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A Thought to Ponder!. Organizations ( read “ leaders ” ) that do not empower their people can ’ t compete in today ’ s world . . . unless maybe they are part of a bureaucratic, Industrial Age organization!. TOTAL LEADERS: Module 8 Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization
A Thought to Ponder! Organizations (read“leaders”) that do not empower their people can’t compete in today’s world . . . unless maybe they are part of a bureaucratic, Industrial Age organization!
TOTAL LEADERS: Module 8 Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization from the Quality LeadershipDomain
PLDC Approach to Leadership Assessment and Development Total Leaders Framework Ten Critical Performance Roles of the Total Leader Strategic Leader Selection (An External Assessment) Personal Leadership Assessment (Detailed Rubrics for each of the Ten Performance Roles) Leadership Development Opportunities (For Individuals and Teams PLDC Training Modules for the Ten Performance Roles) Performance-Based Electronic Portfolios…. (Leaders Demonstrating the Ten Performance Roles)
TL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODULES Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: Creating a Consensus Around a Compelling, Future-Focused Organizational Purpose AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: Being the Lead Learner and Creating a Learning Organization AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: Modeling the Organization’s Purpose, Values, and Principles VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: Employing Win-Win Strategies With Customers and Clients CULTURAL LEADERSHIP: Creating a Culture of Innovation, Cooperation, Quality, and Success
TL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODULES Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 Module 10 CULTURAL LEADERSHIP: Creating a Change-Friendly, Continuous-Improvement Mindset CULTURAL LEADERSHIP: Creating Meaning and Ownership Around Organizational Purpose, Values, and Vision QUALITY LEADERSHIP: Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization QUALITY LEADERSHIP: Creating Feedback Loops for Continuous Improvement and Accountability SERVICE LEADERSHIP: Managing Toward an Organizational Purpose, Values, and Vision
MODULE 8 Quality Leadership OUTCOMES The Learner will….. • Clearly define and describe the concept of empowerment to • colleagues and subordinates. • Provide a convincing rationale as to why and how empowerment • increases the capacity of an organization. • Identify and describe critical leader behaviors and organizational • policies and practices that cause the staff to be empowered. • Clearly articulate a process that he/she will use to empower • individuals and to create an empowered organization. • Provide a concrete example of a leader who has empowered • his/her staff, and an example of an organization that has a history of • empowering its people.
Today’s Leadership 101 Strategic Design STRATEGIC DIRECTION STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT • People • Practices • Policies • Structures • Beliefs/Values • Mission • Exit Outcomes • Vision
Key Domains of Total Leaders VISIONARYVision SERVICESupport AUTHENTICPurpose CULTURALOwnership QUALITYCapacity
The QUALITY Domain Developing organizational and staff capacity to change and improve • Developing and Empowering Everyone • Improving Organizational Performance • Creating and Using Feedback Loops Primary Sources: The One Thing You Need to Know, Buckingham, 2005 Winning, Jack and Suzy Welch, 2005 The Empowered Manager, Block, 1987The Circle of Innovation, Peters, 1997Quality or Else, Dobyns and Crawford-Mason, 1991 The Deming Management Method, Walton, 1986 Driving Change, Wind and Main, 1998
The Moral Foundation of the QUALITY Leader Core Values a desire for, and pursuit of, the highest quality in any undertaking, process, product, or result the optimum use of available time, resources, technologies, and talent to achieve desired results EXCELLENCE: PRODUCTIVITY: Principles of Professionalism taking responsibility for the content and process of decisions made, actions taken, and the resulting outcomes a commitment to continuously enhance the quality of personal and organizational results, performances, and processes . ACCOUNTABILITY: IMPROVEMENT:
Activity Think - Pair - Share • With a partner, • 1. Select one Leadership Domain, one Cultural • Performance Role, and one value or principle of • professionalism for your discussion. • 2. Talk about how the Total Leaders Framework can be • applied in your “back home” situations.
Activity How Am I Doing??? 1. Read pages 41-42 in the The Personal Leadership Assessment handout. (Note: The two rubrics for Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization are on these pages. The first rubric is titled “The Concept and Role” and the second is titled “The Performance.” ) 2. Complete the self-assessment (pages 41-42). 3. Place your personal assessment score in the “Present Level of Functioning” box on page 44. 4. Reflect on your assessment and identify the evidence on which you based that assessment.
