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Funny Poems. Class 2B. My Father Looks Like Frankenstein. Click to Listen.
Funny Poems Class 2B
My Father Looks Like Frankenstein Click to Listen My father looks like Frankenstein,my mom looks like Godzilla,my brother looks like Dracula,my sister, Vampirella.My family is the scariestin this entire city.I really can't explain how Iturned out to be so pretty. By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Anh 2B
My Teacher Ate My Homework Click to Listen My teacher ate my homework,which I thought was rather odd.He sniffed at it and smiledwith an approving sort of nod.He took a little nibble --it's unusual, but true --then had a somewhat larger biteand gave a thoughtful chew.I think he must have liked it,for he really went to town.He gobbled it with gustoand he wolfed the whole thing down.He licked off all his fingers,gave a burp and said, "You pass."I guess that's how they grade youwhen you're in a cooking class. By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Bean 2B
My Dog Lives On the Sofa Click to Listen My dog lives on the sofa.That's where he wants to be.He likes to sit there night and dayand watch what's on TV.He surfs the channels constantlyby chewing the remote,then watches what he wants to watch;I never get a vote.He's fond of films with animals.He takes in nature shows.Whenever cat cartoons come onhe always watches those.He loves the pet commercials too,and anything with food.Whenever there's a tennis matchhe nearly comes unglued.I got him from the dog pound.He didn't cost a cent.I asked them for a "watch dog,"but this isn't what I meant. By KennNessbitt Illustrated by: Danny 2B
A Pair of Potatoes Were Talking Click to Listen A pair of potatoes were talking, discussing what might be for lunch. One turned to the other and told him, "I think that I might have a hunch.” As long as we stay near the kitchen and don't wander too far afield, I'm sure that we'll see what they're serving. We just have to keep our eyes peeled.“ By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Dong 2B
My Dog Does My Homework Click to Listen My dog does my homeworkat home every night.He answers each questionand gets them all right.There's only one problemwith homework by Rover.I can't turn in workthat's been slobbered all over. By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated By: Dung
My Dog Ate My Homework Click to Listen My dog ate my homework.That mischievous pupgot hold of my homeworkand gobbled it up.My dog ate my homework.It's gonna be late.I guess that the teacherwill just have to wait.My dog ate my homework.He swallowed it whole.I shouldn't have mixed itwith food in his bowl. By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Henry 2B
I Think My Dad is Dracula Click to Listen I think my dad is Dracula.I know that sounds insane,but listen for a moment andallow me to explain.We don't live in a castle,and we never sleep in caves.But, still, there's something weirdabout the way my dad behaves.I never see him go outin the daytime when it's light.He sleeps all day till evening,then he leaves the house at night.He comes home in the morningsaying, "Man, I'm really dead!"He kisses us goodnight, and thenby sunrise he's in bed.My mom heard my suspicionand she said, "You're not too swift.Your father's not a vampire.He just works the graveyard shift." By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Max 2B
My Pig Won't Let Me Watch TV My pig won't let me watch TV.It's totally unfair.He watches anything he wantsbut doesn't ever share.I never get to watch cartoonsor anything like that.He's busy watching farming shows.I should have got a cat.I should have got a goldfishor a guinea pig or goat.Instead, I've got this pigwho's always hogging the remote. By Kenn Nesbitt Click to Listen Illustrated by: Nghi 2B
Swimming Ool Click to Listen Swimming in the swimming poolis where I like to "B,"wearing underwater gogglesso that I can "C."Yesterday, before I swam,I drank a cup of "T."Now the pool is just an "ool"because I took a "P." By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Ngoc 2B
My Puppy Punched Me In the Eye Click to Listen My puppy punched me in the eye.My rabbit whacked my ear.My ferret gave a frightful cryand roundhouse kicked my rear.My lizard flipped me upside down.My kitten kicked my head.My hamster slammed me to the groundand left me nearly dead.So my advice? Avoid regrets;no matter what you do,don't ever let your family petstake lessons in kung fu. By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated by: Thai 2B
Halloween Party Click to Listen We're having a Halloween party at school.I'm dressed up like Dracula. Man, I look cool!I dyed my hair black and I cut off my bangs.I'm wearing a cape and some fake plastic fangs.I put on some makeup to paint my face whitelike creatures that only come out in the night.My fingernails, too, are all pointed and red.There's no doubt I look like the evil undead.My mom drops me off and I run into schooland suddenly feel like the world's biggest fool.The other kids stare like I'm some kind of freak.The Halloween party is not till next week. By Kenn Nesbitt Illustrated By: Tuong 2B