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From Innovation to Automation

Leveraging Technology, Automation, and Efficiency to Reduce Administrative Cost: The China Case Study. From Innovation to Automation. From Innovation to Automation. Automation . Automation: Replacement of human manual work by technology Goal: Productivity gains and cost reduction

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From Innovation to Automation

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  1. Leveraging Technology, Automation, and Efficiency to Reduce Administrative Cost: The China Case Study

  2. From Innovation to Automation

  3. From Innovation to Automation

  4. Automation • Automation: Replacement of human manual work by technology • Goal: • Productivity gains and cost reduction • Reliability and precision • Increased quality and reduced error rate • Increased turnaround time • Advantages: • Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work • Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed, endurance • Disadvantages: • Unemployment increases • Security threats • Initial set-up costs

  5. Global Mobility Evolution Implemented Single Sign On, Developed automated workflows for end-of-assignment, benefits enrollment, Dalian Lump Sum Pilot 2011 2008 Developed dynamic reporting and first automated workflow for pre-department and initiation process Implemented Expentia, HRIS interface, opened access rights 2006 2005 Spreadsheets, manual tracking, no reporting, significant gaps in data

  6. Technology Survey Results • 58% of respondents are not using software for ANY Global Mobility functions • 14% of respondents are using assignment software for the majority of their Global Mobility processes • Conclusion: There is a large opportunity for companies to automate more of their data-intensive assignment management functions. While most companies have not yet invested in software to automate their global mobility processes, almost all have the desire to do so. FEM Technology Survey – May 2010

  7. How much time are you spending… • Generating assignment cost estimates • Creating offer documents • Ensuring data integrity • Gathering approvals • Communicating with suppliers • Reporting to your customers • Researching assignee questions • Looking at spreadsheets

  8. How a system can help • Create cost estimates within minutes of the initiation • Auto-generate all offer documents • Update data as the assignment progresses • Manage, route, and track all assignment approvals • Authorize suppliers • Generate reports • Centralize all data

  9. Workflow: China Case Study Situation: • Client need for Korean and Japanese employees in Dalian, China • High volume of relocations • Limited budget and reduced relocation benefits • Repeatable processes and standard lump sum package Complication: • Standard vendor support model cost prohibitive • Limited English proficiency of relocating employees • Rapid deployment requirements Answer: • Developed pilot program to automate all processes • Eliminated unnecessary supplier costs • Reduced processing time for relocations

  10. Workflow: China Case Study Submission of the Initiation form triggers the below automation:

  11. Why Technology? • Enables comprehensive management of Global Mobility function • Allows Global Mobility practitioners to focus on more strategic initiatives • Reduces supplier’s manual tasks and therefore lowers costs • Improves ability to comply with tax, legal and audit requirements • Ensures quality and reduces error rates in manual, repeatable tasks

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