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2. Lecture Outline. Econometric AnalysisIntroductionProcedure to perform econometric analysisExample: retail demand for poultry (HW
1. UI AgEc 302 Spring 2008 Lecture #5
Introduction to
Econometric Analysis
Yuliya Bolotova
2. 2 Lecture Outline Econometric Analysis
Procedure to perform econometric analysis
Example: retail demand for poultry (HW#6)
Regression Analysis
Simple and Multiple Regression Models
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimator
Hypotheses Testing
Forecasting Techniques
3. 3 Econometrics Econometrics develops and applies statistical techniques to analyze various economic relationships using data
Econometric analysis is used
to test hypotheses developed by economic theories
to estimate and explain economic relationships
to evaluate business activities and government policies
to predict and forecast economic relationships
4. 4 Economic Relationships: Examples Demand Function
Quantity = f(Price, Psubst, Pcompl, Income)
Supply Function
Quantity = f(Price, Pinputs, Tech, Weather)
Yield-Response Function
Yield = f(N, P, K)
Revenue Function
Revenue = f(Quantity, ADV, MarketShare)
5. 5 Econometric Analysis: Procedure Identify and formulate a question of interest
you are the one who identifies the problem
you are asked to perform a project
6. 6 Econometric Analysis: Procedure (cont.) 2. Construct an economic model by writing down a mathematical expression (equation)
use formal economic theories, when possible
use your intuition & economic reasoning
specify the dependent variable (RHS; Y) and a set of independent (explanatory) variables (LHS; X)
7. 7 Econometric Analysis: Procedure (cont.) 3. Construct an econometric model based on the economic model and data available
specify the functional form of the model
take into account data available
are the parameters (coefficients) to be estimated
the error term (a distinct feature of any econometric model)
8. 8 Econometric Analysis: Procedure (cont.) 4. Formulate a set of hypotheses you will test
using the econometric model
usually address the sign (direction) effect between the dependent variable and an explanatory variable
use the underlining theory or economic reasoning to formulate the hypotheses
a reasonable magnitude of the estimated coefficients is expected
9. 9 Econometric Analysis: Procedure (cont.) 5. Collect data on the relevant variables
Data choice depends on the question of interest
Data sources: internet (USDA, Economic Census, etc.), experiments, surveys of people, surveys or literature, etc.
Types of data
Time-series data (example: monthly prices at the same location)
Cross-sectional data (prices at different locations during the same period of time)
Pooled (panel) data: a combination of the two types
10. 10 Econometric Analysis: Procedure (cont.) 6. Estimate the econometric (empirical) model
there are several software programs that estimate empirical models and conduct statistical tests (Excel, STATA, SAS, Shazam, SPSS, etc.)
There are different estimation procedures (OLS, Logit, Tobit, etc.)
7. Conduct statistical tests
11. 11 Econometric Analysis: Procedure (cont.) 7. Interpret the estimation results
interpret the results in a way that other people can understand what you are talking about
Pay attention to the following aspects
the explanatory power of the model
magnitude of the estimated coefficients (reasonable or unreasonable)
signs of the estimated coefficients (support or contradict the stated earlier hypotheses)
statistical significance of the estimated coefficients
Discuss implications of the results for a business decision-making or a policy decision-making process (depending on your research question)
12. 12 Example: Step 1. A Question of Interest Retail Demand for Poultry
You represent a consulting firm. An agribusiness company involved in poultry production and distribution has asked you to analyze the retail demand for poultry
In particular, the firm is interested in
factors influencing the quantity of poultry demanded (consumed)
impact of changes in poultry price on the retail demand for poultry
impact of changes in prices of products-substitutes on the retail demand for poultry
impact of changes in consumer income on the retail demand for poultry
13. 13 Example: Step 2. Economic Model We use consumer theory to specify the appropriate economic model
Qpoultry = f(Ppoultry, Psubstit., Income)
beef and pork are major products-substitutes for poultry
The final specification of our economic model:
Qpoultry = f(Ppoultry, Pbeef, Ppork, Income)
at this stage we do not know anything about the functional form of f
14. 14 Example: Step 3. Econometric Model
Quantity of poultry demanded is the dependent variable
