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Store Design

Store Design. Visual Merchandising. 2. Chapter Objectives. Explain the importance of store image. Discuss the importance of store design. Explain the importance of store layout. Define visual merchandising. Explain the use of visual merchandising in retailing.

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Store Design

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  1. Store Design Visual Merchandising 2
  2. Chapter Objectives Explain the importance of store image. Discuss the importance of store design. Explain the importance of store layout. Define visual merchandising. Explain the use of visual merchandising in retailing. Describe the styles of displays. 3
  3. >> Projects the image of the business >> >> >> >> >> Influences sales Creates store image and atmosphere Influences customers before they enter the store Makes customers want to explore the store Showcases the store’s merchandise Creating a Good Impression Store Design Store Design Store Design Store Design Store Design 4
  4. Store Image Elements that combine to create a store image include: store imagethe personality of the store, made up of many parts that work together to create a store’s image Type of merchandise and services Sales associates Design and layout of the store Bags and packaging Colors of the store décor Store fixtures and equipment Lighting Music Scent 5
  5. Store Design Elements of store design include: fixturespermanent or moveable store furnishings that are used to hold or display merchandise Exterior Store Design Front windows Front door Store sign Interior Store Design Selling space Fixtures Behind the scenes 6
  6. Store Layout Store layout includes such elements as the placement of the cash register, wrap desk, fitting rooms, and the merchandise arrangement. store layoutthe arrangement of the store’s merchandise, fixtures, and equipment 7
  7. Store Layout To attract customers, retailers place their best merchandise forward. Retailers place items to encourage impulse purchases. impulse purchasesitems that are inexpensive and that customers buy without much thought 8
  8. What are three elements of a store’s exterior design? What is the most important interior space in a retail store? What are the goals of an effective store layout? 1. 2. 3. 9
  9. The Total Look The components of visual merchandising are the same ones that contribute to a store’s image. visual merchandisingthe integrated look of the entire store The exterior elements and interior elements of a store’s visual merchandising should all integrate to present a cohesive visual presentation. 10
  10. Display The two main purposes of any display are: displaya presentation of merchandise to attract customers so they will examine the merchandise To help sell merchandise To reinforce the store’s image by creating goodwill 11
  11. Display Three kinds of displays are: promotional displaydisplay designed to help sell merchandise Promotional displays institutional displaydisplay designed to generate goodwill for the store Institutional displays Interior displays 12
  12. Display The styles of displays that retailers use inside stores are: Open display Closed display Room-setting display Point-of-sale display Store-decoration display 13
  13. Display Three kinds of props are: display propsitems used to enhance a display Display props decorative display propsitems used to enhance the merchandise that is being displayed Decorative props Functional display props functional display propsitems used to hold the merchandise of a display 14
  14. Display Several methods of presentation include: Shelving Hanging Pegging Folding Stacking Dumping 15
  15. Creating Store Displays 1 2 3 Generate an idea or theme for the display. Determine where the display will be placed in the store. Meet with management to get approval for the idea or theme. 4 5 6 Determine which merchandise is most suitable for display. Install the display. Maintain and dismantle the display. 16
  16. Merchandise to Display Selecting the best merchandise to feature in a display requires good judgment and knowledge. Because the purpose of displays is to feature merchandise, it is important that the store’s displays be kept in the best condition possible. 17
  17. store window to attract customers. J.Crew uses the same strategy online: The opening page on the J.Crew Web site will feature those same chinos. The medium may be different, but the strategy behind both types of visual marketing is the same. For more information on retailing, go to marketingseries.glencoe.com. Window Shopping The first things that retailers want you to see in a store are promotional items. For example, when J.Crew wants to promote new chinos, they will put those chinos on display in the front Operating an e-tail business on an electronic channel—the Web—can be costly, due to design, delivery, returns, and operating expenses. Though Many larger dot-com companies crashed in the 1990’s, small stores like Harris Cyclery of West Newton, Massachusetts, actually increase sales using a basic Web site. Today, a third of Harris’s bicycle business rides in on the Web to get hard-to-find parts and personal service. Describe an e-business’s home page to your class after viewing one through marketingseries.glencoe.com. 18
  18. What are the two main purposes of store displays? What are two goals of a promotional display? What are the five styles of interior store displays? 1. 2. 3. 19
  19. 1. 2. 3. Store image is the personality of the store. It affects how customers feel about the store and should reflect what is unique and special about the store. Store design encourages customers to explore the store by giving the customers a good impression of the store and making customers feel comfortable browsing and shopping. Store layout should present the store’s merchandise to its best advantage and help sell merchandise. Checking Concepts Explain the importance of store image. 1. 2. Describe how store design encourages customers to explore the store. 3. Explain the importance of store layout. continued 20
  20. 4. 5. 6. Visual merchandising is the integrated look of the entire store. It is used to project the store's desired image. Open displays feature merchandise in a setting that allows the customer to handle it; closed displays are arranged in display cases for merchandise that is very valuable or fragile; room setting displays are assembled to allow customers to see how certain merchandise will actually look in their homes; point-of-sale displays are used near cash registers primarily for impulse purchases; and store decorations are the items that promote a season or holiday. The first three things a customer sees when he or she approaches a store are the store's windows, the front door, and the store sign. Checking Concepts Define visual merchandising and explain how it is used in retailing. 4. 5. Describe the styles of displays. 6. Identify the first three things a customer sees when he or she approaches a store. continued 21
  21. 7. 8. The process for creating store displays consists of generating an idea, determining where to place display, getting management approval, choosing suitable merchandise, installing the display, and maintaining and dismantling display. The two main purposes of displays are to help sell merchandise (promotional displays) and to reinforce the store's image by creating goodwill (institutional displays). Critical Thinking Compare the two main purposes of displays. Checking Concepts Describe the steps for creating store displays. 7. 8. 22
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  23. End of
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