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Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive ions Beams GSI Large Acceptance Dipole

Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive ions Beams GSI Large Acceptance Dipole R 3 B - Glad Status Bernard Gastineau DSM Irfu, CEA Saclay R3B Technical Board Meeting GSI April 27, 2009. Magnet design : Cold Mass new design Cryostat new design Experimental area Fabrication of the magnet

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Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive ions Beams GSI Large Acceptance Dipole

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  1. Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive ions Beams GSI Large Acceptance Dipole R3B-Glad Status Bernard GastineauDSM Irfu, CEA Saclay R3B Technical Board Meeting GSI April 27, 2009 - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  2. Magnet design : Cold Mass new design Cryostat new design Experimental area Fabrication of the magnet Schedule R3B - Large acceptance dipole magnet - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  3. Large acceptance dipole Last coil configuration – 5.2 tons The six trapezoidal racetrack coils are tilted with respect to the beam direction. There are two main coils and four lateral coils which are connected in series in a butterfly-like shape. - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  4. Large acceptance dipole Cold mass Previous design Aluminium 20 tons 3.1 m (length) x 4.6 m (width) x 2.8 m (height) - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  5. Large acceptance dipole Magnet Cryostat Previous design Overall size : - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  6. Large acceptance dipole Cold Mass New design Helium tank Cooling pipes Linking plate Total weight 22 tons 3.5 m (length) x 4.8 m (width) x 2.5 m (height) - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  7. Large acceptance dipole Cold Mass New design Helium tank Fixed support Mobile support - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  8. Cryostat study Many parts of reinforcements - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  9. Large acceptance dipole Magnet Cryostat New design Global thickness = 15 mm 50 mm 30 mm - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  10. Large acceptance dipole Loads: Cryostat weight Cold mass weight ~ 25 tonsPressure = 0.1 MPa Buckling analysis External vacuum vessel Total strain < 4.5 mm - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  11. Large acceptance dipole Handling of the whole Magnet Total weight : Cold mass + Cryostat Internal vacuum vessel Total strain ~ 1.2 mm max External vacuum vessel Total strain ~ 1.5 mm - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  12. Large acceptance dipole - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  13. Experimental area (not final) Geb #6b (Low-Energy cave) Geb #6 (High-Energy cave) Geb #6a (Betriebsgebäude) CR/NESR Source GSI-FAIR Janvier 2009 - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  14. To install the magnet in the hall, we need in particular : - Precise location of power lines, control and power cabinets, this should be define now to prepare the order of the power supply. - Precise location of cryogenic lines and feed-box, the same lines could be used for the tests at Saclay. - System of rotation of the magnet on air-pads (~ 50 tons), Bertin company give the advice to install a fixed axis linked to the magnet, coupled with a mirror resin floor. Large acceptance dipole Experimental area - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  15. R3B-GLAD Control room - Power supply - Magnet Control System Large acceptance dipole This location must be approved permanently - on the right side - Power supply : lines < 50 m - Local MCS < 10 m to the magnet - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  16. Large acceptance dipole Fabrication of the magnet Cold mass (coil winding + coil casings + integration of coils in their casings) : - the thermo-mechanical study is completed at the nominal level of forces - consequences of default values of coil positions have been studied - the cold mass has been ordered in January and is now under construction - The cold mass cooling calculations are underway in 3D, being updated with new parameters. Due to the presence of eddy currents, the time necessary to establish the nominal current (~4000 A) could be longer than expected. Cryostat (Vacuum vessel + thermal screens + satellite + supports) The Cryostat study is under progress, and a PRR review will be organised next month. The interfaces with the hall and the experiments are now defined by some features recently decided : - for ex., the satellite position will be changed and placed on the right side. For this, we have already modify the joints in the cold mass drawings. - The entrance and the exit flanges of the of the vacuum vessel windows are now fixed. - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  17. Large acceptance dipole ScheduleAnswers to the Cold Mass call for tender are waited this week Station d’essai - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  18. The R3B-GLAD magnet construction 1) Superconducting cable definition: June 2006 2) Reception of the first cable from the manufacture: June 2007 3) Complete delivery & test of the cable: April 2008 4) Cold mass design study (thermal, magnetic & mechanical): June 2008 5) R3B-GLAD set-up interface definition: Quarter 4, 2008 6) First coil winding: 2nd quarter 2009 7) First integration of the six coils in the cold mass: 1st quarter 2010 8) Cold-mass tests in Saclay: 2nd quarter 2010 9) Second integration of the complete magnet: end of 2010 10) End of full test in Saclay: 3rd quarter 2011 11) Installation at GSI/FAIR: end of 2011 Large acceptance dipole - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  19. As previously decided : - Power lines and power supply. - Cryogenic lines and Feed-box to connect GLAD to FAIR - System of rotation of the magnet on air-pads, and Specific floor - Vacuum pumping system Moreover CEA Irfu is asking for the funding of : - Magnetic measurements, and tests at Saclay, If they are required because of the FAIR delay. Large acceptance dipole R3B Collaboration Funding - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  20. - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  21. - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  22. - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

  23. Tests of the delivered SC cable lengths - OK After cold mass complete design, finalisation of cryostat study Engineering design review Call for tender and ordering to the industry of : the winding & impregnation of the coils, the coil casing fabrication, and the integration in the cold boxes Ordering of the cryostat Assembly and local test of the MSS - Bernard GASTINEAU - R3B Technical Board Meeting -

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