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Additions to Teacher and Principal Evaluation. Panel Discussion Educators from the Evaluation Capacity Taskforce. July 31, 2013. Panelist.
Additions to Teacher and Principal Evaluation Panel Discussion Educators from the Evaluation Capacity Taskforce July 31, 2013
Panelist The panelists are three distinguished Idaho educators that have participated in the Principal Evaluation Focus Group in 2011-12 and the Evaluation Capacity Task Force in 2012-13. These teams reviewed current best practices and innovative research to inform needed additions to teacher and administrator evaluation. • Dr. Wiley Dobbs Superintendent, Twin Falls School District • Dr. N Shalene French Director of Human Resources, Bonneville, School District 93 • Dr. Becky Weller Meyer Principal, Sandpoint High School
http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/teacherEval/ • SDE Tools for Evaluation • Rubric • Professional Growth Plans • Etc. Idaho Standards for Effective Principals
Provide an overview of the path that led to the changes in evaluation and the responsibilities of aligning to the expectations of the ESEA Waiver, reviewing leading research and involving stakeholders input. Additionally, introduce standards for principal evaluation and the expected piloting of those standards. Superintendent Twin Falls School District Wiley Dobbs
Evaluation Capacity Task Force • Made up of superintendents, IASA Director, IEA President, ISBA representative, teachers, principals, district level administrators, SDE representatives • Charged to make recommendations for teacher and administrator evaluation requirements. The Task Force began meeting in late 2011. • Repeal of the Student Come First Laws, Idaho no longer met the minimum requirements of the ESEA Waiver Application • Committee reconvened last year: January 2013 • Task Force used research and survey results to form recommendations
Recommendations: Number of Evaluations: • once annually, no later than May 1st. • a minimum of two documented observations each year • at least one documented observation taking place prior to January 1st. • documented observation being completed by January 1st will insure that any teachers needing to be put on a performance plan of assistance are identified early enough in the school year to do so Number of Performance Levels Used in Evaluation • a minimum of three performance levels • Districts may choose to add an additional performance levels
Domain 1--School ClimateAn educational leader promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development. An educational leader articulates and promotes high expectations for teaching and learning while responding to diverse community interest and needs. Idaho Standards for Effective Principals • School Culture— Principal establishes a safe, collaborative, and supportive culture ensuring all students are successfully prepared to meet the requirements for tomorrow’s careers and life endeavors. • Communication— Principal is proactive in communicating the vision and goals of the school or district, the plans for the future, and the successes and challenges to all stakeholders. • Advocacy— Principal advocates for education, the district and school, teachers, parents, and students that engenders school support and involvement.
Domain 2--Collaborative LeadershipAn educational leader promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment. In collaboration with others, uses appropriate data to establish rigorous, concrete goals in the context of student achievement and instructional programs. He or she uses research and/or best practices in improving the education program. • Shared Leadership— Principal fosters shared leadership that takes advantage of individual expertise, strengths, and talents, and cultivates professional growth. • Priority Management— Principal organizes time and delegates responsibilities to balance administrative/managerial, educational, and community leadership priorities. • Transparency— Principal seeks input from stakeholders and takes all perspectives into consideration when making decisions. • Leadership Renewal— Principal strives to continuously improve leadership skills through, professional development, self-reflection, and utilization of input from others. • Accountability— Principal establishes high standards for professional, legal, ethical, and fiscal accountability self and others
Domain 3--Instructional LeadershipAn educational leader promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. He or she provides leadership for major initiatives and change efforts and uses research and/or best practices in improving the education program. • Innovation— Principal seeks and implements innovative and effective solutions that comply with general and special education law. • Instructional Vision— Principal insures that instruction is guided by a shared, research-based instructional vision that articulates what students do to effectively learn the subject. • High Expectations— Principal sets high expectation for all students academically, behaviorally, and in all aspects of student well-being. • Continuous Improvement of Instruction— Principal has proof of proficiency in assessing teacher performance based upon the Danielson Framework for Teaching. Aligns resources, policies, and procedures toward continuous improvement of instructional practice guided by the instructional vision. • Evaluation— Principal uses teacher evaluation and other formative feedback mechanisms to continuously improve teacher effectiveness. • Recruitment and Retention— Principal recruits and maintains a high quality staff.
2013-14 Pilot for Principal EvaluationTwo Options Option ONE: • Align current district principal evaluation to the Idaho Standards for Effective Principals (ISEP) • Provide feedback to the SDE in systematic format, if requested.
2013-14 Pilot for Principal EvaluationTwo Options OPTION TWO: • Align current district principal evaluation to the Idaho Standards for Effective Principals (ISEP) • Pilot one or more of the SDE principal evaluation tools that support the Idaho Standards for Effective Principals Rubric Evaluation Calendar Self-assessment Professional Learning Plan Midyear Conference Administrator Site Visit Feedback Form • Provide feedback to the SDE in systematic format, if requested.
