmad.com/index.phphttp://www.feedbomb.com/http://www.plazoo.comhttp://www.rss-feeds-directory.com

  9. Tip #2 – Use RSS Feeds for Links Additionally manually submit through these RSS directories Put a Wordpress blog on a subdomain of your website I.e. http://bingo-blog.mysite.com Go to yoursite.com/wp-admin/ to the Settings and select Writing Select both of the tick boxes Submit your sites to Feedburner Has over ½ million publishers

  10. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with WMC • Create a Robots.txt file – these tell ALL the bots where to go and where not to go. If you have admin or member files you don’t want indexed

  11. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with WMC • Create a Robots.txt file – these tell ALL the bots where to go and where not to go. If you have admin or member files you don’t want indexed You will need this for the next step

  12. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with  WMC • Create an XML Sitemap – these (and I make individual ones for data files, pic files, pdf files, doc files, etc.) tell the bots the files you do want indexed and where they are

  13. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with Google WMC • Internal Links – lets you know if you are cross-linked, which may confuse the bots or split influence between two similar pages

  14. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with  WMC • External Links – tells you who is linked to you. Helpful in optimising anchor text and bad links pointing to non-existent pages

  15. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with WMC • Crawl Errors – advises you of any crawl errors Google finds like broken links or orphaned links.

  16. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with WMC • Top Queries – this shows the top queries to your site which will allow you to improve specific landing pages

  17. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with WMC • Associate Domains – This is an extremely easy quick win if you have WMC set-up.

  18. Tip #3 – Get Healthy with  WMC • Geotargeting – I’m going to cover this in greater detail in tip number 6

  19. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Geographical Targeting & Subdomains – (Advanced Geotargeting) – This isn’t for the faint at heart, the lazy, or the website owner that isn’t ready to do the extra work to get your piece of the pie.

  20. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Target: Region Use Geotargeting Target: Language Don’t Use Geotargeting

  21. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting? 1. Your target market? 2. If you need language based subdomains or subdirectories? 3. Should you move hosting as well? 4. Cost of translation 5. Can I afford to do it all?

  22. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Should I be using Google’s Geotargeting?

  23. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Search results can differ greatly depending on several variables. 1 .The IP of the end-user (where are they?)2 .The server location of the website (where is it hosted?)3 . Any geographically targeted settings in Webmaster Central (as mentioned in the previous tip)4 .The relationship between the search filters and the resulting web pages (I.e. Did they search for Pages from [region] or Pages in [language]5 .If the end-user is searching a different extension than the defaulted engine (they manually enter Google.com searching for US or English results in a non-US region. 6. If the end-user is logged into the search engines site (Gmail, iGoogle, Toolbars, Local Search etc.) 7. If they have Google’s SearchWiki or other plugin

  24. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains Issue: Do I target a REGION or a specific LANGUAGE?

  25. Do I target a REGION or a LANGUAGE? Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains REGIONAL TARGETING1. Create a subdomain or a subdirectory in the native language and use Webmaster Central to geographically target it2. Host the subdomain on a server in the native region 3. Use the region in all meta tags – Title and H1-H4 type and GPS4. Build back links from similar TLD's 5. If you own a TLD build directories (language) and domains (regions) 6. Use the language or native terms

  26. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains ON A SIDE NOTE!!! - If you own a TLD such as .com, .net or .org you can target both subdomains and subdirectories with Google Geotargeting!! Primary TLD (.com, .net, .org, etc.) .COM FR.COM FR.COM.Subdirectory No Geotargeting Geotargeting Geotargeting All Languages UNIQUE CONTENT France All Languages UNIQUE CONTENT

  27. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains The other elements that will affect rankings using Geotargetingwill be back links; 1. Are the links from a TLD that matches the destination URL (I.e. .nl linking to an .nl website)? 2. Is the IP linking website located in the same region as the linked URL? 3. Page rank, linking anchor text, additional outbound links on the page linking to you 4. On-page relevancy 5. Language based meta-tags 6. Everything in the above 5 items relating to the linking website/page

  28. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains How do I get started with Geographic Targeting? • Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics • (About £149 per 1000 words) Don’t just get them rewritten, get them optimised as well!

  29. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains 1.Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics 2.Get your hosting setup in the target region

  30. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains 1.Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics 2.Get your hosting setup in the target region 3.Create Subdomains FR.website.com ES.website.com DE.website.com IT.website.com

  31. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains 1.Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics 2.Get your hosting setup in the target region 3.Create Subdomains 4.Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host FR.website.com ES.website.com DE.website.com IT.website.com Get a new A (Address) DNS record Get a new A (Address) DNS recordGet a new A (Address) DNS recordGet a new A (Address) DNS record

  32. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains 1.Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics 2.Get your hosting setup in the target region 3.Create Subdomains 4.Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host 5.Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code

  33. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains 1.Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics 2.Get your hosting setup in the target region 3.Create Subdomains 4.Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host 5.Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code. Add the code between your <head> tags (or add an html file)

  34. Tip #4 – Geographical Targeting & Subdomains 1. Get the content rewritten using SEO Tactics 2. Get your hosting setup in the target region 3. Create Subdomains 4. Use the DNS record on the top level domain’s server to point to the ‘A’ (Address) record of that subdomain to the IP of the target host 5. Go to Google’s Webmaster Central and get a new verification code. Add the code between your <head> tags (or add an html file) 6. Submit to Google for crawl

