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CHARGING LEAD ACID BATTERY USING SOLAR ENERGY. B.Ashok raj singh (cs12b1009) Musham Ranadheer(cs12b1026 ) L.Sunil Pratap(ch12b1014) D.Prashanth (cs12b1014 ). Circuit for charging battery using solar panel . Basic Idea and Circuit description.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHARGING LEAD ACID BATTERY USING SOLAR ENERGY B.Ashok raj singh(cs12b1009) Musham Ranadheer(cs12b1026) L.SunilPratap(ch12b1014) D.Prashanth(cs12b1014)

  2. Circuit for charging battery using solar panel

  3. Basic Idea and Circuit description • The basic Idea of the project is to utilize the solar energy . • The circuit basically consists of a solar panel(to absorb the solar radiation), capacitors, resistors, transistors, integrated circuit(IC).

  4. ROLE OF EACH COMPONENT • IC LM317 provides the correct charging voltage for the battery. It is a voltage regulator. • Battery must be charged with 1/10 its Ah value . The charging circuit is designed based on this fact. • Charging current for the battery is controlled by Q1(BC 548),R1,R4 and R5. • Q1 acts like a policeman at a signal and controls the flow of current. • R1,R4 and R5 are manipulated taking into account the internal resistance changes of the circuit.

  5. ROLE OF EACH COMPONENT(Contd.) • Potentiometer R5 can be used to set the charging current. • R5 should be set in such a way that when 18.6V is given by the voltage regulator, 14.6V appears across the battery terminals. • As the battery gets charged the current through R1 increases. • C1 acts as filter capacitor. • The noise is reduced by C2.

  6. SPECIFICATIONS OF THE SOLAR PANEL • Two solar panels of rating 12V ,3W are connected in parallel and used. • The parallel connection helps give out a much higher current than normally obtained from a single panel. • For optimum usage, the following is recommended: • Solar Panel Angle Calculation(for northern hemisphere, point the panels south) • SEASONANGLE/TILT CALCULATION • Winter (Latitude*0.9)+29 degrees • Summer (Latitude*0.9)-23.5 degrees • Spring & Fall Latitude-2.5 degrees

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