Multiple Measures to Consider When Measuring School Leaders • Professional growth and learning • Student growth and achievement • School planning and progress • School culture • Professional qualities and instructional leadership • Stakeholder support and engagement
Professional Growth & Learning • Principal self-reflection and professional growth plan • Participation in professional development trainings within the state and/or district • Attendance at national professional association conferences and development of portfolio artifacts
Student Growth and Achievement • Is a strong instructional leader, understands and can identify what good instruction should look like • Developed a strong leadership team • Distributed some responsibilities among members of the leadership team with the appropriate work • Schoolwide student achievement and/or student growth
Student Growth and Achievement Cont. • Portfolio of artifacts • Formative and summative teacher-administered test data • Work sample scores Benchmark assessments • Use of rubrics • Attendance rates • Discipline referrals • Graduation rates • Participation in school clubs and activities • ACT/SAT scores • Advanced placement scores • Scholarships • Special recognitions and accomplishments
School Planning and Progress • School Improvement Plan implementation data • Principal self-reports • Teacher and staff questionnaires • District records • Teacher and staff interviews and focus groups
School Culture • School climate surveys of faculty and staff • Student, parent, community stakeholder, teacher and staff interviews • Observations • Recruitment and retention of faculty and students
School Culture cont. • Stakeholder participation in school activities, clubs or functions • Stakeholder involvement in other school or community events • Appropriate student behaviors • Attendance rates • News clippings and other mentions in media and school publications
Professional Qualities and Instructional Leadership • Portfolio artifacts of principal performance aligned to state, district or national professional standards • The degree to which a principal achieved goals from the previous year’s professional growth plan • Observations of principal practice • Providing actionable feedback to teachers to improve practice • 360-degree surveys of faculty, staff and evaluators • Self-reflections from principals
Stakeholder Support & Engagement • Student, faculty, district staff, parent and community stakeholder surveys, interviews or focus groups • Awards and local school recognitions • Newsletters or media broadcasts or other communication feedback measures, and district observations
Becky Meyer Discuss the percentage of evaluation based on professional practice and growth of student achievement. In addition, participants will be provided information to support the multiple measures for educator evaluation. Principal of Sandpoint High School
Percentage of evaluation based on professional practice • 67% of a teacher’s and principal’s evaluation would be based on Professional Practice. • For teachers, all measures included in the Professional Practice portion of the evaluation must be aligned to the Danielson Framework. • The measures included within the Professional Practice portion of the evaluation shall include: • A minimum of two documented observations annually with the first observation being completed by January 1st, • At least one of the following measures: parent/guardian input, student input or portfolios.
Examples of Multiple Measures within Professional Practice and Danielson Framework • Formative assessments included throughout lesson(s) progression • Teacher uses daily formative assessments to measure learning targets • Professional Learning Plans • Teacher uses Student Learning Objectives or Student Learning Goals • 1c • Selecting Instructional Outcomes • 1f • Designing Student Assessments • 1d • Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources • 1b • Demonstrating Knowledge of Students • Lessons/Lesson Plans are differentiated to meet all students needs • Teacher takes specific course to increase his knowledge of new curriculum
Examples of Multiple Measures within Professional Practice and Danielson Framework • Provides students surveys throughout expected learning outcomes • After self-reflection, the teacher recognizes that his understanding of __ is limited and seeks support to improve • 4a • Reflecting on Teaching • 4a • Reflecting on Teaching • 4c • Communicating with Families • 4b • Maintaining Accurate Records • Parent surveys • Profession Learning Goal to create webpage to make available for parents to access anytime • Maintains current grades on webpage for parents and students
Top of Page Free Secondary & Elementary Student Surveys Bottom of Page
Student Achievement • 33% of Student Achievement will be included in all evaluations of instructional staff • Growth in student achievement optional measure for all other school and district based staff • Districts may choose to use both current and previous year’s data for 33% of student achievement • New teachers-principals may work with that teacher to develop student growth goals or Student Learning Objectives for the teacher’s students
Example of Multiple Measures to Measure Student Achievement • A portion of Idaho’s Statewide Test • Student Learning Goals • Student Learning Objectives • District Determined Measures • Interim Assessments • Formative Assessments
Teacher EvaluationMultiple Measures for Nontested Grades and Subjects District-Determined Measures
Measuring student learning growth, not just achievement. • Improved student performance is a more meaningful and fair basis for determining the trends and patterns that will yield the educator’s rating of impact on student learning, growth and achievement • Measures of growth, measure a student’s change over time. Ask the question, “How much has this student improved relative to where he or she started from?” • Obviously, all of these measures must have baseline data in order to assess growth.
