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Infer. Remember : When you infer, you use CLUES from the text to come to a CONLUSION . How does this man feel?. How does this baby feel?. "With clippers in one hand and scissors in the other, Chris was ready to begin the task."

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Infer Remember: When you infer, you use CLUES from the text to come to a CONLUSION.

  2. How does this man feel?

  3. How does this baby feel?

  4. "With clippers in one hand and scissors in the other, Chris was ready to begin the task." • "While we roared down the tracks, we could feel the bounce and sway." • The side of his face was swollen, and his tooth ached."

  5. Read these scenarios! • If you forgot to study for a test, you can infer that… • If you see someone with a cast on their leg, you can infer that… • If you see someone holding an umbrella, you can infer that… • If you see a fire engine on your street, you can infer that…

  6. #1 Garfield BY JIM DAVIS INFER: Why does the bug say, “TAH-DAAAAAHH!”?

  7. Sentence Starters to make inferences… • I think that…because… • I infer that…. • My guess is… • This could mean that…. • Maybe it means… • Based on … I think …

  8. Now let’s practiceIt Says, I Say, And So.

  9. Spike Johnson walked to the plate slowly, as a hush fell over the crowd.

  10. A man is walking along a road at night. He keeps looking over his shoulder as his pace quickens with every step.

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