Prices and income are independent (explanatory) variables
Alpha (a or ß0) and Betas (ß) are the parameters to be estimated; the former is known as the intercept (constant)
e is the error term (a distinct feature of econometric models)
contains unobserved factors that are not included in the model
this model assume a linear relationship between the dependent variable and each of the explanatory variables
15. 15 Example: Step 4: Hypotheses In this particular example, the hypotheses are formulated using the theory of consumer demand
The estimated coefficient for Ppoutlry is expected to be negative (own-price effect)
The estimated coefficients for Pbeef and Ppork are expected to be positive (cross-price effects of product substitutes)
The estimated coefficient for Income is expected to be positive
16. 16 Example: Step 5. Data US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) is the major source of data for this and similar projects
This project data
17. 17 Example: Step 6. Estimation of Empirical Model Step 7. Statistical Tests The ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure is one of the most widely used empirical techniques
Excel can be used to estimate regression models using OLS
It also conducts major statistical tests
You have to learn how to interpret the regression output
HW#6 Modified estimation results (next slide)
18. 18 Example: Step 6 and 7 Estimation and Tests
19. 19 Example: Step 8. Interpretation of the Estimation Results Evaluate the explanatory power of the empirical model
Do the signs of the estimated coefficients support the stated hypotheses? (HW#6)
If no, what are the possible reasons? Data problem, misspecification of the model or changes in consumer preferences?
Interpret the magnitude and signs of the estimated coefficients (HW#6)
Interpret the statistical significance of the estimated coefficients (to be learned) (HW#6)
20. 20 Example: Step 8. Interpretation of the Estimation Results (cont.)
21. 21 Example: Step 8. Interpretation of the Estimation Results (cont.) The coefficient for Ppoultry is: -0.820
Correct interpretation:
If retail price of poultry increases by 10 cents per pound, the quantity of poultry demanded decreases by 8.2 pounds per person per year
Incorrect interpretation:
If P increases by 10, Q decreases by 8.2
22. 22 Example: Step 8. Interpretation of the Estimation Results (cont.) Problems with this interpretation:
The model includes prices of poultry, beef and pork; which one do you mean?
The model includes three types of meat; quantity of which type do you discuss?
a few pounds of poultry demanded per person per year is different from several tons demanded by a market segment consisting of thousands of consumers
Is price measured in $ or cents? Is it $ per pound or $ per ton?
23. 23 Regression AnalysisTypes of Regression Models Simple Regression Model: studies the relationship between one dependent variable and one independent variable
Linear Reg Model:
The coefficient (beta) is marginal effect (dY/dX)
Log-Linear Reg Model:
The coefficient (beta) is elasticity
24. 24 Types of Regression Models Multiple Regression Model: studies the relationship between one dependent variable and two or more independent variables
Linear :
The betas are marginal effects (dY/dX1,dY/dX2,…)
The betas are elasticities (Ey,x1; Ey,x2; …)
25. 25 Simple Linear Regression Model: Example
the model assumes a linear relationship between the yield and the amount of phosphorus applied
the model states that the amount of P applied explains the level of yield
all other determinants of the yield that are not in the model are captured by the error term
amount of nitrogen and/or potassium applied
soil productivity, crop rotation
weather, etc
26. 26 Multiple Linear Regression Model: Example
the model assumes a linear relationship between the yield and the amount of phosphorus and potassium applied
the model states that the amount of P and K applied explain the level of yield
all other determinants of the yield that are not in the model are captured by the error term
amount of nitrogen applied
soil productivity, crop rotation, weather, etc
27. 27
28. 28 Regression Analysis Explanations of the equation terms
Y - a column of observations for the dependent variable (Y1, Y2, …Yn)
X1 – a column of observations for independent variable X1 (X11, X12,…X1n)
X2 – a column of observations for independent variable X2 (X21, X22,…X2n)
e – a column of errors (e1, e2, …, en)
N - the number of observations
29. 29 Regression Analysis (cont.) Collect data on the dependent variable (Y) and a set of independent variables (Xs)
The error term is calculated after a model has been estimated
To estimate an econometric model:
The number of the estimated coefficients has to be less than the number of observations.
