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Introduction to Archie for authors and editors. In order to access Archie, you will need an individual user account. To request a user account, contact your Managing Editor. The Archie Interface.
Introduction to Archie for authors and editors
In order to access Archie, you will need an individual user account. To request a user account, contact your Managing Editor.
The Archie Interface At the top are three tabs that allow you to switch between the main sections of the System (Organizer, Resources, and Search)and a Quick Search box Beneath is a blue menu bar displaying the menus relevant to the selected tab.
The Organizer Tab The Organizer tab contains the Calendar and Messages systems. The Calendar can be used for entering events relevant to you or your Group. Events can either be personal or shared within your Group Under Messages, each user has a list of messages generated within the system
The Search Tab • The Search tab allows you to search Archie for people, entities, and documents • The results of your searches can be viewed, exported, or printed.
The Resources Tab • The Resources tab displays the Resources explorer • On the left is a tree view, which is used to navigate through the folders • On the right is a folder view showing the contents of the currently selected folder.
The Resources Tab Each person has a Properties sheet which provides contact information and other details. To open an individual’s Properties, double-click on the person’s name in the folder view or right-click and choose Properties. The People folder contains all the people affiliated with a Review Group and who are categorized by the role they play in the Group - their Entity role.
The Resources Tab The Module folder contains the Review Group’s module text
The Resources Tab The Reviews folder contains a listing of all your Group’s reviews. They are placed in subfolders in accordance to their stage, that is Vacant Title, Registered Title, Protocol, or Full Review.
In the subfolder view, moving from left to right, the columns show: Every review has a Properties sheet, which can be opened by double-clicking the title of the review in the Reviews folder or by right-clicking and choosing Properties The title of the review The Contact Author The review number The publication status which is indicated by various circular icons The availability of the review for check out (if you see the padlock icon it means that the review has been checked out by a user and is not available) Authoring or Editorial phase The date last modified The type of the review The review’s general status (Active, Withdrawn, or Inactive). The stage of the review
The review Properties sheet summarizes information about the review under the following tabs: General – Includes Title; Stage; overall Phase (Authoring versus Editorial); publication and modification information; availability for check out, and, if checked out, by whom. The Review’s property sheet
People – Indicates which people have been assigned specific Document roles in relation to the review. The Review’s property sheet
Topics – Shows where the review fits into the Group’s Topics list. The Review’s property sheet
History – Details the history of the review, listing the current and previous versions, with the most recent version at the top The Review’s property sheet
Advanced – Displays information about the review’s status (Active, Withdrawn, Inactive), Next Stage Expected, etc The Review’s property sheet
Notes – Can be used to create and read private or shared notes about a review. The Review’s property sheet
The Review Group’s Properties sheet Your Review Group has a Properties sheet, which you can open by right-clicking the name of the Group in the Resources tree view and choosing Properties. The Properties sheet provides basic information about the Group organized under the following tabs:
General – Contains contact details for the Group The Review Group’s Properties sheet
Support – Describes internal and external sources of financial support. The Review Group’s Properties sheet
Info – Provides information about when the Group was registered with the Collaboration; its Parent entity and the Publisher ID used to identify the Group’s reviews in The Cochrane Library The Review Group’s Properties sheet
Topics – Displays the Group’s Topics List and shows which reviews fall under each topic. The Review Group’s Properties sheet
The Review Group’s Topic List Your Group’s Topics List can also be viewed as a Report in Archie. To view the List, right-click the name of your Group in the Resources tree view and choose Reports > Topics List.
The viewer for this Report includes a number of unique options across the top, including Show reviews, Show authors, and Show links to The Cochrane Library, which you can tick to display additional information. You can also print the Topics List
The Review Group’s Publication Repot Archie produces Publication Reports for each Review Group, which can be viewed in Summary or Detailed form. To view your Group’s Report, right-click the name of your Group in the Resources tree view and choose Reports > Publication Report > Summary/Detailed.
The pull-down menu in the upper left of the viewer allows you to select any Issue of The Cochrane Library; the viewer will then display the Publication Report for that Issue. You can print the Summary or Detailed Publication Report by clicking the print icon button in the upper left corner of the viewer, or save a copy (in HTML format) using the download option
Reading your review in Archie To read your review in Archie, locate it in the Review folder or enter the title of your review in the Quick Search box in the upper right hand corner of the opening screen and click the icon
Reading your review in Archie To read the latest version of the review, right click on the title; choose View; click on Latest Version
Reading your review in Archie To read the older versions of the review double click the title to open its Properties; click the History tab; highlight the version to read and then click View
Comparing versions of reviews in Archie To compare the latest version with an earlier version or the protocol, open the review Properties (double-click on the title or right-click and choose Properties); go to History tab
Comparing versions of reviews in Archie The latest version will be highlighted by default; press Ctrl button + highlight version for comparison > click Compare
Comparing versions of reviews in Archie You can print or save this 'comparison' document using the icon buttons in the upper left corner of the viewing screen.
To edit a review, you will first need to check your review out of Archie. When you have finished editing your review, you need to check it back into Archie.
Checking the review from Archie to RevMan 5 To check out the review from Archie open RevMan 5; use File menu > Check out
Checking the review from Archie to RevMan 5 Highlight the review and then click OK
You can only check your review into Archie from RevMan 5 if the version you edited was checked out from Archie. After completing your edits, it is important that you check the review back in. The checked in draft will become the latest version. Previous versions will be retained.
Checking the review back in to Archie from RevMan 5 To check the review in to Archie from RevMan 5 use File menu > Check in to open the Check in Wizard
Checking the review back in to Archie from RevMan 5 • If this is a version for sharing with your review team, describe the version (e.g., ‘your name’ edits); click Finish • Send an email to your co-authors to let them know they can now view your version in Archie if they have a user account. If this is a version for submitting for editorial approval, describe the version (e.g., ‘your name’ edits); click Next
Checking the review back in to Archie from RevMan 5 Check ‘Submit for editorial approval’; click Next
Checking the review back in to Archie from RevMan 5 Check if all the tasks have been completed, click Next
Checking the review back in to Archie from RevMan 5 Enter text in the ‘Message to Cochrane Review Group’ box to communicate with your Managing Editor. This replaces a message you would otherwise have sent in an email. Click Finish.
Editing the contact details in Archie • Click your name on the upper right hand corner to reveal the Properties for your contacts record • Go to the General tab to view your contact details Click the edit button next to your address on the General tab
Editing the contact details in Archie When you click OK after editing your contact details, an automatic message will be sent to your Managing Editor to inform them of the edits you have made.
If you have any questions or problems when using Archie or accessing your reviews, please contact your Managing Editor