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Stabilizing Global System &  Global Ethic

Stabilizing Global System &  Global Ethic. Osamu Yoshida, Ph.D . At the 2nd Confe r ence Global System Ethic Association On December 3, 2006 At Toyo University. Global Problematique & Its Solutions. 1. Global Problematique. 2 . Global System Syndrome. 3. Global Ethic Illnesses.

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Stabilizing Global System &  Global Ethic

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  1. Stabilizing Global System& Global Ethic Osamu Yoshida, Ph.D. At the 2nd Conference Global System Ethic Association On December 3, 2006 At Toyo University

  2. Global Problematique & Its Solutions 1. Global Problematique 2.Global System Syndrome 3.Global Ethic Illnesses 4.Global Solutions

  3. Cosmic Calendar Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1 Big Bang Birth of Milky Way 15bill. yrs. ago 10bill. yrs. ago

  4. 宇宙カレンダー June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 9 Birth of the Sun Oldest Fossil 4.7bill. yrs. ago 3.2bill. yrs. ago 14 Birth of the Earth 4.5bill. yrs. ago 20 Photo- synthesis 3bill. yrs. ago

  5. Cosmic Calendar Nov. 十二月 Dec. 1 Plant/animal division 1.2bill. yrs. ago 6 Poly-cell organisms 1bill. yrs. ago 19 Vertebrata 0.5bill. yrs. ago 25 Genuine nucleus organisms 1.5bill. yrs. ago 26 Mammals 0.2bill. yrs. ago

  6. Cosmic Calendar Dec. 1 Plant/animal division 1.2bill. yrs. ago 脊椎動物 5億年前 6 Polycell organisms 1bill. yrs. ago 19 Mass extinction 1 Mass extinction 2 20 (22) Plants landing 0.4bill. yrs. ago (Mass ext. 3) (Mass ext. 4) (25) 26 Mammals 0.2bill. yrs. ago Mass ext. 5 29 Primates 5mil. yrs. ago 31 Hominids 2mil. yrs. ago

  7. Our growing population Population Change from 1900-2000

  8. World energy consumption pattern World Energy Consumption between 1800 - 1990 World Primary Energy Consumption since 1970, projected to 2025

  9. Earth’s Shrinking Biosphere Currently, the Earth is the only home we have 1900-2000 AD With each new person added to our growing population, the amount of our living space decreases Land Area hectare per/capita

  10. FORESTS 1900 3.18 1950 1.85 1960 1.45 1970 1.17 1980 0.97 1990 0.82 2000 0.64 Earth’s shrinking forestland (Ha per capita) 1900-2000

  11. Increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide 2000-about 365 ppm Carbon dioxide levels have risen by 30% in the last 200 years. The IPCC projects that, if unchecked, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will range from 650 to 970 ppm by 2100.

  12. Dramatic changes in Arctic Sea Ice Imagine an ice-free Arctic

  13. Ozone Hole 1999 1979 1990 1988 1982 1992 1997 1986 1984 1994 Darkest blue areas represent regions of maximum ozone depletion 2004

  14. Extreme Events World Map of Historical Earthquakes

  15. Dust traveling over the Pacific Images taken between April 29 and May 5, 2005 shows dust from the Gobi Desert crossing the Pacific, well on its way to North America

  16. WATER AND LAKES • Lake Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon • Challawa Gorge Dam, Nigeria • Lake Nakuru, Kenya • Lake Victoria, Uganda • Lesotho Highlands Water • Project, Lesotho • Aral Sea, Kazakhstan • Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan • Kara- Bogaz -Gol (KBG), Turkmenistan Estimated global water loss in irrigation Source: FAO

  17. Indian Ocean Tsunami: Devastated Banda Aceh Serene Banda Aceh Dec. 2004: Tsunami devastated the region of Banda Aceh

  18. Bam, Iran: City destroyed by earthquake A 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck southeastern Iran on 26 December 2003, killing over 40 000 people, injuring 16 000, leaving 70 000 homeless and destroying much of the city of Bam, the earthquake’s epicenter

  19. Mozambique under water 2000: Due to severe flooding, half a million people were made homeless and 700 lost their lives 22 August 1999: Mozambique under normal conditions 1 March 2000: Mozambique under water

  20. World’s worst nuclear accident The Chernobyl nuclear accident killed more than 31 people immediately More than 120 000 people from 213 villages and cities were relocated outside the contamination zone Much of the farmland surrounding the plant was heavily contaminated with radioactive nuclides and was subsequently abandoned

  21. Dramatic changes in Huang He Delta, China Images show the mouth of the Yellow River and the emergence of a huge parrot-headed peninsula • 1979-2000: Huang He’s yellow color is the result of huge loads of sediments

  22. Changes in Huang He Delta, China • From 1989 to 1995 the Yellow River delta area grew • From 1995 to 2000 the Yellow River delta area shrank Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

