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This article discusses the evolution of ART guidelines based on the results of the START and TEMPRANO trials, and their translation into clinical practice. It also explores the challenges in implementing these guidelines in low and middle-income countries.
Towards a New Treatment Era ? Translating Results from START and TEMPRANO to Clinical Practice Serge Paul EHOLIE1,2,3,Xavier ANGLARET,3,4 1- Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Treichville University Hospital, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire 2- Department of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases, UFR des Sciences Médicales, University Félix HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire 3- Programme PAC-CI, ANRS research site in Côte d’Ivoire 4- INSERM U1219, University of Bordeaux, France
When to start ART: Evolution of WHO guidelines for Low and Middle Income countries 2002 2006 2010 2013 CD4 ≤ 200 CD4 ≤ 200 Consider< 350 CD4 < 350 if TB CD4 ≤ 350 At any CD4 if TB/HBV CD4 ≤ 500 (Prioritize ≤ 350) At any CD4 if TB/HBV, pregnancy, serodiscordant couples
Moving towards the end of AIDS: Great achievements, ambitious targets… [ 35%] [ 50%] [ 10x] 17 milion (2016) [ 3x] WHO & UNAIDS reports , 2014 & 2015
Towards a new treatment Era ? When to start (1) The game changers
When to start ART ? Three recent Randomized Control Trial HPTN052: Cohen, NEJM 2011; 365:493-505 HPTN052: Grinsztejn, Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14:281-90 TEMPRANO: TEMPRANO study group, NEJM 2015; 373:808-22 START: INSIGHT START study group, NEJM 2015; 373:795-807 All three trials had the same objective: To compare the efficacy of "early ART" vs. "deferred ART" in reducing severe morbidity* in adults with high CD4 counts** * Severe morbidity included all-cause death, tuberculosis, AIDS and non-AIDS cancers in the three trials **Baseline CD4 counts: HPTN052 350-550 /mm3 TEMPRANO 250-800 /mm3 START >500/mm3
HPTN052 Participants: 1761 54% in Africa (East/Southern) • TEMPRANO • Participants: 2056 • 100% in Africa (West) START Participants: 4651 21% Africa (mostly East/southern)
Hazard Ratio of severe morbidity : TEMPRANO 0.56 (0.41-0.76) N Engl J Med 2015;373:808-22.
Hazard Ratio of severe morbidity: START 0.43 (0.30-0.62) N Engl J Med 2015; 373:795-807.
Hazard Ratio of severe morbidity Hazard Ratio of HIV transmission HPTN052 0.73(0.52-1.03) 0.04 (0.01-0.27) N Engl J Med 2011; 365:493-505 Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14:281-90
Towards a new treatment Era ? When to start (1) No more double standard in international guidelines ?
Temporal Evolution of CD4 Criteria to Initiate ART in Asymptomatic HIV+ Adults (1996-2015)
IAS Temporal Evolution of CD4 Criteria to Initiate ART in Asymptomatic HIV+ Adults (1996-2015) DHHS EACS WHO With the courtesy of M Vitoria
No Double Standard anymore ! IAS Temporal Evolution of CD4 Criteria to Initiate ART in Asymptomatic HIV+ Adults (1996-2015) DHHS EACS WHO With the courtesy of M Vitoria
“Test, Treat, Retain, Respect, and Prevent” : a global action statement Abdool Karim , NEJM 2015
When to start in the guidelines When to start in the field ?
When to start in the guidelines When to start in the field ? 1. Empower physicians to follow international guidelines
Movement to ‘Treat All’ happening Policy uptake for adults and adolescents, July 2016 • 24% of all LMIC and 40% of fast track countries have adopted Treat All • By the end of 2016, more than half of all LMIC and 80% of fast track countries will have adopted Treat All With the courtesy of M. Doherty
Policy uptake to full implementation, July 2016 • Implementation is just getting underway and the majority of countries have not yet fully put the policy into practice for Treat All With the courtesy of M. Doherty
Policy uptake to full implementation, July 2016 • Implementation is just getting underway and the majority of countries have not yet fully put the policy into practice for Treat All The double (and even triple) standard is still there With the courtesy of M. Doherty
When to start in the guidelines When to start in the real life ? 2. No more limitation in financial resources
Percentage of African national budgets allocated to health - 2010 < 10%(n=19 [44.2%])
≥15% (n=4 [9.3%]) <15% (n=20 [46.5%])
The funding gaps The funding GAPS 44/97 countries (%) , ART funding Gap exceeds 55% of the total resource requirements Dutta A, et Al, Plos Med, 2015
How limited financial ressourcesdangerouslyimpact clinical pratices Inadequate forecasting & supply... • Lack of ARV drugs • More patients in advanced stage • Need to prioritize
NEW Clinicians should never be asked to prioritize ! REVISED NEW DIRECTIONS IN WHEN TO START NEW
The science has spoken. There can now be no excuse for inaction. Fauci, N Eng J Med 2015
There is no excuse for delay !!!! IAS Conference, Paris,2003
Towards a new treatment Era ? When to start (1) From policy making to the field in clinical practice
HIV Cascade in Subsaharan Africa (2013) 55% 61% 71% UNAIDS Gap Report 2014. http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/documents/2014/20140716_UNAIDS_gap_report
« Real world... » Raymond et al. HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow Congress 2014 With the courtesy of Y Yazdanpanah
« Real world... » • Testing and linkage to care are major issues, even in rich countries • Western Europe do better than U.S ... Raymond et al. HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow Congress 2014 With the courtesy of Y Yazdanpanah
HIV Cascade – Rwanda 2014 Nsanzimana, IAS 2015
Towards a new treatment Era ? When to start (1) Test ealier to treat earlier
228 185 132 125 Lahuerta, Clin Infect Dis 2014
228 185 132 125 Improvement but still late ART initiation Lahuerta, Clin Infect Dis 2014
Rwanda 284 Kenya 204 174 Mozambique 148 Tanzania Disparities between countries Lahuerta, Clin Infect Dis 2014
The new paradigm for HIV Testing Early ART Early HIV Diagnosis Target asymptomatic patients and/or at-risk people
Towards a new treatment Era? When to start (1) Does “Treat irrespective of CD4 count” reallymean “treat everyone” ?
Early ARTWillingness to accept or prescribe the treatment Belief or Trust in the treatment Patients Physicians
Among 743 eligible for ART (CD4 <200, 2009 SA guidelines) 148 (20%) refused to initiate ART Katz, AIDS 2011
Among 743 eligible for ART (CD4 <200, 2009 SA guidelines) 148 (20%) refused to initiate ART Katz, AIDS 2011
Early ARTWillingness to accept or prescribe the treatment Belief or Trust in the treatment Patients Physicians
46,886 HIV-infected followed (2005) • LTNP (0.40%) • Elite LTNP (0.05%) • HIV controllers(0.22%) • Elite HIV controllers (0.15%) Grabar, AIDS 2009
(N=2056) Temprano ANRS 12136, N Eng J Med 2015; 373:808-822 Temprano ANRS 12136, N Engl J Med 2015
(N=2056) Temprano ANRS 12136, N Engl J Med 2015
Plasma HIV-1 RNA at 30 months in patient in the « deferred ART » group who did not start ART during trial follow-up Temprano, unpublished data
From “When to start” to “When not to start immediately ?” (“Treat everyone but…”) Public health approach vs. individualized HIV care Eholie, AIDS 2014