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FUND FLOW IN NA. Building a Great Fellowship. Principle of Self-Support. 7 th Tradition - Our 7 th Tradition States that every group should be self supporting, declining outside contributions. What does this mean?

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  2. Building a Great Fellowship

  3. Principle of Self-Support • 7th Tradition - Our 7th Tradition States that every group should be self supporting, declining outside contributions. What does this mean? • Why shouldn’t we depend on activities and fund raisers to support our fellowship? • New IP in Draft form, Keeping It.

  4. Reality Check • What it takes to fund services. • VS. What we give. Worldwide Meetings/Groups Contributions Actual vs. Required US & Canada Meetings/Groups Contributions Actual vs. Required • Actual dollars received per group/meeting worldwide • Required dollars to cover Fellowship Services Worldwide

  5. Reality Check – Which is a better deal Cost of Coffee in hand $5.00 Money Put in Basket $1.00 NA saved our life NA gives us a daily reprieve from using NA keeps us centered and productive members of society NA Funds fellowship development throughout the world NA helps the general economy in two way. 1) Money put in basket is spent to carry the message. 2) Addicts that stay clean become productive members of society and give back to the economy. • Coffee helps us for one day • Coffee keeps us awake • Gives us the gitters • Funds the employees of the coffee shop • Helps the general economy

  6. Funds – How is our money used? • Group Level • Rent • Literature • Refreshments • Keytags and Medallions to celebrate recovery • Sometimes putting on events

  7. Funds – How is our money used? • Area Level • Rent • Literature for new or struggling meetings • Phone line • Meeting Schedules, Flyers • Websites • Public Relations Work • Hospitals and Institutions • Activities • Outreach

  8. Funds – How is our money used? • Regional Level • Public Relations work • Regional support to the areas/groups • Regional events, such as learning days, presentations to areas, etc. • Insurance for the entire region • Rent for facility for meetings, storage of regional archives, literature distribution to areas • Fellowship Development, Outreach

  9. Funds – How is our money used? • World Services • Fellowship Development • Fellowship Information • Public Relations Work • Literature Development • Literature Distribution • Rent for facility to hold meetings, storage of world archives, literature distribution, fellowship development.

  10. How we can Help • As an Individual • Contribute more in the basket • When I got clean I put a dollar in the basket. I made $5.50 per hour and went to school full time. I attended between 5 to 7 meetings a week for the first years of my recovery. • Total yearly contribution approximately $350 • Now I put $5.00 in the basket. I have 20 years clean and make WAY more than $5.50 per hour. I attend an average of 2 meetings a week. • Total yearly contribution approximately $520 • Not that much to give when I consider NA saved my life and everything I have today is a direct result of NA

  11. How can we help? • Individual • Put more in the basket. • If you have a cup of $5.00 coffee, consider putting at least that much in the basket. • Contribute directly to Area, Region and World. • You can make direct, tax deductible donations to SFASO, NCRSC or NCRSO and NAWS. • Many people contribute to celebrate clean time milestones. • Carry the message that $1.00 isn’t enough. • Talk to members of your group, your support group, sponsees. • Let people see you regularly putting more in the basket. We learn by example.

  12. How can we help? • As a Group • Contribute to all levels of the service structure • The IP Giving it Away, currently in Draft review suggests a model of 50% to Area, 25% to Region, 25% to NAWS. • Don’t hoard money for a rainy day. • Danger of too much money distracting us from our primary purpose. • It is suggested that we keep enough to cover costs for one to two months. Pass the rest on. • Explain at group level where the funds go and why it’s important to donate to the fellowship. • It’s our fellowship and we are responsible for it. • Spend money only on necessities for the group. • Always keep in mind our primary purpose. • Does our group really need that fancy coffee machine?

  13. How we can Help • Area Level • Contribute to both Region and NAWS directly. • Many areas contribute 75% to Region and 25% to NAWS. What every works for your area is fine. • Don’t hoard money. • Keep only enough to cover the costs for one to two months. Pass the rest on. • Spend money prudently, ever mindful of our traditions and our concepts.

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