  23. Replacement of mangroves by aquaculture in Thon Buri, Thailand • 1973-1978: Area is caught in the battle between needs of people versus the welfare of the coastal areas • 2002: Shows extensive aquaculture ponds (blue patches inland)

  24. Sundarban: Largest mangrove forest of the world, India/Bangladesh Forest degradation has been occurring in many parts of Sundarbans Shrimp farming is a major threat to mangrove forests

  25. 3 Revolutions of Humans Social Rev. Spiritual Rev. Production Rev. 1st Agricultural Rev.   10mil. yrs. ago 2nd Industrial Rev.   250 yrs. ago 1st Urban Rev.   5mil. yrs. ago 2nd National Rev.  200 yrs. ago 1st Religious Rev.   2.5mil. yrs. ago 2nd Life Rev.  20 yrs. ago

  26. 5 Calamities of Civilization Delusion, Bondage, Discrimination, Exploitation, War Civilization Calamities Robbing of limited matter/power Competition, Conflict, War Symbiosis, Collaboration, Peace Sharing of limitless mind/life Culture Blisses Awakening, Freedom, Equality, Love, Peace 5 Blisses of Culture

  27. power mind Pyramidal Civilization matter ego greed, anger, ignorance discrimination, exploitation, killing production, consumption, wasting deterioration, depletion, pollution malfunction, abnormality, extinction life ECO

  28. matter power Pyramidal Civilization Three Steps 力 delusion action suffering  命 mind life

  29. Problems of Civilization Civilization Realmmen over- population class-crime-war Ideology-ism-WMD Fanaticism-nationalism Mass-production/consumption /wasting/pollution/depletion/damage /disorder/disease/deterioration/disease Animal FieldLife Realm Loss of life/species/life function/habitat/biodiversity/ Adaptability/invasion of new species/disturbance of system Plant Field Loss of forests//coral reefs/lakes/marshes/rivers/streams/ vitality/resistance-disease-dislocation-deterioration-destruction-demise Life Field global warming・loss of land/glacier/iceberg/water-sealevelrise-dissertification- pollution of air/water/earth-depletion of resources/ozone layer-abnormal weather/season

  30. System Network Indra-net Every crystal reflecting all others limitlessly

  31. illness star-vation wars poverty re-soures loss Ecnomic problems social problems vitality loss 難民 disasters Mal-adjustment bio-diversity loss 犯罪 abnormal weather climate change Indra-net habitat change sea current stop warming CO2 increase 宗教間 組織 sea level rise Systemic Reflections (CO2 Case) species extinction species change

  32. 5 Fictitious Bodies nation religion Mutual influence corporation education media

  33. 5 Fictitious Bodies’ Transformation Inter- religious dialog NGO NPO Life- long education Information Revolution Mutual Development

  34. 5 Fictitious Bodies’ Transformation Inter-religious cooperation NGO NPO Information Networking Centerless centers Lifelong education Global interchange Mutual Interpenetration

  35. System Analysis: 5S Segment Structure Subsystem System Set Super-system Supreme-system

  36. System Syndrome: 5S Stratification Stress Synergy System Syndrome Speed Size

  37. System Stigma: 5S Separation Stupefication Specialization System Stigma Standardization Simplification

  38. 3 Error Types Pre Post Temporal Dimensional Spatial Mundus (Perceptual- conceptual) A-mundus Macro Micro

  39. 3 Steps to Suffering Delusion Action Suffering Global System/Truth Global/Ethic Global/Peace Awakening Action Pleasure 3 Steps to Peace-pleasure

  40. Paradigm Shift: 5P Practice Penetration Participation Paradigm Shift Priority Perspective

  41. Life Shift: 5C Cooperation Commitment Compassion Life Shift Communication Consciousness

  42. Truth & Ethic Requirements System Information Ethic Matter Fundamental Preventive Dynamic Total

  43. Truth & Ethic of Life System Matter Information Generation LIFE No sexual misconduct No stealing No killing No lying

  44. Declaration toward a Global Ethic Parliament of World’s Religions, Chicago, 1993 4 Irrevocable Directives Commitment to the culture of 1. non- violence & respect for life 2. solidarity & just economic order 3. tolerance & a life of truthfulness 4. equal rights & partnership between men and women

  45. Truth & Ethic of Global System Material flow Information flow Global System Global Ethic 5 S 1.Systemic 2. Sustainable 3.Saving 4.Safe 5.Simple 5 L 1.Law 2.Life 3.Love 4.Liberation 5.Lieless 5 R 1.Reduce 2.Reuse 3.Recycle 4.Rearrange 5.Restore 5 A 1.Access 2.Assess 3.Agree 4.Act 5.Advise

  46. A Clear Crystal Ball - realizing the whole world in “a cypress tree”-

  47. 一顆明珠 

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