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WebODE and its Ontology Management APIs

A Java-based Ontological Engineering Workbench that supports Methontology and provides expressive knowledge modeling and various ontology-related services.

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WebODE and its Ontology Management APIs

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  1. WebODE and its Ontology Management APIs Ontology Engineering Group April 8th 2005

  2. Table of Contents • WebODE at a glance • WebODE Ontology Editor • Main WebODE services • Summary

  3. WebODE • Java based Ontological Engineering Workbench that gives support to Methontology. • Provides a very expressive knowledge model. • Covers and gives support to most of the activities involved in theontology development process with different types of ontology-related services. • Developed by the Ontology Engineering Group at UPM. http://delicias.dia.fi.upm.es/webode

  4. RDF(S) DAML+OIL OWL RDF(S) DAML+OIL OWL RDF(S) DAML+OIL OWL Maintenance Evaluate Import Differences RDF(S) Alignment Merge Specify Conceptualize Evaluate Maintenance Use Implement Integrate DAML+OIL Prune Knowledge Acquisition Extend OWL Multilinguality Specialize Technological Support

  5. ODE Ontology Management API Cache Consistency Axiom WebODE Architecture Ontology Editor Inference engine ODEval WebPicker Import services Export services Ontology languages Ontology languages XCARIN DAML+OIL OWL RDF(S) OIL OWL RDF(S) XCARIN FLogic DAML+OIL OntoTagger ODELinger ODEMerge ODEDesigner ODEMapster Other languages Other languages UML XML Jess Java UML XML OKBC Prolog ODE Evolution Manager Application Server DB Server

  6. WebODE Knowledge Model • Concepts • Class attributes • Instance attributes • Groups of concepts • Relations • Taxonomical • Between concepts (subclass-of, not-subclass-of) • Between concepts and groups (disjoint-subclass-partition, exhaustive-subclass-partition) • Mereological (transitive-part-of, intransitive-part-of) • Ad-hoc • Properties • Built-in properties (reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric, transitive) • Ad-hoc properties • Imported terms • Constants • Synonyms • Abbreviations • Formulae (axioms, rules, procedures) • References • Instance sets • Instances (of concepts or of relations)

  7. Table of Contents • WebODE at a glance • WebODE Ontology Editor • Main WebODE services • Summary

  8. WebODE ontology editor

  9. OntoDesigner

  10. OntoDesigner with ODEClean

  11. WebODE Axiom Builder

  12. WebODE Documentation Service

  13. Table of Contents • WebODE at a glance • WebODE Ontology Editor • Main WebODE services • Summary

  14. Ontology evaluation: ODEval • Ontology Evaluation at the symbol Level. • Detects problems (inconsistency and redundancy) in concept taxonomies in: • DAML+OIL ontologies • RDF(S) ontologies • OWL ontologies

  15. Ontology translation: ODEDialect • Import and export services integrated with • Translation strategy: Minimize Knowledge losses • Import services: RDF(S), DAML+OIL, OWL, XML, CARIN, UML, Protégé2000 • Export services: RDF(S), DAML+OIL, OWL, XML, CARIN, Jess/Java, UML, Protégé-2000

  16. Ontological Reengineeringwith WebODE • The process of retrieving a conceptual model of an implemented ontology and transforming this conceptual model to a more suitable one. Conceptual Model Conceptual Model' Reverse Engineering Restructuring: .- Redesign .- Evaluation at the knowledge level Forward Engineering Implemented Ontology Implemented Ontology'

  17. Ontology Maintenance • Goal: • Ontology Evolution • Change and difference detection • Ontology versioning (not done) • Scope : • Differences between two ontologies: • Added concepts • Removed concepts • Added ‘subclass-of’ relations • Removed ‘subclass-of’ relations

  18. ODELinger • Automatic Storage in the Eagles standard of the linguistic information provided by the annotators. • Different kinds of linguistic information retrieval: • Approximated search • Collocations (document + paragraph + sentence) • Query to the Eagles standard • … • Semiautomatic ontology construction: • Statistical processing (word level) • Concepts • Linguistic Pattern processing • Taxonomic relations • Non Taxonomic relations

  19. Multilinguality in ontologies • Semiautomatic translation of the ontology terms to other natural languages • Multilingual resources used for improving the accuracy and the quality of the translation • EuroWordNet (Spanish, German, and English WordNets) • Babelfish online translation service • Wikipedia.org • Scope • Ontology components: • Concepts • Attributes • Relations • Natural languages: • English • Spanish • German

  20. Choose the position Change a previous translation and choose another one Multilingual Resources On-line Translation Wikipedia translation available for this term Other posibilities Translate TermTraslator System

  21. ODEMapster Architecture Modelling E/R model Ontology conceptual model Declarative Mapping Description R2O SQL relational model OWL implementation DAML+OIL implementation RDF(S) implementation ... Implementation Database Instance data (records) ODE (processor) Inst. for ontology in DAML+OIL instance set for ontology inRDFS instance set for ontology in OWL ...

  22. Querying ODEMapster PHDStudent I’d like to have the names of all the Professors in UPM * A Professor is a Person whose job is “teaching” * A university is an Organization whose type is “3” Professor Ontology <xml> R2O Mapping </xml> Organization Give me the name of every Person whose job is “teaching” and works for an Organization of type “3” called UPM Person RDB ER model

  23. Table of Contents • WebODE at a glance • WebODE Ontology Editor • Main WebODE services • Summary

  24. RDF(S) DAML+OIL OWL RDF(S) DAML+OIL OWL RDF(S) DAML+OIL OWL Maintenance Evaluate Import Evaluate Differences Conceptualize Maintenance Use Implement Integrate RDF(S) Especify Alignment Prune Extend Merge Multilinguality DAML+OIL Specialize Re-engineering OWL In summary • Methodological and technological support to ontology life cycle • Technological Support • Ontological Reengineering • Evaluation • Translation • Maintenance: • Differences • Evolution • Mappings • Semiautomatic knowledge acquisition • Multilinguality

  25. WebODE APIs • Ontology Management API • Insert • Update • Remove • Query • Ontology Translation API • Ontology Evaluation API • Ontology Evolution API • Ontology Translation API

  26. WebODE and its Ontology Management APIs Ontology Engineering Group April 8th 2005

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