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SIDDHARTA2 and AMADEUS physics. Catalina Curceanu LNF – INFN, Frascati LNF-INFN, LEANNIS meeting, 8-9 April 2010. DAFNE UPGRADE, 2008. SIDDHARTA measurements. 1) Kaonic helium4 2) Kaonic helium3 3) Kaonic hydrogen 4) Exploratory kaonic deuterium. DAFNE 2012?. KLOE setup.
SIDDHARTA2 and AMADEUS physics Catalina Curceanu LNF – INFN, Frascati LNF-INFN, LEANNIS meeting, 8-9 April 2010
SIDDHARTA measurements 1) Kaonic helium42) Kaonic helium33) Kaonic hydrogen4) Exploratory kaonic deuterium
DAFNE 2012? KLOE setup
SIDDHARTA2 opportunity: Frascati, December 17, 2009 prot. n. 0002779-09To: Siddharta Collaboration From: Accelerator Division Object: New Siddharta Run The Siddharta Collaboration kindly asked to examine the possibility of a new Siddharta Run in Dafne. We have studied the best scenario trying to optimize the: - Compatibility with the Kloe Experiment - Flexibility in switching between Kloe and Siddharta - Maximum reuse of the present hardware The solution we consider consists in installing the present Siddharta Interaction Region in the Finuda (and Dear) IR, without the existing Permanent Magnet Final Doublets (PM-FD) that are reused for the Kloe IR. Such installation can be performed in the Dafne Shut-Down at the beginning of 2011 (roughly after 10months of Kloe data taking), when Kloe will be upgraded. In such way the installation will be completely transparent to the Kloe Experiment in terms of down-time and machine performances for Kloe, since the optic will be unchanged.
SIDDHARTA2 opportunity: For the Siddharta Run we have to reinstall the Siddharta Detectorand the PM-FD. The DA will purchase them since we do not want to touch the Kloe-IR. Siddharta will run with the Kloe Detector Off and probably with the Kloe-Solenoid On (to be analyzed) like the Dear Run. Overall Dafne performances for Siddharta should be similar to the present ones. At the end of the run the PM-FD will be removed and Kloe can resume operations without any other hardware modifications. The overall cost for the necessary hardware (mainly the PM-FD) will be about 350KEuro. The impact on the Kloe Experiment will be limited to the duration of the Siddharta Run when Kloe will not take data. Overall we can state that if the INFN would like to pursuit such scenario, there is a relatively straightforward solution. Best Regards, Pantaleo Raimondi
SIDDHARTA2 SIDDHARTA2:1) Kaonic deuterium measurement2) Investigate the possibility of the measurement of other types of hadronic exotic atoms (sigmonic hydrogen ?)3) Kaonic helium transitions to the 1s level and light kaonic atoms (KO)4) Other heavy kaonic atoms measurement (Si, Pb…)5) Kaon mass precision measurement at the level of <10 keV6) Kaon capture in hydrogen – L(1405) study7) Other ideas???
SIDDHARTA2 SIDDHARTA2 – with SDD detectors:1) Kaonic deuterium measurement- needs background reduction (many ideas…)2) Investigate the possibility of the measurement of other types of hadronic exotic atoms (sigmonic hydrogen ?)-> Shinji (Koike and Ito) ideas – MCarlo to optimize conditions3) Kaonic helium transitions to the 1s level and other light kaonic atoms - needs new SDD electronics (to arrive at 30-40 keV)
SIDDHARTA2 SIDDHARTA2 with detecrtors able to arrive in the range of few hundreds keV:4) Other heavy kaonic atoms measurement (Si, Pb…)5) Kaon mass precision measurement at the level of <10 keV
Mail from Nick Solomey 5 February 2010 (co-spokesman of MIPP) The MIPP upgrade is planned and underway and the charged Kaon mass is to be part of it. Right now we are rebuilding our magnetic and electronics improvements. Last yea Fermilab had 80,000$ for us and this year 250,000$. We will not have any beam time until the collider shuts down and that is two more years away. But, Fermilab is giving us more money next year with over a million planned to get up operational. Keep in mind the old experiment had a 60 Hz limit due to the TPC electronic. The new experiment is 10,000 Hz TPC electronics and all drift chamber readout upgrade to match that. Plus the beam optics should be improved to make a nicer beam. The RICH will have automatic pressure controls and the two central mirrors improved. So hope this helps. Nick
Setup for solid targets Which detectors? Ge, CsI, CdZnTe???
SIDDHARTA2 SIDDHARTA2 – MeV detectors:6) Kaon capture in hydrogen – L(1405) study7) Other ideas???
AMADEUS AntikaonicMatterAtDAFNE: anExperimentUnravelingSpectroscopy
The scientific case of the so-called “deeply bound kaonic nuclear states” is hotter than ever, both in the theoretical (intensive debate) and experimental sectors. What emerges is the strong need for a complete experimental study of the scientific case, i.e. a clear and clean experiment (so without the need to make hypothesis on involved physics processes), measuring kaonic clusters both in formation and in the decay processes. AMADEUS’s main aim is to perform the first full acceptance, high precision measurement of DBKNS both in formation and in the decay processes, by implementing the KLOE detector with an inner AMADEUS-dedicated setup, containing a cryogenic target and a trigger system (and an inner tracker in a second phase), Either situations: EXISTENCE or NON-EXISTENCE of the deeply bound kaonic nuclear clusters will have strong impact in kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics!!!
Experimental programmeAMADEUS (1) - study of the (most) fundamental antikaon deeply bound nuclear systems, the kaonic dibaryon states: ppK- and (pnK-) produced in a 3He gas target, in formation and decay processes - as next step, the kaonic 3-baryon states: ppnK- and pnnK- produced in a 4He gas target, in formation and decay processes - Measure heavier targets (which?)
Experimental programmeAMADEUS (2) • Low-energy charged kaon cross sections and interactions on H, d, Helium(3 and 4), for K- momentum lower than 100 MeV/c (missing today); • The K- nuclear interactions in Helium reactions (poorly known – based on one paper from 1970 …) • Properties of L(1116) and chargedS– for example decays in channels with neutrino -> astrophysics implications (cooling of compact stars) • Resonance states as the elusive-in-nature but so important L(1405) or the S(1385)could be better understood with high statistics; their behaviour in the nuclear mediumcan be studied too. Excellent feasibility test – analyses of the KLOE datato be continued and enriched in present KLOE2 run (which can be considered as AMADEUS-step0!)
Experimental programmeAMADEUS (3) – hypernuclear physics? • we can see normal Lambda hypernuclei with pi- in formation with better resulution and statistics • we can see hypernuclei with pi0 in formation phase (so accessing hypernuclei not seen with FINUDA) • going to hypernuclei with really light targets • try to get some Sigma hypernuclei • Else? Could be tried with KLOE data?
DAFNE represents an unique opportunity to study in a complete way the kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics at low energy
AMADEUS –version 2 Tracking device: TPC-GEM or 3-4 C-GEMs Kaon trigger: Scint. fibers with SiPMs Target system: cylindrical cryogenic cell in vacuum chamber