Multiple Years or Measures • An educator’s impact on student learning should not be determined on a: • single year of data, or a • single measure of student learning. • Should be based on trend over time, preferably at least two years. • It should reflect a pattern in the results of multiple tests.
Direct Measures of Student Learning • Formative • Interim • Unit pre- and post-assessments in specific subjects • Mid-year • Assessments of growth based on performances and/or portfolios of student work judged against a common scoring rubric • End-of-course • Progress monitoring
Other Direct Measures Social, Emotional, or Behavioral Learning • Only when teaching such skills as an explicit and central component of the curriculum for which an educator bears instructional responsibility.
Indirect Measures of Student Learning Do not measure student growth in a specific content area or domain of social-emotional learning but do measure the consequences of that learning. Naming a Few: Changes in promotion and graduation rates Attendance and tardiness rates Rigorous course-taking pattern rates College course matriculation and course remediation rates Discipline referral and other behavior rates
Evaluators and Proficiency in Assessment All certificated administrators must provide evidence of proficiency in evaluative observation with assessment that is approved by the State Department of Education as a onetime recertification requirement prior to September 1, 2018. Idaho Department of Education will purchase the license for Certificated Administrators to participate in the Teachscape online learning for the 2013-14 SY
2013-14 SY- Certified School Administrators will have the option to participate in Teachscape Online Learning -Teachscape Focus for Observers Online Learning and Observer Proficiency Assessment • Why use Teachscape • Only psychometrically tested, research-based approach to developing and testing the proficiency of observers. • Available online and participants can work on it individually. • It supports evaluators in making accurate, reliable, consistent, and defensible judgments of teaching practice based on Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. • It provides districts with a complete online training and testing the proficiency of observers in The Framework for Teaching using Master scored benchmark videos. • When? • Licenses will be available September 2013 How will this be communicated? • Email to superintendents, Superintendent Newsletter, SDE Website
There will be regionalprofessional development presented on assessment literacy and measuring student growth in nontested grades and subject during the 2013-14 SY
Shalene French Explain the expectations for evaluators and their proficiency in evaluation. Also, a review concerning the districts responsibility in providing ongoing training and professional development in maintaining proficiency of evaluators and how Bonneville School District provides this PD. Director of Human Resources Bonneville School District 93
Who can perform observations? • In addition to certificated administrators being able to perform formative observations, districts may choose to allow peer teachers to perform formative observations-only. • The results of that observation may be used in the overall summative evaluation. • Any peer that is authorized to perform observations must be trained in evaluation and must have completed the same proficiency assessment being required of all certificated administrators.
Proficiency Assessment and Ongoing Professional Development for Evaluators • As mentioned above, all certificated administrators must provide evidence of proficiency in evaluative observation with assessment that is approved by the State Department of Education as a onetime recertification requirement prior to September 1, 2018. • In addition, districts must provide ongoing training and professional development on an annual basis to evaluators in the districts evaluation standards, tool and process.
IDAPA 08 02 020120 Teacher EvaluationIDAPA 08 02 020121 Principal Evaluation • “Fair and consistent basis” • “shall receive training in evaluation”
Initial Proficiency in Evaluative Observation Training • Teachscape online learning • 20-40 Hours • State Supported 2013-14
District Responsibility to Provide Ongoing Professional Development • Consider • How to provide calibration of district teacher evaluation? • How to prevent “evaluator drift?” • How to insure inter-rater reliability? • How to provide interpretation of the rubric and proficiency level of elements? • Consider paired observation • Evaluators may include Central Office Personnel
District’s Responsibility to offer Ongoing Evaluator PD • An example of ongoing training and professional development on an annual basis to evaluators, used to assure evaluator capacity and proficiency. • Bonneville’s efforts in assuring evaluators are proficient in observation and evaluation. • Data that supports improved instructional practices
Bonneville School District uses the Jordan Performance Appraisal System to assess teacher effectiveness. This instrument measures: Classroom Management; Delivering Instruction; Interacting with Students; Planning; and Professional Growth and Responsibilities • Ensure the valid and reliable monitoring of teacher performance • Facilitate reflection and professional development • Address the needs of educators whose performance is inadequate or in need of improvement
Bonneville School District 93 Administrator Must Complete training in order to accurately conduct teacher evaluations:
Monitoring To maintain the validity and reliability of the system the following monitoring is done: • Annual review of all evaluations completed by an administrator in comparison to other administrators in the District • Annual review of the performance of educators to identify potential changes needed in indicators or norms of the instrument • At least once every four years an inter-rater reliability check will be completed on each administrator. This means some educators will have an independent evaluator complete two observations in their classroom. The results of these observations will not be reported to the teacher.