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Status of Institutional Criteria and Indicators

Assess the legal, institutional, and economic frameworks supporting rangeland conservation with indicators on property rights, public participation, best practices, economic policies, data availability, research capacity.

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Status of Institutional Criteria and Indicators

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  1. Status of Institutional Criteria and Indicators Presented by Tom Roberts Bureau of Land Management National Science and Technology Center Denver, Colorado

  2. Criterion and Indicators • The criterion on the legal, institutional, and economic framework asks whether mechanisms are in place to support conservation of rangelands, and does so by breaking the criterion into five (5) subparts with a total of twenty (20) separate indicators.

  3. Criterion Subcategory 1 1. Extent to which the legal framework supports the conservation and sustainable management of rangelands, including the extent to which it: • The purpose of this sub-criterion is based on the premise that rangelands can only be sustained if there are institutions that support activities which allow for and enhance sustainability.

  4. Criterion Subcategory 1 Indicators • Indicator 48: Clarifies property rights… • Indicator 49: Provides for planning, assessment, and policy review that recognizes values… • Indicator 50: Provides opportunities for public participation in policy and decision making. • Indicator 51: Encourages best mgt. practices… • Indicator 52: Provides for the management of rangelands to conserve special environmental, cultural, social and or scientific values.

  5. Criterion Subcategory 2 2. Extent to which the institutional framework supports the conservation and sustainable management of rangelands, including the capacity to: • This subcategory’s purpose is to address whether there are resources & opportunities which these mechanisms can interact.

  6. Criterion Subcategory 2 Indicators • Indicator 53: Provides for public involvement, education, extension. • Indicator 54: Undertake and implement periodic assessments, policy review… • Indicator 55: Develop and maintain human resource skills across disciplines. • Indicator 56: Develop and maintain efficient physical infrastructure… • Indicator 57: Enforce laws, regulations, and guidelines

  7. Criterion Subcategory 3 3. Extent to which the economic framework supports the conservation and sustainable management of rangelands through: • This sub-criterion looks at only the economic policies which might be important to rangeland sustainability.

  8. Criterion Subcategory 3 Indicators • Indicator 58: Investment and taxation policies and a regulatory environment that recognizes the long-term nature of investments and permits the flow of capital into and out of the rangeland sector in response to market signals, … • Indicator 59: Non-discriminatory trade policies for rangeland products.

  9. Criterion Subcategory 4 4. The Capacity to measure and monitor changes in the conservation and sustainable management of rangelands including: • This sub-criterion addresses whether data are available to actually measure and compare the condition of rangelands.

  10. Criterion Subcategory 4 Indicators • Indicator 60: Availability and extent of up-to-date data, statistics, etc important to criteria 1-7. • Indicator 61: Scope, frequency and statistical reliability of rangeland inventories, assessments, monitoring, etc. • Indicator 62: Compatibility with other countries in measuring, monitoring, and reporting on indicators.

  11. Criterion Subcategory 5 5. Capacity to conduct and apply research and development aimed at improving rangeland management and delivery of rangeland goods and services, including: • This forward looking sub-criterion looks at the system’s ability to incorporate new information and discoveries.

  12. Criterion Subcategory 5 Indicators • Indicator 63: Development of scientific understanding of ecosystem characteristics and functions. • Indicator 64: Development of methodologies to measure and integrate environmental and social costs and benefits into markets and public policies, etc

  13. Criterion Subcategory 5 Indicators Cont. • Indicator 65: New technologies and the capacity to assess the socioeconomic consequences of new technology. • Indicator 66: Enhancement of ability to predict impacts of human intervention on rangelands. • Indicator 67: Ability to predict impacts on rangelands of possible climate change

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