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CHEMISTRY 11th First Evaluation period ( August-September 2013) Teacher: Rocío Rosado

CHEMISTRY 11th First Evaluation period ( August-September 2013) Teacher: Rocío Rosado. Introduction to Chemistry Chemistry and Matter Scientific Methods Scientific Research Application: Painting Restoration Chem Lab: Data Analysis Mini Lab: Observation Skills

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CHEMISTRY 11th First Evaluation period ( August-September 2013) Teacher: Rocío Rosado

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHEMISTRY 11thFirst Evaluation period (August-September 2013)Teacher: RocíoRosado

  2. Introduction to Chemistry Chemistry and Matter Scientific Methods Scientific Research Application: Painting Restoration Chem Lab: Data Analysis Mini Lab: Observation Skills Project: Identify Water Source

  3. Units and Measurements Scientific Notation and Dimensional Analysis Uncertainty in Data Representing Data Toxicology: Assessing Health Risk Chem Lab: Forensics use Density to date a coin

  4. First Period Evaluation

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