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Decision Analysis. Ultimate objective of all engineering analysis Uncertainty always exist, hence satisfactory performance not guaranteed More conservative design reduces risk Same design SF for all? Component vs. System Risk Proper tradeoff between risk and investment.
Decision Analysis • Ultimate objective of all engineering analysis • Uncertainty always exist, hence satisfactory performance not guaranteed • More conservative design reduces risk • Same design SF for all? • Component vs. System Risk • Proper tradeoff between risk and investment
Solution by Calculus • Set up objective function where ’s are decision variables • From solution to yields optimal values of decision variables
Contractor – submit a bid(Example 2.1) Bid Ratio, R =
To determine optimal bid and optimal R • Establish the objective function
h? Cofferdam for construction of Bridge Pier (2 yrs)(Example 2.2)
h? Information • Floods occur according to Poisson process with mean rate of 1.5/yr • Elevation of each flood – exponential with mean 5 feet • Each overtopping loss due to pumping + delay = $25,000 • Construction cost,
E (loss of flood) Expected damage cost, C
Total Cost = 8.05 ft
Cost as Functions of cofferdam elevation above normal water level 8.05
Limitation of this Approach • Objective function may not be continuous function of decision variables • Alternatives may be discrete e.g. dam for flood control (height, location, other schemes) • Consequences may be more than monetary costs • Alternative may include acquiring new information before final decision • Should we acquire or not?
Pump System (100/120 gal/min) Q = 95 or 120 gal/min? Bentonite Seal Seepage under the Embankment (Example 2.4) Cooling Lake Embankment
95 120 95 120 Decision tree for seepage problem Q1(0.9) Pump System A (100) Add Pump System C Q2(0.1) Pump System B (120) Q1(0.9) Q2(0.1) Seal
Alternatives Uncertainties Consequences Decision Tree Model Decision Node Chance Node
Example 2.17 Click to enlarge
Example 2.17 Click to enlarge
Decision Criteria • Pessimistic Minimize max loss Install • Optimistic Maximize max gain Not Install
3. Maximum EMV (Expected Monetary Value) E(I) = 0.1x(-2000)+0.9x(-2000) = -2000 E(II) = 0.1x(-10000)+0.9x(0) =-1000
Spillway Decisions Alternatives Capital Cost Annual OMR Cost • No Change 0 0 • Lengthening spillway 1.04M 0 • Plus lowering crest, installing 1.30M 0 flashboard • Plus considerable crest lowering, 3.90M 0 installing radial gates • 50years service; Discount rate 6%
Spillway Decisions Summary of Annual Costs (in Dollars) Total Annual Cost =Capital Cost x crf (i,n) +Annual DMR Cost +Expected Risk Cost (annual)
Discount factors Given A to find P: Given P to find A: Where i = int. rate per period n= no. of periods
E2.11 Spillway Design Risk Cost
EH 0.7 A (small) 0 -100 -50 -20 EL 0.3 EH 0.7 B (large) EL 0.3 Hence, A is the optimal alternative. Ex. 2.6 Prior Analysis E(A) = 0.7 x 0 + 0.3 x (-100) = -30 E(B) = 0.7 x (-50) + 0.3 x (-20) = -41
Lab. Model test on Efficiency (Cost $10,000) will indicate: HR (high rating) MR (medium rating) LR (Low rating) HR 0.8 HR 0.1 If EH MR 0.15 If EL MR 0.2 LR 0.05 LR 0.7 e.g. If the process is actually high efficiency (EH), then the probability that the test will indicate HR is 0.8.
