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INTERNATIONAL HEALTH. KEERTI BHUSAN PRADHAN keerti@aravind.org. Nothing on earth is more International than Disease Quarantine-Failed. History and Development. First International Sanitary Conference (1851) Pan American Sanitary Bureau (1902) Office International D’Hygiene Publique (1907)

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  2. Nothing on earth is more International than Disease Quarantine-Failed

  3. History and Development • First International Sanitary Conference (1851) • Pan American Sanitary Bureau (1902) • Office International D’Hygiene Publique (1907) • The Health Organisation of the League of Nations (1923) • The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (1943)

  4. Birth of the WHO • April 1945 • 7th April 1948-Formal Existance • World Health Day-7th April • Specific theme each year Objective: The attainment by all peoples of the highest level of health

  5. Work of WHO • Constitutional Function: Act as the directing and coordinating authority on all International health work • Prevention and Control of specific Diseases • Development of Comprehensive Health Services • Family Health • Environmental Health

  6. Health Statistics • Bio-Medical Research • Health Literature and Information • Cooperation with Other Organization

  7. Structure • World Health Assembly • The Executive Board • The Secretariat

  8. Regions • South East Asia-New Delhi • Africa-Harare (Zimbabwe) • The Americas-Washington D C (USA) • Europe-Copenhagen (Denmark) • Eastern Mediterranean-Alexandria (Egypt) • Western Pacific-Manila (Philippines) SEARO: (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Maldives, Timor-Leste, Myanmar, Nepal, Srilanka, Thailand)

  9. LEE Jong-wookDirector General WHO

  10. Other United Nations Agencies • UNICEF • UNDP • UNFPA • FAO • ILO • WORLD BANK

  11. Bilateral Agencies • USAID • SIDA • DANIDA

  12. Other INGOs • Rockefeller Foundation • Ford Foundation • CARE • International Red Cross

  13. Websites • www.who.int • www.whosea.org • www.usaid.org • www.fordfound.org • www.dfidindia.org • www.whoindia.org • www.careindia.org

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