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Spelling Unit # 18 (Use form A)

Spelling Unit # 18 (Use form A). Spelling “rule” of the week: Form plurals for most words by adding -s . If a noun ends in s , x , z, ch , or sh , add –es . Exceptions: (many). Focus Rule Words: 1) sandwiches (sandwich + es) 2) marriages (marriage + s)

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Spelling Unit # 18 (Use form A)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spelling Unit #18 (Use form A) Spelling “rule” of the week: Form plurals for most words by adding -s. If a noun ends in s, x, z, ch, or sh, add –es. Exceptions: (many)

  2. Focus Rule Words: 1) sandwiches (sandwich + es) 2) marriages (marriage + s) 3) sophomores (sophomore + s) 4) aisles (aisle + s) 5) breezes (breeze + s)

  3. Academic Verbs (review from unit 2): 6) summarizeto rewrite only the most important parts of a passage in your OWN WORDS To summarize an article, include only the main points of each paragraph. 7) paraphraseto rewrite a small segment of text in your own words I paraphrased the speaker’s statement by putting it into my own words. 8) generalizeto make a broad statement about something--specific facts or details are omitted If I were to generalize, I’d say most students bring their lunches.

  4. Commonly misspelled words: 9) lightning (light + n + ing) 10) loneliness (lone + li +ness) 11) controlled(control + l + ed)

  5. Roots/prefixes/suffixes: pond = weight dorm = sleep corp = body pater = father

  6. 12) ponder to think carefully (with “weight”—as in the weight of a decision) 13) corps a body (unit) of people (NOT a dead person’s body!--corpse) 14) dormant asleep, not active 15) patriarch father figure/leader

  7. Commonly confused words: 16) who’s (contraction) who is Who’s going with me? 17) whose (possessive pronoun) shows ownership Whose book is this?

  8. Review Words: 18) believe (i before e) 19) beginning (The inning is beginning.) 20) probably (pro + bab+ ly)

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