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HIV PREVENTION MEASURES TUNAJALI PROGRAM-IRINGA P resenter: Mwiru sima. ACHIEVEMENTS. Formation of 1 PLHIV positive prevention group ( Ilula Village) Household to household approach (Kaya kwa kaya) Care givers Community meetings CTC visits
ACHIEVEMENTS • Formation of 1 PLHIV positive prevention group (Ilula Village) • Household to household approach (Kaya kwa kaya) • Care givers • Community meetings • CTC visits • Involvement of 70 expert patients in CTC -Provide Health Education, Tracking lost to follow up clients, filling at CTC’s, adherence counseling to Clients( more effective). • Supporting health care workers to provide more information on positive living
Mentoring of 70 expert patients has helped volunteers to perform their duties better. • Techniques on how to talk to PLHIV • 460 (266F, 194 M)Volunteers have continued to provide health education in community through meetings and to Care givers (kaya kwa kaya) • Conducted Joint Stakeholders Meetings addressing Prevention measures. • Makambako-EngenderHeatlh……experience sharing • Iringa-Jhpiego……….TUNAJALI shared experiences/positive prevention . To avoid duplication/sensitization on prevention efforts
FUTURE PLANS • Use more expert patients • Scaling up positive prevention group-using people from same localities • Integration of services CTC/HBC/RCH/YFS/FP • Provide Joint health education with other stakeholders on prevention measures to surrounding Universities.
COLLABORATION • RHMT and CHMT’s members • EngenderHealth • Jhpiego • Angazazaidi/AMREF • JohnHopkins