To get reliable results, you should have at least 30 observations
30. 30 The number of observations:Example of Time-Series Data Analysis of milk prices in Idaho over time (40 years)
Yearly prices: an observation is a price corresponding to a particular year
The number of observations = 40
Monthly prices: an observation is a price corresponding to a particular month
The number of observations = 40*12months = 480
Daily prices: an observation is a price corresponding to a particular day
The number of observations is 40*12*30 = 14,400
31. 31 The number of observations: Example of Cross-Sectional Data The average milk prices in 2007 in 50 States
The number of observations is 50
The average milk prices in 2007 at the county level
The number of observations = the number of counties in the US
32. 32 The number of observations: Example of Panel (Pooled) Data
Monthly milk prices in 2007 in 50 States
The number of observations = 50States*12months=600
Daily milk prices in 2007 in 50 States
The number of observations = 50States*12months*30days=18,000
33. 33
The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure
34. 34 The OLS Estimation Procedure An estimator is a formula used to calculate the coefficients for the variables included in a regression model
The OLS estimator minimizes the sum of squared errors (residuals)
The OLS determines the values of the coefficients such that the sum of squared errors is minimized
an unconstrained optimization (minimization) problem
35. 35 The OLS Estimation Procedure (cont.) Handout #1
A simple regression model of the retail
demand for poultry
36. 36 Handout #1
37. 37 Handout #1 (cont.)
38. 38 Handout #1 (cont.)
39. 39 Handout #1 (cont.) The predictive (forecasting) power of regression models: Sample Mean Forecast Error (U)
The smaller the error, the better is the accuracy of the model
Yi -hat is the predicted value for the Yi
Our example:
40. 40 Regression Output Handout #2
Regression Output: Interpretation
Retail Demand for Poultry
41. 41 Regression Output: R Square Coefficient of Determination
Characterizes explanatory power of regression models
Range [0; 1] or [0%; 100%]
42. 42 Regression Output: Estimated Coefficients A simple regression model
43. 43 Regression Output: Estimated Coefficients Interpretation of the coefficients:
Take any value (positive, 0, negative)
Linear models: The coefficients are Marginal Effects
Log-linear models: The coefficients are Elasticities
Positive Coefficient (Linear Model)
If X increases by 1 unit, Y increases by units
If X decreases by 1 unit, Y decreases by units
Negative Coefficient (Linear Model)
If X increases by 1 unit, Y decreases by units
If X decreases by 1 unit, Y increases by units
44. 44 Regression Output: Standard Errors Each estimated coefficient has associated standard error
Standard error (S.E.)
is the square root of the variance associated with a particular coefficient
is always positive
usually is not interpreted
is used to calculate T-Static
45. 45 Regression Output: T-Statistic Each estimated coefficient has a corresponding T-Statistic (T-value)
T-Statistic (T-test) is used to judge the statistical significance of the estimated coefficients
take any value (positive & negative)
has the same sign as the corresponding estimated coefficient
46. 46 Regression Output: T-Test Procedure Step 1: Formulate the null (Ho) and the alternative (Ha) hypotheses:
Ho: and Ha:
We are interested in rejecting Ho in favor of Ha
In this case, the estimated coefficient is statically significant from zero
Step 2: Choose a significance level (alpha):
the probability of rejecting Ho when it is true
commonly used levels are 10%, 5%, or 1%
is needed to choose the cut-off value of T-Stat.
47. 47 Regression Output: T-Test Procedure (cont.) Step 3: Choose the cut-off T-value (2-tail test): |1.65| if 10%; |1.96| if 5%; |2.58| if 1%
Step 4: Compare the regression output
T-value with the chosen cut-off T-value
If |T| > |1.65|, then Ho is rejected in favor of Ha
an estimated coefficient is statistically significant
If |T| < |1.65|, then Ho is failed to be rejected in favor of Ha
an estimated coefficient is NOT statistically significant
48. 48 Regression Output: Summary Conclude on the overall performance of the analyzed model. Put all pieces of information together
Explanatory power of the model (R2)
Magnitude of the estimated coefficients
Signs of the estimated coefficients
Statistical significance of the estimated coefficients
49. 49 Interpretation of Reg. Output: Example Ordinary demand for poultry: Q(P)
A simple linear regression model
The estimated equation is
50. 50 Interpretation of Reg. Output: Example Coefficient of determination R2 = 0.93
The variation in the price of poultry explains 93% of the variation in the quantity of poultry demanded
The estimated coefficient for Ppoultry is -0.76
If price of poultry increases by 1 cent per pound, the quantity of poultry demanded decreases by 0.76 pounds per person per year.
