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Light from Stars

Discover the wonders of space exploration, from distant starlight to orbiting satellites and iconic missions like Apollo. Learn about electromagnetic waves, satellites, space probes, important figures like Gagarin and Kennedy, and key projects that led to landing humans on the moon. Explore Skylab, Mir, and the International Space Station as vital hubs of research and discovery in Earth's orbit.

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Light from Stars

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  1. Light from Stars • When you see the light from a star, it is light that left it many years ago. • Light travels very fast, but the distances in space are so great that it takes years for the light to reach Earth.-sometimes tens of thousands of years. • The light and other energy leaving a star are forms of radiation.

  2. Radiation • Remember: radiation is energy transmitted through electromagnetic waves. • Because of electric and magnetic properties of this energy, it is called electromagnetic radiation. • Electromagnetic waves carry energy through both empty space and matter.

  3. Sound waves are mechanical waves; they can’t travel through space So, how do we hear astronauts in space? How do we hear astronauts in space?

  4. When they speak into a microphone, the sound is converted into electromagnetic waves called radio waves. The radio waves travel through space and back to Earth where they are converted back into sound. How do we hear astronauts in space?

  5. Electromagnetic Spectrum • All electromagnetic waves have different wavelengths, but the all travel at the speed of light in a vacuum- 300,000 km/s in a vacuum

  6. Satellites • A satellite is any object that revolves around another object.

  7. Satellites • When an object enters space, it will travel in a straight line until the Earth’s gravity pulls it back toward Earth. • Because the satellite is traveling forward and falling toward Earth at the same time, the satellite will travel in a curved path around Earth known as an orbit.

  8. 2 Types of Satellites- Natural & Artificial There are both natural and artificial satellites.

  9. The moon is a natural satellite. It orbits the Earth. Natural Satellites

  10. Sputnik- 1st Artificial Satellite

  11. Sputnik was launched by the Soviets in 1957, marking the beginning of space exploration. Sputnik 1

  12. Space Probes • A space probe is an instrument that gathers information and sends it back to Earth. Space probes travel far into space. • Examples: Voyager I and II (didn’t land on a planet), Viking (did land), Galileo (dropped probe onto Jupiter)

  13. Space Program & Important People Yuri Gagarin & President Kennedy

  14. Yuri Gagarin • In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.

  15. President Kennedy called for the US to put the first man on the moon by the end of the decade. President Kennedy

  16. Projects that led to man on the moon • Project Mercury • Project Gemini • Project Apollo

  17. Project Mercury • Project Mercury- orbit a crewed spacecraft around Earth and bring it back safely

  18. 1961- Alan Shepard became 1st US citizen in space Was not on Apollo 13 because of an ear infection Apollo 14-oldest man on moon (47) Hit golf balls on moon Alan Shepard

  19. 1962- John Glenn became the 1st US citizen to orbit the Earth John Glenn

  20. Project Gemini • Project Gemini- two teams of astronauts met and connected

  21. Project Gemini

  22. Project Apollo- July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon Saturn V that launched Apollo 11 Project Apollo

  23. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the man. Project Apollo

  24. “That’s one step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong

  25. Edwin Aldrin was the 2nd man to walk on the moon. He and Armstrong explored for 2 hours. Apollo 11- Edwin Aldrin

  26. Michael Collins remained in the Command Module. A total of 6 lunar landings brought back 2000 samples of moon rock. The program ended in 1972. Apollo 11- Michael Collins

  27. A space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that transports astronauts, satellites, and other materials to and from space. Space Shuttle

  28. At launch, the space shuttle orbiter stands on end and is connected to an external liquid-fuel tank and two solid-fuel booster engines. Space Shuttle

  29. When the shuttle reaches an altitude of about 45 km, the emptied solid-fuel booster rockets drop off and parachute back to earth. They are recovered and reused again. Space Shuttle

  30. Space Shuttle • The larger liquid fuel tank eventually separates and falls back to Earth. It is not recovered.

  31. Once the space shuttle reaches space, it orbits Earth. Space Shuttle

  32. Space Shuttle Landing • At the end of a mission, the space shuttle orbiter glides back to Earth and lands like an airplane. The parachute slows it down.

  33. January 28, 1986 7 crew members died- one of which was teacher Christina McAuliffe Mc Auliffe was first member of the Teachers in Space Program Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

  34. Challenger

  35. A space station has living quarters, work and exercise space, and all the equipment and support systems needed to live and work in space. Space Stations

  36. Skylab was a space station put up in 1973. In 1979 it was abandoned and fell back into earth’s atmosphere and burned up Skylab

  37. Skylab Launch

  38. Skylab Launch

  39. Mir was a Soviet space station. Mir

  40. International Space Station serves as a research lab for several countries. Permanent crew Scientists on Earth have almost instant access to experiments and can modify when needed International Space Station

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