THEFUTUREISNOW Today’s Realities Shifts and Trends That are Redefining Organizations, Careers, and Life Developed by Charles J. Schwahn and Beatrice McGarvey Revised 2006
Friedman Popcorn Pink Celente Yankelovich Covey Gates, etc. etc. Peters Bennis Drucker Collins Blanchard Wheatley Buckingham, etc. etc. Shifts/Trends Sources Futurists (General) Futurists (Organizational)
THEFUTUREISNOW….. Today’s Realities The Shifts and Trends #1 The Hurried Individual and the Stressed Society #2 Flexible . . . But Still Work #3 Transformational Technologies #4 The High Quality, Global Marketplace #5 The Adept, Empowered Employee in the Nimble Organization #6 Total Leader Expectations #7 Consciousness: The Expanding Frontier
Activity The Future Is Now! • In your small group, • Identify the five future conditions in The Future Is Now • paper that most strongly support the need for • Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization. • Use your choices to develop a strong rationale for • Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization. • 3. Be ready to report your rationale to the large group.
Today’s Definition of QUALITY Not just quality products and/or services, but . . . Creating a good all-around experience for the customer, and Providing solutions for the customer Driving Change, JerryWind and Jeremy Main, 1998
Activity The Future of Education Is Now • In small groups of three or four: • Discuss today’s common educational practices in light of Barker’s statements and Deming’s work. • Think about quality and how today’s “quality paradigm” relates to education. More specifically, discuss the following common educational norms and practices and how consistent you find them to be with Total Quality Management: • - Giving B’s and C’s as final grades for Algebra? English I? • - Moving young children on to a new curriculum because of a graded system • based upon age? • - Educators’ use of the bell curve? • 3. Be prepared to share your thoughts and feelings with the total group.
POWER YOUR ORGANIZATION: Information Age Personnel Practices • The TRIGGER is your REPUTATION:Whom do you attract? • The KEY is SELECTION:Do you get the best people? • The ENHANCER is DEVELOPMENT:Are your people growing? • The EMPOWERER is SUPERVISION: Are you putting good people in control? • The QUALITYAssurance: OUTCOUNSELING: Are you removing ineffective people?
Activity The Personnel Practices • In small groups of three or four, discuss: • Which of the steps/practices listed on Slide 20 may not have been on your list had you created your list of critical personnel components? • Which of these personnel practices/components do you believe educators do quite well? Rather poorly? • 3. Be prepared to share your thoughts and feelings with the total group.
Staff Selection is the most important decision you will make - - - It is the quickest way to build capacity - - - Spend the time to hire the best Or spend 100 times that amount cleaning up the mess!
Activity How Do You Select Teachers? • In small groups of three or four: • Compare the staff selection processes in your districts. • Who makes staffing decisions? The principal? The superintendent? The Board? Are other teachers involved? • Is the process formal? Systematic? Is there criteria consistent with research/theory regarding students and learning? • Does your district have a structured interview process? Do your leaders have training regarding staff selection?
PEOPLE are…….. • Hired for their TECHNICAL COMPETENCE • Fired for their INTERPERSONAL INCOMPETENCE • Promoted for their LEADERSHIP SKILLS Jack Zenger
From GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins Level 5 + Management Team Level 5 Leader First Who Then What A “Genius with a Thousand Helpers” Level 4 Leader First What Then Who
Total Leader asSELECTOR(The most important decision leaders make) “Become a Connoisseur of Talent” “Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill” The Circle of Innovation, Tom Peters
From GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins About People Decisions • When in doubt, don’t hire….keep looking. • When you know you need to make a • “people” change, act. (I never fired anyone • too soon!) • Put your best people on your biggest • opportunities, not your biggest problems.
Activity Staff Selection – What’s Important? • In small groups of three or four, discuss: • What are the critical components of an effective selection process? • How should one plan for conducting an interview: What will you be looking for? In advance, how do you want them to respond to your dialogue starters? How can you make the process objective? Identify two or three questions you would ask and the response you would want to hear. • Be prepared to share your thoughts and beliefs with the total group.
Activity Critical Aspects of Staff Development (Part 1) • Individually, • Identify: 1)a positive staff development experience from your past • 2) a staff development experience that was not very effective • Identify three or four of the critical aspects of the positive experience and three or four of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the poor experience. • In groups of three or four: • share the criteria you identified for your effective staff development experiences. • share the criteria you identified for your ineffective staff development experiences. • identify agreements and disagreements in your small group and be ready to share your thoughts and beliefs with the total group.
Quality Staff Development Programs: • Are focused on the capacity to implement the organization’s purpose and vision. • Are aligned with the reward system. • Consider the characteristics of the adult learner. • Include a “coaching” component. • Are facilitated by heroes and heroines. • Consider professional growth a personal and organizational responsibility. • Keep all employees current in the job market.