51. 51 Interpretation of Reg. Output: Example Statistical Significance of the estimated coefficient for Ppoultry
Associated T-value is -12.85
Use a 10% significance level ? |1.65| cut-off T-value
Compare the Reg Output T-value with the cut-off: |12.85| > |1.65|
Conclusion: Reject Ho in favor of Ha
the estimated coefficient for Ppoultry is statistically significant at a 10% alpha level
52. 52 Interpretation of Reg. Output: Example Summary
the estimated model has a high level of explanatory power
the estimated coefficient for the price of poultry is statistically significant
the magnitude of the coefficient is reasonable
the sign of the estimated coefficient is negative, as expected
? the estimation results are relatively reliable
53. 53 Interpretation of Reg. Output: Example Use the estimation results to predict the quantity of poultry demanded at a price of poultry equal to $0.95 and $1.20 per pound
54. 54 Interpretation of Reg. Output: Example If the price increases from $0.90 per pound to $1.20 per pound, the quantity of poultry demanded decreases from 57.8 pounds to 38.8 pounds per person per year
Agribusiness firms can use the results in the strategic management decision-making process
the results are helpful because they can be used to quantify possible changes and to predict the quantity demanded under different scenarios.
consequently, it is possible to project sales and profit.
55. 55
Forecasting Techniques
56. 56 Forecasting Techniques Analysis of economic variables evolving over time
Qualitative Analysis
Expert opinions
Surveys; interviews
Regression (Econometric) analysis
Trend Analysis (linear trend analysis)
Time-Series Regression Analysis
57. 57 Econometric Analysis Advantages of using econometric analysis
You can include in a regression model a set of independent variables (Xs) that you believe explain the behavior of a variable you analyze
the forecast results based on this model are more accurate than the qualitative analysis results
You can conduct a series of statistical tests
to examine the predictive (forecasting) power of the alternative econometric models
to test statistical significance of the estimated coefficients (effects)
58. 58 Trend analysis Trend analysis
examines historical behavior of economic variables
uses the results to project the future behavior based on the historical experience
59. 59 Trend Analysis (cont.) Yt is the analyzed variable
T – trend (= 0,1,2,3…) T = 0 for Y1, T=1 for Y2, T = 3 for Y3, etc
Trend represents time periods (years, months, days, hours …) --- historical experience
Linear trend analysis:
60. 60 Trend Analysis (cont.) Time-Series data
Yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily data for the same location/business entity/region
a group of countries, a single country, a region, a group of companies, an individual firm (farm)
Variables: Sales, Profit, Revenue, Output & Input Prices, etc
You will not use trend analysis to examine the data that are not time-series
Crop yield, animal weight, sales across different regions during the same period of time
61. 61 Trend Analysis (cont.) Trend equations are estimated to be used for prediction or forecasting purposes
Potential forecasting problems with TREND
The forecast relies on historical information
It assumes that what happened in the past will happen in the future
This is not always true in Agriculture/AgBusiness
Economic and legal environment is changing
International trade, changes in farm policy, structural changes in the food supply chain, changing consumer preferences
Future will be different from what has happened in the past
62. 62 Econometric Methods Any regression model you estimate
can be used to explain the economic variable (relationship) you are analyzing
can be used to predict the values of the variable of interest under different scenarios
Example: Retail Demand for Poultry
Time-series models are also used to forecast the behavior of economic variables for future periods
Example: Feed Barley Price Analysis
63. 63 Econometric Methods (cont.) To calculate a predicted value of Y or to forecast a future value of Y
substitute the level of X’s you are interested in into the estimated equation to calculate the value of Y at these levels of X’s
64. 64 Econometric Methods: Predicting and Forecasting Examples:
Handout #3
Forecasting Idaho Feed Barley prices
Homework #9
Forecasting Idaho Milk Prices
Homework #6
Predicting US retail demand for poultry