EH 0.95 A (small) -10 -110 -60 -30 EL 0.05 EH 0.95 B (large) EL 0.05 Suppose the test indicate HR Test HR
> 30 good news Suppose the test indicate HR • Similarly, P(EL|HR) = 0.05 • E(A|HR) =0.95x(-10)+0.05x(-110) = -15 • E(B|HR) =0.95x(-10)+0.05x(-110) = -58.5
EH 0.637 A (small) -10 -110 -60 -30 EL 0.363 EH 0.637 B (large) EL 0.363 < -30 Suppose the test indicate MR • E(A|MR) = -46.3 • E(B|MR) = -49.1 Test MR
< -30 Suppose the test indicate LR • E(A|LR) = -95.7 • E(B|LR) = -34.3 Only if the test showed HR, saved money; otherwise, more money with test
Should test be performed? Preposterior analysis E(Test) =0.59x(-15)+ 0.165 x(-46.3)+0.245 x(-34.3) = -24.86 Better than -30 (without test)
Procedure for Preposterior Analysis • Determine updated probabilities using Bayes Theorem; • Sub-tree analysis –Identify optimal alternative and maximum utility; • Determine the best alternative in the next decision node (to the left); • If Experimental alternative is optimal, wait for experimental outcome and select corresponding optimal alternative.
Subtree B Subtree C Procedure for Preposterior Analysis B C
EMV of test alternative excluding test cost EMV of optimal alternative without Test Value of Information (VI) • VI = E(T) – E( ) VI = (-24.86 + 10) – (- 30) = 15.14 (max. paid for that specific Test)
Suppose someone comes up with a better test, say cost 25,000, but doesn’t know that exact reliability, should the test be performed?
VPI = E(PT) - E( ) P(EH0) = P(EH0|EH) P(EH) + P(EH0|EL) P(EL) = 1 x 0.7 + 0 x 0.3 = 0.7 E(PT) = 0.7 x 0 + 0.3 x (-20) = -6 VPI = -6 – (-30) = 24 Max. that should be paid for any information
Sensitivity Analysis • If the probability estimates are off by +10%, would the alternative previously chosen be still optimal? Method 1: Repeat analysis with several values of p Method 2: Determine value of probability p that decision is switched
EH p A 0 -100 -50 -20 EL 1-p EH p B EL 1-p E(A) = p x 0 + (1-p) x (-100) E(B) = p x (-50) + (1-p) x (-20)
VI VPI Sensitivity of Decision to Probability p<0.62 • E(B) >E(A) P>0.62 • E(B) <E(A) E(PT) =px0+(1-p)(-20) = -20(1-p) E(T)
Levee Elevation Decision • Annual max. Flood Level: median 10, c.o.v. 20% • Cost of construction:a1: $ 2 million a2: $ 2.5 million • Service Life: 20 years • Average annual damage cost due to inadequate protection: $ 2 million
E(C)=10.594 2x10.594 pwf (20yrs, 7%) 2.731 2.641 Levee Elevation Decision • Annual max. Flood Level: median 10, c.o.v. 20% H=10’ H=14’ H=16’
Value of Perfect Information Max. Amount to be paid for verifying type of distribution of annual flood level • E(CPI) = 0.5x2.699 +0.5x2.482 = 2.59 • VPI = 2.614–2.59 = $ 0.024 M
Consider a Game 0 10 ¢ 5 ¢ 0 $1 $0.5 0 $100 $ 50 0 $100M $ 50M 0.5 • E(A) = 0.5 x 0 + 0.5 x 10¢ = 5 ¢ • E(B) = 1.0 x 5 ¢ = 5 ¢ A 0.5 1.0 B EMV criteria may not be applicable We need something else!
EUV criteria • Expected Utility Value • Definition: EUV is the true value to a decision maker with which he/she can make a proper decision based on the relative utility value.
Risk aversive Utility function of monetary value u(d) Risk Indifferent dollars
Maximum Expected Utility Criterion (EUV) If all consequences expressed in monetary terms:
Example u(d) dollars • E( )= 0.1u (-2000)+0.9 u(-2000) = = -1.49 • E( )= 0.1u (-10000)+0.9 u(0) =0.1x( ) +0.9x( ) = -1.64 -2000 -2000 -10000 0 0 -1