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At t=0, x=0, v=20 and c 1 , is the step input with value 2. Find V(s)

ÖDEV 08. Problem 1:. The mathematical model of a system is given as below : k=2. At t=0, x=0, v=20 and c 1 , is the step input with value 2. Find V(s). Answer:. D(s)=s 2 +2s+0.1. s 1 =-0.0513, s 2 =-1.9487. Problem 2:. The mathematical model of a system is:.

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At t=0, x=0, v=20 and c 1 , is the step input with value 2. Find V(s)

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  1. ÖDEV 08 Problem 1: The mathematical model of a system is given as below : k=2. At t=0, x=0, v=20 and c1, is the step input with value 2. Find V(s) Answer: D(s)=s2+2s+0.1 s1=-0.0513, s2=-1.9487

  2. Problem 2: The mathematical model of a system is: T(t) is input, θ(t) and ω(t) are the output. a) Find the eigenvalues of a system. Is the system stationary or not? b) At t=0 θ=0.1 and ω=-6. T(t), is the step input with value -5. Find the solution of ω(t) with Laplace transform depending on initial conditions. Find Laplace transform of solutions for θ(t) input. c) If T(t) = 3e-tcos(4t+2.7) , find θ(t). Answer: a) s1,2=-1±2i, stationary s=-1+4i;hs=0.5/(s^2+2*s+5);abs(hs),angle(hs) θ(t) = (0.0417) (3) e-tcos(4t+2.7-3.1416)

  3. Find the solution of Laplace transform based on initial conditions for d) Problem 3: The mathematical model of a system is: a) V(t) input, q1(t) ve q2(t) ouput Write the euations interms of variables form. b) Write MatLAB codes to find the eigenvalues of system. c) Find the matrix [sI-A]-1 by writing MatLAB codes. d) The results for (b) and (c) obtained with computer are given below: s1,2=-0.75±1.7854i, s3=0. and V(t), is the step function with magnitude 2. Find the Laplace transform solution depending on q1 input Answer: b) a=[-1.5,1.5,0; 0,0,1; 3.75,-3.75,0];eig(a) c) a=[-1.5,1.5,0; 0,0,1; 3.75,-3.75,0]; syms s; i1=eye(3); a1=inv(s*i1-a); pretty(a1)

  4. Problem 4: Find eigenvalues of matrix. Write the program codes to find eigenvalues by using MatLAB. b) a=[2,-4;-2,5];eig(a) Answer: a) 0.2984, 6.7016 For the system the matematical model is given below. Find the eigen values of a system by using MatLAB codes. Problem 5: Answer: Variables: x, θ, v, ω. At MatLAb : a=[0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1; -20,-10,-2,-1; -8,-10,-2,-4]; eig(a) Eigenvalues: -1.8±4.3163i, -1.19±2.015i

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