  35. IMPORTANT Things to Remember! • To target a language using only subdirectories do not use geographic targeting• You can target a language with both subdomains and subdirectories but if you have a top-level TLD (.com) use subdirectories versus subdomains.• You can use Google geographical targeting on subdomains and subdirectories• Your title should be in the native language and/or use regional slang terms where they apply.• Use language-based meta tags whenever targeting language-based searches• Host subdomains that are for geographical targeting in the target region • When you implement the subdomain strategy, link to it from the original website• Create new sitemaps for each subdomain • When creating meta tags and content be sure to use native slang. • Get back links from same TLD's (get a .nl link to your .nl site in the native language)• If you have a TLD (like .nl or .de) do not use geographical targeting. These domains are already associated with its designated region

  36. Tip #5 – Canonicalisation Issues: You know have more links than you can see and/or you have pages not showing for any search

  37. Tip #5 – Canonicalisation Issue: You know have more links than you can see and/or you have pages not showing for any search Problem: Links that you have are pointing to; • Yoursite.com • www.yoursite.com • http://www.yoursite.com • www.yoursite.com/html • www.yoursite.com/php • www.yoursite.com/asp This can divide back links and the affect that it has on rankings. G+ and Likes can also be affected.

  38. Tip #5 – Canonicalisation Issue: Internal + External links point to more than one page with duplicate anchor tags. Some pages not shown. Problem: Internal and External links pointing to the same internal page can confuse Google and cause them to resolve to one page or the other, excluding one or the other from search all together. Internal Anchor Text: Top 12 SEO Tips Page 1 Top 12 SEO Tips for 2012 Q1 Page 2 Top 12 SEO Tips for 2012 Q2 Shown Shown Not Shown

  39. Tip #5 – Canonicalisation Solution?

  40. Tip #6 – Other Important Factors Alt Attributes and Titles in Images - Use alt attributes on images to preserve content integrity while providing internal links for ranking factor. Anchor Text Optimization - Use pertinent anchor text and do not waste link equity from excessively linking to non reciprocating pages within a site. Flattening Site Architecture - Keep site architecture as flat as possible or use breadcrumbs to aid in information architecture and crawling. Avoid Using Sub Folders Excessively Content Volume  - Ensure you have enough content to dominate a competitive keyword. Contextual Links - Link contextually within related document to select preferred landing pages through virtual theming Load Time – Google has said recently that load time on asite will progressively become a very important issue. Use Google Webmaster Tools to test.

  41. Tip #7 – Social Bookmarking After extensive testing over the past 3 years as well as watching and anticipating what Google will resort to versus links, I firmly believe, and have proof, that Social Bookmarking will become a big part of Google’s refined algorithm.

  42. Tip #7 – Social Bookmarking Source: SearchEngineJournal.com

  43. Tip #7 – Social Bookmarking nl.PokerNews.com #7 nl.PokerNews.com #8 PokerListings.com #9

  44. Tip #7 – Social Bookmarking

  45. Tip #7 – Social Bookmarking PokerListings.nl #7 nl.PokerNews.nl #8

  46. Tip #8 – Additional Killer Tools This monitors Google’s data bases and will notify you when content appears that contain the kw/kw phrase that you are looking for. This is a tool that shows graphs identifying the traffic trends over time, from the last few years to the last few weeks and allows you to see a snapshot of most any industry. This is a supercharged version of Trends. It monitors the actual search queries globally with multiple filters for region, timeline, sectors, etc. XENU – crawls your website and identifies errors, link structure, page size, external links and many other things that are important to the health of your site PDF and PPT downloads available at www.GaryTheScubaGuy.com

  47. Tip #8 – Additional Killer Tools SEOMoz’s Linkscape – Another great tool for evaluating a competitors back links, anchor text, and discovering the strongest pages on a site. Majestic SEO – Looks at the back link trends of competitors to identify if a sudden surge in back links could be the reason for their rankings increase, then you can use one of many other tools (Link Assistant, ShoeMoney, SEOMoz) to identify these links that significantly changed their ranking and go after the same links or an equivalent linking structure) SEO Spyglass – Gives you a detailed report of your own or a competitors back links and ranks them using important factors like follow-no follow, Page Rank, and other factors. You can even import your Google WMC exported BL report and see if any of the back links to your site are potentially hazardous.

  48. Tip #8 – Additional Killer Tools Firefox SEO Quake Plug-in – Great for a quick look at all of the important ranking factors of the top 10 or just one site. This is a toolbar that allows you to set the values you wish to see like PR, indexed pages, registration date, SBM references, DMOZ, Yahoo, MSN, Baidu, and most other SE’s, plus a ton of other information on the fly. Hittail – 25% of all searches are searched for the first time every day. 60% of all conversions come from these searches! SEOMOZSENukeX Market Samurai LinkResearchTools.com Xrumer

  49. Tip #9 – Target Longtail Terms One out of 4 search queries have never been searched before 60% of conversions come from these searches

  50. Tip #10 – Target Longtail Terms Populate your blogs & mass bookmark them Spins content into 1-250 unique articles & tests uniqueness against database Manually enter your blogs, cut and paste from TheBestSpinner and auto-posts. 20 in 20 minutes Automatically populate your forums with 100’s of profiles and back links to any website Automatically Bookmarks over 30 SBM sites Finds blogs based on keywords, checks PR, Indexation, grabs email, auto pings, posts to 1-100 RSS feeds, verify mass back links

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