Activity Critical Aspects of Staff Development (Part 2) In the same groups of three or four: Compare your lists with the criteria in Slide 30 on Quality Staff Development Programs. - Where were they similar? - Where were they different? - What have you learned that will help you as you design staff development activities for your organization? - Identify something specific and significant.
When MORE needs to done, we can….. ► Work Harder ► Work Smarter ► Work Through Others ► And/Or We Can Whine! To effective leaders, EMPOWERMENT is NOT AN OPTION!
Empowerment is about…… Acknowledging and releasing the power people and teams already have.
You have EMPOWERMENT when: • Organizational purpose is clear • People are in control of the variables • that they perceive important to their • success • Decisions move to their point of • implementation • Individuals and teams “Lay out their • own work” • People express themselves through their • work
EMPOWERMENT: Being in control of the variables that you perceive to be important to your success. EMPOWERMENT PREREQUISITES: • A Compelling Organizational Purpose • Ability to Set High Goals • Ability to Take Responsibility • Willingness to Take Responsibility • Receptivity to Coaching
The EMPOWERMENT Sequence Which fosters Productivity It all starts with a Compelling Purpose And prepares people for Empowerment Which has the power to create Meaning
EMPOWERMENT: A Systematic Approach • Explain empowerment (make it a value) • Set ambitious, vision-based goals • Determine the “maturity level” of the • individual (not everyone is ready to be • “empowered”) • Observe/monitor….be ready to coach…but not • too soon • 5. Provide support….structural $$$, training • 6. Reward and celebrate successes • 7. Help the empowered to create the new vision
Activity Empowerment: Your Thoughts • We are asking you to personalize the empowerment concept . . . and to identify the attitudes and techniques that foster empowerment and those that inhibit. To that end, in small groups, discuss: • When in your work life did you feel empowered? What were the • organizational and leadership attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors • that fostered empowerment? • When in your work life did you feel overly controlled or poorly • supervised? What were the organizational and leadership attitudes, • beliefs, values, and behaviors that fostered an ineffective supervisory • process? • Be prepared to share your thoughts with the large group.
TLeaders Who Empower: • Are intentional about it • Are proactive about it • Insist upon it TLeaders create a triple win-win! Employees develop and grow…………..people win. Productivity increases……….the organization wins. People require less supervision…theTLeaderwins.
NOW, DISCOVER YOUR STRENGTHS Buckingham and Clifton The Message: Don’t try to fix anyone! Not on the job. Not in a marriage. Not in a relationship.
Assumptions…… (that guide the world’s best managers) Each person’s talents are enduring and unique. Each person’s greatest room for growth is in the areas of his/her greatest strength. from Now, Discover Your Strengths
Stop working to . . . “Bloom where you are planted.” Relax, . . . and . . . “Plant yourself where you are sure to bloom.”
The Real Tragedy: Not that each of us doesn’t have enough strengths, but that we fail to use the ones we have. We are: “sundials in the shade” Benjamin Franklin
Outcounseling: Basic Beliefs • Teaching is the most important profession. • Teachers are moral people who believe strongly in the mission of education. • Our greatest challenge is to keep the great teachers in the profession. • Those needing to be outcounseled are a small minority. Schwahn Leadership Associates
Jack’s beliefs about people….. Jack Welch, General Electric CEO • I learned the importance of people, supporting the best and removing the weakest. • No one should ever be surprised when they are asked to leave. The first talk is when the surprise and disappointment, if any, should occur.
Outcounseling: A Rationale • We are in the STUDENT LEARNING business. • We are not in the EMPLOYMENT business. • People are satisfied when they are successful. • No one has the talent to be successful in every role. • The student wins, the school wins, the profession wins….and, long term…. the outcounseled wins. Schwahn Leadership Associates
Outcounseling: The Candidates • The ineffective performer • The average performer without a positive growth curve • Those whose talents do not fit their role • Those whose values clash with the organization’s core values Schwahn Leadership Associates
Outcounseling: Basic Truths It won’t work if: • you are lazy • you do not have courage • you are not systematic • you are not skilled • you do not put students first • you do not have empathy Schwahn Leadership Associates
Outcounseling: and What’s Right ► Always, always, no matter what….treat people with DIGNITY. ► You can be honest without being brutal….try it…do mental rehearsals. ► Be empathetic….know what he/she is thinking and feeling. ► Follow “The Golden Rule.” Schwahn Leadership Associates