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Power of Observation Quiz. http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/ArtAndPhoto-Fronts/HEALTH/080328/g-080328-hlt-scent-sensitive-3p.hmedium.jpg. http://www.the-student.me.uk/thestudent/resources/nationals/unit%204/images/magnifying-glass.gif. Question #1.
Power of Observation Quiz http://msnbcmedia2.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/ArtAndPhoto-Fronts/HEALTH/080328/g-080328-hlt-scent-sensitive-3p.hmedium.jpg http://www.the-student.me.uk/thestudent/resources/nationals/unit%204/images/magnifying-glass.gif
Question #1 • On a standard traffic light, where is the green light found? A. Top B. Middle C. Bottom http://images.theage.com.au/ftage/ffximage/2008/09/30/trafficlight_main_narrowweb__300x423,0.jpg C. Bottom
Question #2 • On a penny, which direction does Lincoln face? A. right B. left C. faces forward A. right http://www.newpenny.net
Question #3 • In which hand is the Statue of Liberty holding her torch? A. Right Hand B. Left Hand C. Both Hands A. Right Hand http://carondelet.net/Aspring08/Project2/Caitlin/Statue_of_Liberty_2691.jpg
Question #4 • What color is the letter “L” in the Google logo? A. Green B. Blue C. Red http://www.google.com/ A. Green
Question #5 • What two numbers on the telephone keypad do not have letters by them? (Put your phones away!!!) A. Zero and Nine B. Five and Zero C. One and Zero http://sar.informatik.hu-berlin.de/teaching/2008-w/2008-w%20GdP/uebungen/14-a/telephone-keypad.png C. One and Zero
Question #6 • When you walk, does your left arm swing with your right or left leg? (No getting up to check!) A. Left B. Right C. Neither B. Right http://www.wallgau.de/se_data/_filebank/wallgau/sommerbilder/NordicWalking_0093.JPG
Question #7 • On United States flag, what color is the top stripe? A. Red B. White C. Blue A. Red http://www.tmvfd.com/page%20folder/Flag/US%20Flag.gif
Question #8 C. “U” • What letter follows Q-W-E-R-T-Y horizontally on a standard computer keyboard? A. “I” B. “G” C. “U”
Question #9 • On pants, where is the zipper located (don’t look!!)? A. To the left of a flap B. To the right of a flap C. In the center (no flap) right left http://www.123rf.com/photo_2316664_close-up-of-the-pants-pocket-blue-jeans.html B. To the right of a flap
Question #10 • Which way does a “No Smoking” sign’s slash run? A. Towards top right B. Towards bottom left C. Towards bottom right http://www.wolfpenatv.com/images/clipart/600px-No_smoking_sign_svg.png C. Towards bottom right
Question #11 • On a PlayStation controller, which color and shape are matched correctly? A. Pink – Triangle B. Green – Square C. Red - Circle http://www.uncrate.com/men/images/2008/04/ps3-dualshock-3.jpg C. Red - Circle
Question #12 • How many sides does a stop sign have? A. Five B. Six C. Eight http://www.freewebs.com/inpro/stop_sign.png C. Eight
Question #13 • Where are even numbered pages found in book? (No peeking). A. Right side B. Left side C. Where two pages meet (spine) http://www.library.wisc.edu/etext/jonas/Hulda/mm/A260-1.jpg B. Left Side
Question #14 • How many sides are there on a standard (wooden) pencil? A. Four B. Five C. Six http://www.penciltalk.org/images/fluorescent2.jpg C. Six
Question #15 • On which playing card is the card maker’s trademark found? A. Two of hearts B. Joker C. Ace of spades http://jimveney.com/images/ace_of_spades.jpg C. Ace of Spades
Question #16 • How many curves are there in a standard paper clip? A. Two B. Three C. Four http://www.gameoven.com/video_thumbnails/Paper%20Clip%20Trick.jpeg B. Three
Question #17 • What is pictured on the back of the United States $20 bill? A. The Lincoln Memorial B. The White House C. U.S. Treasury http://www.expressions-grants.com/site/wp-content/themes/expressions/images/uploads/2007/04/20-dollar-bill-new-front-back.jpeg B. The White House
Question #18 • The white panels on standard soccer balls are what geometric shape? A. Octagons B. Pentagons C. Hexagons http://richland.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/soccer-ball.jpg C. Hexagons
Question #19 • On a standard computer, what does the symbol mean? A. Eject B. Restart C. Pause A. Eject
Question #20 • On an iPod, where is the “menu” key located on the wheel? A. In the middle B. On the top C. On the bottom http://www.google.com/imgres?q=ipod&um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=9A6dsbTM2dEFoM:&imgrefurl=http://www.jaygeiger.com/index.php/2006/10/18/apple-blames-microsoft-for-ipods-that-shipped-with-a-virus/&docid=sw0PDAqiFsGhYM&w=338&h=450&ei=9DJpTv3nJ-rjiAKW6YSZDg&zoom=1&biw=873&bih=677 B. On the top
How Are Observations Made? • An observation is the act of noting something in your environment using the five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. • In science, we generally do not want to smell and taste things, especially in the laboratory! tp://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Wogx5HqhL68/ScQ8pve_ECI/AAAAAAAACC8/iK_o63JcZc0/s400/5-senses.jpg
Food for Thought… • As we continue learning about the Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry, chew on these tasty tidbits: 1.) How is an observation different from an inference? 2.) How can observations and inferences be used when formulating a scientific question? 3). How do observations and inferences help the scientific community establish laws and theories, such as the Theory of Evolution and the Law of Gravity?
Credits • Questions (except numbers 4, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, and 20) taken from The Power of Observation Quiz found at: http://www.flowgo.com/funny/ 12358_power-observation-quiz.html. • Special thanks to Nick Cordella, Lena Koslover, and Angeles Contreras for their insightful contributions.