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Supreme court cases

Supreme court cases . Marbury v. Madison . Supreme court Chief justice presiding was John Marshall Stated that judicial review- the power of the supreme court to determine whether laws of congress are unconstitutional and protest against those that are.

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Supreme court cases

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  1. Supreme court cases

  2. Marbury v. Madison • Supreme court Chief justice presiding was John Marshall • Stated that judicial review- the power of the supreme court to determine whether laws of congress are unconstitutional and protest against those that are. This decision has never been overruled and is frequently enforced.

  3. McCulloch vs. Maryland • Supreme court justice was John Marshall • In 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax. • Supreme court ruled in favor of a broad interpretation. The court stated that the Elastic clause allowed congress to use its power in any way that was not specifically prohibited by congress. This law hasn’t been overruled.

  4. Plessey vs. fergerson

  5. plessy vs. Ferguson • 1896, supreme court justice presiding was chief justice John Marshall. • This was the “ separate-but-equal” doctrine saying that blacks could be separate as long as they were equal facilities provide • This ruling was overturned in 1964

  6. Brown vs. board of education

  7. In may 17,1954,this supreme court case voted in the rulings to integrated schools. Voted unconstitutional • Violated 14th Amendment clause of equal protection. • the chief justice was Earl warren

  8. NAACP special counsul Thurgood MarshallMonroe School, Brown v. Board of Ed. NHS

  9. Bakke vs. California board of regents • June 28,1978 • Allan Bakke 1974, was turned down by university of California medical school twice because of his race. • He took his case to the supreme court and won. • Though the courts still did not view affirmative action unconstitutional. • This ruling by the court has not been overturned it is still active in our school system. • The chief Justice involved in this case was Warren E. Burger

  10. In 1973 • This supreme court cased ruled that state government could not regulate abortion during the first three months of pregnancy. • By supreme court chief justice Warren E. Burger

  11. Work sited page • McCulloch v. Maryland • The Oyez Project, McCulloch v. Maryland , 17 U.S. 316 (1819) available at: (http://oyez.org/cases/1792-1850/1819/1819_0) • (last visited Wednesday, December 23, 2009). • Bakke vs. California board of regents • <ahref="http://law.jrank.org/pages/9725/Regents-University-California-v-Bakke.html">Regents of the University of California v. Bakke - Further Readings</a> • (last visited Tuesday December 29,2009) http://www.bookrags.com/history/oregon-trail • (last visited Tuesday January 05,2010)

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