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Dynamic E-Learning Package for Safe Work Environment

Enhance training through dynamic virtual environments. Achieve safer workplaces with qualified training and blend e-learning with traditional methods for effective knowledge acquisition. Empower learners to take control of their training. Access courses 24/7, update knowledge, and advance professionally. Improve department performance with cost-effective, standardized training. The platform includes role-based access, detailed reports, and interactive multimedia tools. Messaging and tutoring features promote collaboration and individualized assistance.

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Dynamic E-Learning Package for Safe Work Environment

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  1. FireFight II E-Learning package

  2. Learners and training • Involvement • Everyindividualis a main actor of it’sown training. Learning in a dynamic and virtualenvironmentprovides the opportunity to achievethis goal effectively. • A saferworking • environment • Qualified training is the foundation • of anyworker’ssafeworking • environment.Ithelpsorganizations to • addresstheir due dilligence in risk management assesment.

  3. Blendedlearning E-learningis not meant to replace traditionnal training. It complementsit and is a fun way to aquireknowledge. The studentis the principal actorit’s training. Knowledge Content Teach Learn Train End user Student Training Teaching

  4. How to get trained in blended learning • Classroom training • Classicalmethod. Aimingat the knowledge and skills. • E-Learning • Through computer based training. Contributes to the aquisition and maintenance of knowledge and know-how. • Practical training • Performed by experiencedtrainers, aiming the know-how.

  5. E-learning for the organization E-learning for the learners • 24/7 availibility of the courses • Learning at own speed • Flexible theoretical training schedule • Knowledge updating • Professional advancement • Safer intervention • More time with family • Training Management records (annual reports and real-time monitoring) • Standardization of practical skills & competencies • Cost effectiveness • optimized trainer’s workload • Increases personnel retention (greater motivation) • Improves the performance of the department

  6. The platform The dashboardregroups all of a student or administrator’s training sessions : current, upcoming or closed. A session is a rolebasedaccess to a training content and group. Individual and adminitrative reports are availablewithin a training session.

  7. The content Getting the knowledgeisdonewith a combination of 3 multimediatools : text, images and animations, voice over. With simulations, the ability to thinkis put forward.

  8. Session’s reports • Everything a studentdoeswithin the training content istracked and recorded. • Thosetracked datas are used to produce reports. • Administrators have access to complete reports

  9. Messaging The messaging featureallowsudents and administratorswithin a session to send and receive messages

  10. Tutoring The tutoringfeaturesallowstudents to ask questions to the tutor of the session.

  11. Identify the disparities in a training group

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