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The Energy Statistics Compilation Manual (ESCM) offers internationally agreed recommendations for all aspects of statistical energy production. It aligns with the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Energy (SEEA-Energy) to provide consistent concepts, classifications, and guidelines. The manual details the conceptual framework, legal foundations, data collection, energy balances, accounts, indicators, emissions, quality assurance, metadata, and dissemination practices. With a structured preparation process, involving consolidating country practices and expert input, the ESCM aims for publication by 2013. Input from the Oslo and London Groups will contribute to the comprehensive manual.
Purpose and objectives of the ESCM Ilaria DiMatteo UNSD 6th Oslo Group Meeting 2-5 May 2011
Why the ESCM • IRES provides internationally agreed recommendations covering all aspects of the statistical production process for energy statistics • SEEA-Energy will provide concepts, definitions and classification for the energy accounts consistent with the SNA => ESCM provides practical guidelines to assists countries in the implementation of IRES and the SEEA-Energy ESCM is an integral part of the implementation of IERS
Outline Chapter 1 Conceptual framework It describes the conceptual framework established in IRES and also the relationships with other relevant statistical domains such as economic and environment statistics Chapter 2 Legal foundation and institutional arrangements It describes various national statistical systems, their legal framework and their institutional arrangements. It will describe their advantages and disadvantages and provides country examples
Chapter 3 - Classification It describes the relevant classification for energy statistics (e.g. SIEC) and some issues in their correspondence to other international classifications. Chapter 4 - Data sources and data collection It presents data sources and compilation of data items (incl. data editing, measurement units, etc.) and also adjustments for the compilation of energy accounts
Chapter 5 – Compilation of energy balances It describes how to compile balances from the data items of IRES, data validation inherent to the balances, and also use of secondary data Chapter 6 - Compilation of energy accounts It describes how to compile the accounts (SEEA-Energy) based on the data items of IRES as well the use of secondary sources such as the energy balances and the compilation of bridge tables
Chapter 7 – Energy indicators and Greenhouse gas emissions It provides examples of country practices in these areas Chapter 8 – Data quality and metadata It provides guidance on the compilation of quality indicators and on the preparation of metadata as well as presents country practices Chapter 9 – Data dissemination It describes country practices in dissemination (format, release calendar, revision policy, etc.) and also confidentiality
ESCM is expected to be published in hard copy and also in electronic format in order to be periodically updated to reflect new country practices ESCM will heavily draw on country practices The collection of country practices through, for example, the template developed by Statistics Norway is an important aspect It is envisaged that a knowledge-base platform be developed for energy statistics in order to make available and share materials on energy statistics
Suggested organization of the work The ESCM is planned to be finalized by 2013 Preparation process in 3 main stages: • Collection of country practices and textual input • Consolidation of the material into a complete draft ESCM • Consultation and review of the draft
1. Collection of country practices and textual input While the collection of country practices is envisaged to be on a continuous basis, countries are strongly encouraged to send their country practice at an early stage Countries are invited to volunteer to coordinate the preparation of individual chapters of the ESCM (e.g. review available practices, soliciting contributions and draft text) in order to have draft chapters by November 2011 UNSD will also assist country during the drafting of the chapters
2. Consolidation of the material into a draft ESCM UNSD will consolidate the material into a first draft of the ESCM for the 7th Oslo Group meeting in 2012 3. Consultation, review and finalization of the draft During 2012-2013
The Oslo Group will be the main content provider for the ESCM, however, consultation with and contributions from the London Group on Environmental Accounts will be sought
Finalization of the ESCM in 2013 Review and consultation on the draft ESCM Consolidation of the draft chapters Collection of material and drafting of chapters LG meeting2013 8th OG meetingFeb 13 LG meeting2012 7th OG meetingFeb 12 Nov 11 LG meetingFall 11 6th OG meetingMay 11